Story of the Ant and the Dove


Story of the Ant and the Dove

Write a story using the following outlines:

(An ant carried off by a stream - a dove took pity - dropped a leaf - life saved - a hunter aimed at the dove-- the ant stung him - the dove was saved.)


The Ant and The Dove

On a scorching summer day, an ant tirelessly sought water. After wandering for some time, she reached the river. To quench her thirst, she climbed onto a small rock. While attempting to drink, she slipped and plunged into the river. Observing the ant's struggle, a dove perched on a tree branch acted swiftly. It plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the distressed ant. The ant moved towards the leaf, climbed aboard, and soon the leaf drifted to dry ground. Grateful, the ant jumped off and looked up to the tree, expressing her thanks to the compassionate dove. Later that day, a bird catcher nearby was about to throw his net over the dove hoping to trap it. An ant saw him and guessed what he was about to do. The dove was resting and he had no idea about the bird catcher. An ant quickly bit him on the foot. The dove, unaware of the lurking threat, was at rest. The ant took decisive action and promptly bit the bird catcher on the foot. Feeling the sudden pain, the bird catcher dropped his net, emitting a slight scream. The dove saw it and quickly flew away.

 Moral: If you do good, good will come to you. One good turn deserves another.
