Preparation of 'Lemon Squash'


Preparation of 'Lemon Squash'

Study the following flow-chart and describe how 'Lemon Squash' is prepared: (in about 100 words)            Points: collecting lemons and scrubbing then - scraping the lemon- boiling lemons with water-cooling them properly - squeezing out the juice - straining the seeds - mixing citric acid, sugar - filling in bottles - sealed and packed - ready]

Preparation of 'Lemon Squash'

Lemon squash is a refreshing drink. It is a very interesting matter to know how lemon squash is prepared. It can be prepared at home easily. The preparation of lemon squash involves a few stages . At first, lemons are collected from the market. These are then scrubbed well. After that they are scraped . Next, the lemons are boiled in water. These are then allowed to cool. After this, the juice is squeezed out of the lemons. Now, the seeds are strained through a sieve. Thereafter, citric acid and sugar are mixed with the juice. After this, the mixture is poured into bottles. Finally, the bottles are sealed properly to keep it usable for a long time. Now they are packed well and sent to the market for sale.
