A Comprehensive Vocabulary Guide: Words and Their Meanings , Important Word Synonyms and Meanings for Madhyamik Examination

A Comprehensive Vocabulary Guide: Words and Their Meanings 

Word Synonyms and Meanings  


1. Interfere - Meddle/Bother

2. To toil/try very hard to do anything - Struggle

3. A spirit who is believed to be a servant of God - Angel

4. Ruin - Destruction

5. Not damaged - Intact

6. Leave - Quit

7. Holy - Sacred

8. Completely - (Utterly)/Entirely/Fully

9. Rectified - Reformed

10. First appearance - Debut

11. Burnt - Cremated

12. Gratitude - Thankfulness

13. Period of new growth - Renaissance

14. Encouragement - Inspiration

15. A work done with extraordinary skill - Masterpiece

16. Far away - Remote

17. Commanding great respect - Distinguished

18. Owned - Possessed

19. Liberality - Generosity

20. Not absolutely unnecessary - Inessential

21. Flooded with water - Swamped

22. Frightened - Scared

23. Having freedom to act independently - Autonomous

24. Effect - Consequence

25. Snapped back - Retorted

26. Muffler - Scarf

27. Contented - Satisfied

28. A baby's bed - Crib

29. Unenlightened - Ignorant

30. Arise or increase - Upstick

31. Floods - Deluges

32. A period of ten years - Decade

33. Easily breakable - Fragile

34. Visually attractive - Picturesque

35. Beneficiary - Recipient

36. Governance - Regime

37. Happening - Preceding

38. Graphic and clear - Vivid

39. Ventures - Endeavours

40. Torments - Agony

41. Distinct or peculiar - Typical

42. Suitable/helpful - Favourable

43. Prohibition - Ban

44. Enough - Sufficient

45. Solve - Work out

46. Correctly - Accurately

47. Under no dependency - Independent

48. Intricate - Complex

49. Inserted - Tucked

50. Props - Artefacts

51. Enthusiast - Buff

52. A Cinematic genius - Maestro

53. Victory - Triumph

54. Meeting - Summit

55. Skill - Expert

56. Hidden - Obscure

57. Outstanding - Remarkable

58. Bursting with energy - Energetic

59. A feeling of deep admiration - Reverence

60. Rapidly spreading like wildfire - Proliferating

61. In a confused and disordered manner - Chaotically

62. To make known or announce officially - Declare

63. A sudden and violent gust of wind - Gust

64. To make dirty or unclean - Contaminate

65. Showing kindness and goodwill - Benevolent

66. A formal agreement or treaty - Pact

67. To cause to feel extremely joyful - Delight

68. An extremely wicked or cruel act - Atrocity

69. The state of being unaware or unconscious - Oblivion

70. To make less severe or harsh - Mitigate

71. A small piece or amount of something - Fragment

72. A sudden and violent outburst of emotion - Tantrum

73. Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world - Ethereal

74. To move with a smooth, wave like motion - Undulate

75. A sudden and violent shaking or upheaval - Tremor

76.  Remember-Recall

77. Fair-Pretty

78.Well -Known --Popular

79.Never happened -Unprecedented

80.To give someone money for loss -Compensate

81.Anxiety of fear -Apprehension

82.Plundered -Looted

83.Seized Suddenly -grabbed

84.Impose -enforced 

85.Gained -conquered


  1.  Interfere - মড়ানো/চিন্তা করা  / হস্তক্ষেপ 
  2. To toil/try very hard to do anything - পরিশ্রম করা
  3. A spirit who is believed to be a servant of God - এলাহী কর্মকান্ড
  4. Ruin - ধ্বংস
  5. Not damaged - অক্ষত
  6. Leave - ছেড়ে যাওয়া
  7. Holy - পবিত্র
  8. Completely - সম্পূর্ণভাবে
  9. Rectified - সংশোধিত
  10. First appearance - ডেবিউট  /প্রথম আবির্ভাব 
  11. Burnt - দহনকৃত
  12. Gratitude - কৃতজ্ঞতা
  13. Period of new growth - নতুন বৃদ্ধির সময়
  14. Encouragement - অনুপ্রেরণা
  15. A work done with extraordinary skill - মাস্টারপিস
  16. Far away - দূরে
  17. Commanding great respect - উদ্দীপত্তিমান
  18. Owned - অধীনে রয়েছে
  19. Liberality - উদারতা
  20. Not absolutely unnecessary - অপ্রয়োজনীয়
  21. Flooded with water - জলাভূত
  22. Frightened - ভয়ানক
  23. Having freedom to act independently - স্বতন্ত্র
  24. Effect - পরিণাম
  25. Snapped back - ফিরে উত্তর দিয়েছিল
  26. Muffler - স্কার্ফ/ মাফলার 
  27. Contented - সন্তুষ্ট
  28. A baby's bed - শিশুদের খাট
  29. Unenlightened - অজ্ঞ
  30. Arise or increase - বৃদ্ধি
  31. Floods - বন্যা
  32. A period of ten years - দশক
  33. Easily breakable - অসংখ্যেয়
  34. Visually attractive - চিত্রসুস্থ
  35. Beneficiary - প্রাপক
  36. Governance - শাসন
  37. Happening - ঘটমান
  38. Graphic and clear - স্পষ্ট
  39. Ventures - প্রয়াস
  40. Torments - কষ্ট
  41. Distinct or peculiar - বৈশিষ্ট্যপূর্ণ
  42. Suitable/helpful - উপযুক্ত
  43. Prohibition - নিষেধ
  44. Enough - যত্তক
  45. Solve - সমাধান করা
  46. Correctly - সঠিকভাবে
  47. Under no dependency - স্বাধীন
  48. Intricate - জটিল
  49. Inserted - ঢোকানো
  50. Props - সাহায্যকারী উপাদান
  51. Enthusiast - প্রশংসক
  52. A Cinematic genius - মায়েস্ত্রো
  53. Victory - জয়
  54. Meeting - শৃঙ্গভরণ
  55. Skill - দক্ষতা
  56. Hidden - লুকানো
  57. Outstanding - বিরাট
  58. Bursting with energy - শক্তির সাথে ভরা
  59. A feeling of deep admiration - শ্রদ্ধাশীলতা
  60. Rapidly spreading like wildfire - আগুনের মত দ্রুতগতি
  61. In a confused and disordered manner - অস্তিত্বে অস্তিত্বে
  62. To make known or announce officially - ঘোষণা করা
  63. A sudden and violent gust of wind - জড়তল
  64. To make dirty or unclean - দূষিত করা
  65. Showing kindness and goodwill - উপকারিতা
  66. A formal agreement or treaty - চুক্তি
  67. To cause to feel extremely joyful - আনন্দিত করা
  68. An extremely wicked or cruel act - অত্যন্ত দুঃখদায়ক কাজ
  69. The state of being unaware or unconscious - অজান্তে অবস্থা
  70. To make less severe or harsh - কম করা
  71. A small piece or amount of something - অল্প অংশ
  72. A sudden and violent outburst of emotion - আকাশভরে একটি ধ্বংসকারী মাধ্যম
  73. Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world - অত্যন্ত সুক্ষ্ম এবং আলোকিত এমন একটি অবস্থা
  74. To move with a smooth, wavelike motion - সমস্ত গতি সহ চলা
  75. A sudden and violent shaking or upheaval - ভূকম্প
