Preparation of Bread, Making of Bread

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Study the following flowchart and describe 'How Bread is made' (within 100 words) using the following points:                   

[Points: Flour, salt, yeast, water weighed - mixed up - dough prepared - cut into one pound pieces - rolled and shaped - baked for 20-30 minutes - sliced-wrapped in paper - ready for the market.]

Preparation of Bread

Bread is a universally consumed food item found across the globe. It is a very interesting matter to know how bread is prepared. Preparation of bread involves various stages. It can be made easily in the bakery. Bread is prepared with four main ingredients. They are flour, yeast, salt and water. At first, all these four ingredients are weighed and mixed properly. Then the mixture turns into a dough. Then the dough is cut into one pound pieces. Next, they are rolled and shaped. After that they are put into an oven and baked for 20 to 30 minutes. After baking the bread is cut into slices. The slices are then wrapped in paper. Finally, the bread is ready for sale in the market
