(i) What remark did the narrator make about people with good eyesight?

Ans: According to the narrator,people with good eyesight failed to see what is right in front of them.

(ii) When do the hills look lovely?

Ans: The hills look lovely in month of October.

(iii) How does Kalam describe his appearance? 

Ans:Kalam describes his appearance as short boy with undistinguished looks.

(iv) What did Abdul Kalam's father use to avoid?

Ans: Abdul Kalam's father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries.

(v) Where did Roger fall on losing his balance? 

Ans: Losing his balance,Roger fell on his back on the sidewalk.

(vi) What was the price of the cake Mrs. Jones offered to Roger?

Ans: The price of the cake was ten cent which Mrs. Jones offered to Roger.

(vii) Why did the man want to take revenge upon the Tsar? 

Ans:  The man wanted to take revenge upon the Tsar because the Tsar killed his brother and seized his property.

(viii) What was the hermit doing when the Tsar approached him?

Ans:When the Tsar approached hermit, he was digging the ground.


(ix) What does the epithet 'earth cave' point out? 

Ans: The epithet 'earth cave' points out the gapping hole when the roots are pulled out.

(x) What causes the bark of a tree to bleed? 

Ans: The act of hacking and chopping causes the bark of a tree to bleed.

(xi) What is described as 'gentle without guile"? 

Ans: The soldier's smile is described as 'gentle without guile".

(xii) What do the sunrays do? 

Ans: The sunrays fill the valley full of light.

(xiii) Why will the eternal summer in the friend never fade? 

Ans:The eternal summer in the friend will never fade because the poet will make his friend's beauty eternal through his sonnet.

(xiv) What shall death not brag of? 

Ans: Death shall not brag  poet's friend wand'rest in his shade.

(xv) Why do the birds hide in cooling trees? 

Ans: The birds hide in cooling trees because the hot sun makes them faint.

(xvi) When does the cricket shrill? 

Ans: The cricket shrills from stove.

4. (a) Do as directed:1×6=6

(i) Natalya said to Lomov, "Are you going to start shooting soon?"(Change the mode of narration).

Ans:Natalya asked Lomov if he was going to shooting soon

(ii) He takes the lead in summer luxury (Change the Voice).

Ans:The lead in summer luxury is taken by him.

(iii) Few girls can resist flattery

(Use the Noun form of resist and rewrite).

Ans:Few girls have resistance to flattery.

(iv) I would kill you on your way back. I resolved this. (Join into a simple sentence). 

Ans:I resolved to kill you on your way back. 

(v) Then she reached down, picked the boy up by his shirt front and shook him until his teeth rattled. (Split into Simple Sentences).

Ans : Reaching down, she picked the boy up his by shirt front.She shook him until his teeth rattled.

(vi) My mother's lineage was more distinguished than my father's (Change the degree).

My father's lineage was not so distinguished as my mother's.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :

.....The........Shiva temple which made Rameswaram so famous ......to..... pilgrims was about........a.... ten-minute walk .....from...... our house. Our locality was predominantly Muslim, but there were quite ..........a...number of Hindu families, too, living amicably .......with..... their Muslim neighbours. 

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below :

She told him how all kind of woman came in and out. 

(Options: Kinds of women/kinds of woman/kind of women).

Ans: She told him how all kinds of women came in and out. 

6. (a) Write a report about how a Cleaning up Campaign was observed in your school. (Word Limit: 150 words).2+8=10

Or, (b) Write a business letter inviting quotation for stationery goods.
