Write a newspaper report on a felicitation programme arranged by school to honour ex-student of your school who has cracked All India Medical Entrance Exam.

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Write a newspaper report on a felicitation programme arranged by school to honour ex-student of your school who has cracked All India Medical Entrance Exam.

Suppose an ex-student of your school has cracked All India Medical Entrance Exam this year by securing top position from the state of West Bengal. A felicitation programme has been arranged by your school to honour the student. Write a report on it. (Word limit: 150).

Felicitation Programme at ABC High School


Topper's Triumph: Felicitation at ABC High School.

Reported by (নিজের নাম )

Bishnupur, Bankura,June 15,2023:  ABC High school organised a felicitation programme to honor its accomplished ex-student, Ram Pal who secured the top position in the All India Medical Entrance Exam from the state of West Bengal.The programme was started at 10 A. M and continued till 4 P. M.The event was held in the school auditorium on 14.06.2023. It was attended by students, faculty, and distinguished guests.The chief guest was B. D. O.The programme commenced with a warm welcome extended to the esteemed guest, followed by speeches acknowledging the student's outstanding achievement. The headmaster highlighted the school's commitment to academic excellence, expressing pride in the accomplishments of former students.The topper shared insights into his journey. He emphasized the role of the school in shaping their academic foundation. A token of appreciation was presented.(B. D. O handed over an award to the topper.)B. D. O delivered a long speech about the student's dedication and hard work.The event concluded on a note of inspiration. Teachers encouraged current students to pursue excellence and contribute to society. The felicitation programme served as a testament to our school's commitment.At the end of the programme a light refreshment was organised.The programme was a grand success.
