(i) Where did the girl get in? 

Ans: The girl got in the train at Rohana.

(ii) What could be a fascinating game to the narrator? 

Ans:According to the narrator, guessing what went on outside the train could be a fascinating game to the narrator.

(iii) When was the ancestral house, in which Kalam lived, built?

Ans:The ancestral house, in which Kalam lived,was built in the middle of 19th century.

(iv) Who were the parents of Abdul Kalam? 

Ans:Ashiamma and Jainulabdeen were the parents of Abdul Kalam.

(v) How did Roger know that he and the woman were not alone in the house? 

Ans:Roger knew that he and the woman were not alone in the house when he heard the other roomers laughing and talking in the large house.

(vi) Why did Roger take care to sit on the far side of the room? 

Ans:Roger took care to sit on the far side of the room so that Mrs Jones could easily see him out of the corner of the other eye.

(vii) What did the Tsar do to meet the hermit? 

Ans:Leaving his bodyguard behind and dismounting from his horse, the Tsar put on simple clothes to meet hermit.

(viii) Why did the Tsar want answer to three important questions?

Ans:The Tsar wanted answer to three important questions because he wanted to be successful in life.

(ix) What does the phrase "earth cave' mean 

Ans:The phrase "earth cave' means gapping holes when the roots are pulled out.

(x) What comes out from leprous hide?

Ans: Leave comes out from leprous hide.

(xi) Where does the soldier lie stretched?

Ans:The soldier lies stretched in heavy undergrowth.

(xii) How was the smile of the young soldier? 

Ans: The smile of the young soldier was infant's gentle without guile.

(xiii) What will give life to the poet's friend

Ans:Shakespeare's sonnet or poetry will give life to the poet's friend.

Shakespeare's sonnet No 18 will give life to the poet's friend.

(xiv) What do your mean by 'Summer's lease'? 

Ans:'Summer's lease' means summer's duration which is very brief.

(xv) What does Keats celebrate in the poem? 

Ans:Keats celebrates the music of earth in the poem.

(xvi) Why is the poetry of earth not dead in summer?

Ans:As nature's music can be heard through all seasons,the poetry of earth is not dead in summer because grasshopper takes the lead in summer's luxury when the birds are faint with hot sun.

4.(a) Do as directed:

(i) The boy said, "I did not aim to." (Change into indirect speech).

Ans:The boy said  that he had not aimed to.

(ii) The hermit was digging the ground (Change the voice). 

Ans:The ground was being dug by the hermit

(iii) I was the most important man (Change to positive degree). 

Ans:No other man was as important as I.

(iv) But thy eternal summer shall not fade (Change into affirmative Sentence). 

Ans:But thy eternal summer shall remain unfade.

(v) The sun's rays were bright. They lit up the valley (Join into a single sentence). 

Ans:The bright sun's rays lit up the valley

(vi) But still wishing to find the right answers to his questions, the Tsar decided to consult a hermit (Split into simple sentences).

Ans:The Tsar wished to find the right answers to his questions.He decided to consult a hermit.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :1/2×6=3

I remember my father starting his day (i)..at............ 4 am (ii) ........by... reading the namaz (iii).....before... dawn. After the namaz, he used (iv).......to....walk down (v) ........to....(vi) a small coconut grove we owned.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below :

 Prayer made possible a committee of the spirit between people. 

[Options :Common/communion/commencement]

Ans:Prayer made possible a communion of the spirit between people. 


 (a) Write a report on the Annual function of your school. Mention roles of both students and teachers. (Word Limit: 150 words).2+8=10 Or, (b) Write a letter to the Officer-in-charge of your local police station for the loss of your important documents. (Word Limit : 150 words)

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title: In the Bhagwad  
