(i) Why was Kalam's father well-known in their locality? 

Ans: Kalam's father was well-known in their locality because he possessed great innate wisdom and true generosity of spirit.He also worked as a mere -mediator.

(ii) How did Mrs. Jones ensure that the boy could not break free from her grip? 

Ans:Mrs. Jones ensured that the boy could not break free from her grip as she turned him in front of her and gripped him tightly with her wrestling hold.

(iii)How does Ruskin Bond attempt to strike up a conversation with the girl?

Ans: Ruskin Bond attempts to strike up a conversation with the girl by asking her if she was going all the way to Dehra.

 (iv) Where did Roger and Mrs. Jones meet? 

Ans: Roger and Mrs. Jones met on a street.

(v) Why did the Tsar disguise his appearance before meeting the hermit? 

Ans :The Tsar disguised his appearance before meeting the hermit because hermit received only common folk.

(vi) How does Kalam describe his neighbourhood? 

Ans: According to Kalam, his locality is predominantly Muslims but a lot of hindu families live amicably with their Muslim neighbour.

(vii) What was the'Safe remark' made by the narrator? 

Ans: The narrator told the girl that she had an interesting face. That was the'Safe remark' made by the narrator.

(viii) For what three questions does the Tsar want answer?

Ans:The Tsar wants the answer of his questions because he wants to be successful in life.


(ix) Where does irony lie in the Poem 'On Killing a Tree'?

Ans: In the Poem 'On Killing a Tree', the irony lies at the very outset. The line 'It takes much time to kill a tree' indicates a sense of irony.

 (x) Why does the poet request the humming insect not to disturb the soldier?

Ans: The poet requests the humming insect not to disturb the soldier as the soldier is dead.

xi) How long does the poet's friend live in Sonnet 18? 

Ans:The poet's friend lives in Sonnet No.18 as long as men can breathe and eyes can see.

(xii) What does  Keats celebrate in the poem 'The Poetry of Earth"? 

Ans,: Keats celebrates the music of earth in the poem 'The Poetry of Earth".

(xiii) What is the most sensitive part of tree? 

Ans: The root is the most sensitive part of tree.

(iv) When does the reader recognize that the

soldier is dead?

Ans: The reader recognizes that the soldier is dead when he sees the two red holes in his body.

(xv) How is the 'gold complexion' of the sun dimmed? 

Ans: The 'gold complexion' of the sun is dimmed by clouds.

(xvi) Why does Keats make the voices of the Grasshopper and the circket folow each other?

Ans: Keats makes the voices of the Grasshopper and the circket follow each other in order to prove the music of earth never ceases.

4. (a) Do as directed:1×6=6

(i) She laughed pleasantly. [Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of 'laugh'].

Ans: She gave a pleasant laugh.

(ii) Not a simple Jab of the knife will do it. [Change into Affirmative Sentence] 

Ans: A simple Jab of the knife will be unable to do it.

(iii) The water was carried home for invalids. [Change the voice]

Ans: People carried the water home for invalid.

(iv) Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? [Turn into an assertive sentence]

Ans: I shall never compare thee to a summer's day.

(v) The boy could hear other roomers laughing and talking in the large house [split the sentence]. 

Ans:The boy could hear other roomers. They were laughing and talking in the large house.

(vi) Natalya Stepanovna said, 'Are you going to start shooting soon? [Change into indirect speech]

Ans :Natalya Stepanovna asked Lomov if  he was  going to start shooting soon.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :1/2×6=3

One of ......the.... most vivid memories ....of.....my childhood is ....of......the two men, each ....in......traditional attire, discussing spiritual matters. When I was old enough......to.......ask questions, I asked my father.....about..... the relevance of prayer.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below :

If I turn you lose, will you run?

[Options: Loosely/Loose/Lost]

If I turn you loose, will you run?

6. (a) A teacher of your school retired recently after serving the school for thirty five years. Your school authority, together with the students, arranged a farewell meeting for her, prepare a report on this event for your school Magazine. (Word Limit : 150 words)


Or, (b) Write a letter to the store manager of 'Fashion Today' complaining about a shirt that you bought recently, which faded and lost colour after the first wash. (Word Limit : 150 words)

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title: We can tell a man from a beast by his quality of virtue. It is something which distinguishes him from
