Preparation of Mask .,Write a paragraph on "How masks are prepared"


Write a paragraph on "How masks are prepared" adopting the following flow-chart :                                           

[buying thin cloth and ropes - cutting cloth into small pieces - folding and sewing the sides - cutting ropes to make loops - stitching loops with the clothes - trimming of extra cloth or thread - ready to use.]

Preparation of Mask

It is a very interesting matter to know how masks are prepared.The preparation of mask involves several sequential steps.At first, thin clothes and ropes are bought from the market.Then the clothes are cut into small pieces.Next,the sides are folded and sewed properly to form the mask structure.Simultaneously, the ropes are carefully cut into appropriate lengths to create loops for securing the mask. The next phase involves stitching these loops seamlessly with the cloth.Once the main assembly is complete, a final touch includes the trimming of any excess cloth or thread, ensuring a neat finish. After this comprehensive process, the mask is deemed ready for use.
