CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

(i) When did the new passenger stammer an apology? 

Ans:  The new passenger stammered an apology when the girl left the train.

(ii) Where according to the narrator, were hardly any animals left? 

Ans: According to the narrator ,there were hardly any animals left in forests near Dehra.

(iii) What was the name of Abdul Kalam's mother ? 

Ans: The name of Abdul Kalam's mother was Ashiamma.

(iv) What kind of family did Kalam belong to?

Ans: Kalam belonged to  a middle-class Tamil family.

(v) Where did Mrs. Jones meet Roger? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones met Roger on a street.

(vi) How was the hermit to look at? 

Ans: The hermit was frail and weak .

(vii) How did the writer describe Roger's appearance? 

Ans: The writer described Roger as a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. Roger wore blue jeans and tennis shoes

(viii) What was the wound of the man bandaged with?

Ans: The wound of the man was bandaged with the Tsar's handkerchief  and hermit's towel.


(ix) What is anchored inside the earth by the tree? 

Ans: The root is anchored inside the earth by the tree.

(Actually the earth works as an anchor.)

(x) What does a tree consume during its slow growth?

Ans: A tree consumes  earth during its slow growth.

 (xi) What will give life' to the poet's friend? 

Ans: Shakespeare's sonnet or poetry (Sonnet No. 18) will give life' to the poet's friend.

(xii) What does the expression 'eternal lines' refer to? 

Ans:  The expression 'eternal lines' refers to everlasting sonnet of Shakespeare.

(xiii) Where does the grasshopper take rest?

Ans: The grasshopper takes rest beneath some pleasant weed.

 (xiv) When does the cricket sing in Keat's sonnet? 

Ans: The cricket sings on a lone  winter evening in Keat's sonnet .

(xv) What is the soldier's pillow made of?

Ans: The soldier's pillow is made of fern.

 (xvi) "They fill the hollow full of light' - What do they refer to here?

Ans: Here they refer to sunrays .


4. (a) Do as directed :1×6=6

(i) I don't know you (Change the voice).

Ans :You are not known to me.

 (ii) I said to my father, "What is the relevance of prayer?" (Change into indirect speech).

Ans : I asked my father  what the relevance of prayer was.

 (iii) You have an interesting face (Turn into a compound Sentence).

Ans: You have a face and it is interesting .

(iv) When she got to her door, she dragged the boy inside (Turn into a simple sentence).

Ans: Getting to her door, she dragged the boy inside .

 (v) You must be disappointed (Turn it into a Negative Sentence). 

Ans: You must not be satisfied.

(vi) Was I bothering you when I turned that Corner? (Turn into assertive Sentence).

Ans: I  was bothering you when I turned that Corner.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :1/2×6=3

She was (i)a  large woman (ii)with (iii)a  large purse that had everything (iv)in it but hammer and nails. It had a long strap and she carried it slung (v)across her shoulder . It was about eleven O'clock (iv) at night. 

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below : 

And hide in cool trees. [Options: Cooling/Cooled/Cold]

Ans:And hide in cooling trees.

➡️👉1.Page :26,

➡️👉2.Page :47,

➡️👉3.Page : 58,

➡️👉4.Page :74,

➡️👉5.Page :85,

➡️👉6.Page : 99,

➡️👉7.Page :112,

➡️👉8.Page :123,

➡️👉 9.Page :134,

➡️👉10.Page : 144,

➡️👉11.Page :154,

➡️👉12.Page :166,

➡️👉13.Page :179,

➡️👉14.Page :193,

➡️👉15.Page :204,

➡️👉16.Page : 215,

➡️👉17.Page :226,

➡️👉18.Page : 237,

6. (a) Write a report on the Health Awareness camp organised in your school in which some doctors in your locality took part.


Or, (b) Write a letter to the editor of an English daily about the inconveniences caused by the hawkers on the footpath.

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title:

We can tell a man from a beast by his quality of virtue. It is something which distinguished him from all other creatures. It is his mark. It is his character. Wonderful it is to think that man is distinguished from all other creatures by his higher and grander standard of conduct we call virtue - the things worthy of a man. he goes to the rescue of someone he has never seen - A woman in a burning house, a child in a dark sea. Why? Because he is a man. He goes to the state or to the scaffold for an idea which he can never prove in this world to be true. Why? Because he is a man. What do we say when we beat of some cruel creature who has beaten a child or struck a woman? We say "He is no man". Something tells us at once that a man who could do such thing as this is 'no man'. He has played the traitor to himself. He has denied the man in his soul.
