HS ABTA TEST PAPER 2024 Page 144 HS ABTA Page 144 CLASS 12 ABTA PAGE 144

 HS ABTA TEST PAPER 2024 Page 144

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 HS ABTA  Page 144


ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  


(i) Where did the Tsar fall asleep? 

Ans :The Tsar fell asleep on  the threshold of hermit's hut.

(ii) What did Kalam's father use to avoid?

Ans :Kalam's father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries.

(iii) Who will receive the girl at Saharanpur? 

Ans :The girl's aunt will receive the girl at Saharanpur.

(iv) Why did Roger try to steal Mrs. Jones's Pocket book? 

Ans : Roger tried to steal Mrs. Jones's Pocket book because he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

(v) What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him? 

Ans :When the Tsar came to visit hermit ,he was digging ground in front of his hut.

(vi) When and where did Roger and Mrs Jones meet? 

Ans : Roger and Mrs Jones met at 11 O'clock at night on a street.

(vii) What kind a family did Kalam belong to?

Ans :Kalam belonged to a middle class Tamil family.

(viii) What were the eyes of the narrator sensitive to in "The Eyes Have It"?

Ans :In "The Eyes Have It" ,the eyes of the narrator were sensitive to light and darkness.


(i) From where would curled green twigs rise?

Ans :Curled green twigs would  rise from the bleeding bark  close to the ground.

 (ii) Why is the soldier pale in "Asleep In the valley"? 

Ans: In "Asleep In the valley" the soldier is  pale because he is dead.


In "Asleep In the valley" ,death makes the soldier pale.

(iii) How is the gold complexion of the sun dimmed? 

Ans : The gold complexion of the sun is dimmed by clouds.

(iv) Which season does the grasshopper celebrate?

Ans :The grasshopper celebrates the season of Summer.

 (v) To whom does the poet plead to keep the soldier warm? 

Ans :The poet pleads nature to keep the soldier warm.

(vi) From where can the cricket's voice be heard? 

Ans ; The cricket's voice can be heard from the stove.

(vii) What is meant by "Summer's lease hath all too short a date". 

Ans: "Summer's lease hath all too short a date" means the duration of summer is very brief.

(viii) How does the 'Strength of the tree' get exposed?

Ans: The 'Strength of the tree' gets exposed when the tree is pulled out entirely from the earth cave.

ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

4. (a) Do as directed:1×6-6

(i) But thy eternal summer shall not fade. (Make it affirmative). 

Ans : But thy eternal summer shall remain unfade.

(ii) The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie. (Split into simple sentences). 

Ans :The man  had entered the compartment .He broke into my reverie.

(iii) "We'll soon be at your station" I said to the girl. (Turn into indirect speech).

Ans :I told  the girl that we would soon be at her station.

(iv) The most important thing in the world was science. (Change into positive degree). 

Ans : No other thing in the world was as important as science.

(v) You have already been answered. (Change the voice). 

Ans : Someone has already answered you.

(vi) A soldier, very young, lies open mouthed (Turn into a complex Sentence).

Ans:A soldier who is very young lies open mouthed .

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions: 1x6=3 

My parents were widely regarded as  an  ideal couple, My mother's lineage was the more distinguished, one  of her forebears having been bestowed the title  of Bahadur by the British.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below :

If could be a fascinated game.

[Options: fascination /fascinate/ fascinating]

Ans :If could be a fascinating game.

6. (a) Write a report on the Annual function of your school which was held recently. 2+8=10

Or, (b) Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your grave concern about cyber crimes and how children are getting affected by it.

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title to it :

Language is for the benefit of others. We do not converse with ourselves. Our choice of words depends on the comprehension level of the other person, so that he she understands what we are trying to communicate.Be careful in your choice of words as bad communication can end relationships. Your should come to the point straightway without beating about the bush. Be clear about what you want to communicate and then speak. A scattered mind beats to unnecessary use of words. Your are evaluated on the basis of what and how you speak. Do not use words that reflect anger or arrogance. By mere words alone, you can make friends or enemies. Your words will be remembered for a long time; So you should not use malicious words. Whenever your meet someone, honour him with your words.


The Power of Words in Effective Communication

Language serves others, not just ourselves. Word choice adapts to others' comprehension levels for effective communication, as clarity prevents misunderstandings that can harm relationships. Directness, avoiding unnecessary words, and maintaining respect in speech are crucial, as words shape impressions and can lead to lasting effects on relationships.

ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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