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Develop the following outlines into a story.

Outlines: A carter drawing the cart-a wheel stuck in the mud-prays to God-Hercules, the god of strength comes -advises him-put your shoulder under the wheel -cart moves.


Once upon a time a carter lived in a village.One day he was drawing his cart along a road. Soon there was a shower. The road became muddy. Suddenly a wheel of his cart stuck in the mud. The carter got down from the cart. He knelt on the way side ground and started praying to God to help him in his trouble. After some time Hercules, the god of strength appeared there.'Did you try yourself?" said the God to the carter. Put your shoulder under the wheel'. The carter did what the God had said. He put his shoulder under the wheel and tried to move the cart out of the mud. In no time he got the cart moving.

Moral: God helps those who help themselves

Hercules and the Carter's Effort

In a village, a humble carter faced a predicament one rainy day. As he struggled to navigate the muddy road, his cart's wheel sank into the mire. Desperate, the carter knelt and prayed for divine intervention. To his surprise, Hercules, the god of strength, materialized. Rather than offering a direct solution, Hercules advised, "Did you try yourself? Put your shoulder under the wheel." The carter heeded the god's words, exerting his own effort. Miraculously, the cart budged, freed from the clinging mud.

The moral of the tale resonates—God helps those who help themselves. 
