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(i) What seemed to be tantalising to the narrator?

Ans: The perfume of the girl's hair  seemed to be tantalising to the narrator.

The perfume from the girl's hair  seemed to be tantalising to the narrator.

 (ii) Who broke into the narrator's reverie? 

Ans :The new fellow traveller  who entered the train at Saharanpur broke into the narrator's reverie.

(iii) What made Rameswaram famous to the pilgrims? 

Ans : The Shiva temple made Rameswaram famous to the pilgrims.

(iv) How were Kalam's parents widely regarded? 

Ans : Kalam's parents were widely regarded as an ideal couple.

(v) When was Jones coming home? 

Ans:Jones  was coming home at 11 O'clock at night.

(vi) Why did Roger try to snatch Mrs. Jones's pocket book? 

Ans :Roger tried to snatch Mrs. Jones's pocket book because he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

(vii) How many beds had the Tsar dug? 

Ans :The Tsar had dug two beds.

(viii) What did the wounded man ask for when he revived?

Ans: The wounded man asked  for water  when he revived.


(ix) How has the tree grown up? 

Ans :The tree has  grown up slowly consuming the earth.

(x) What is the source of a tree? 

Ans :The source of the tree is roots.

(xi) How is the smile of the young soldier described in the poem 'Asleep in the valley? 

Ans: In the poem 'Asleep in the valley, the smile of the young soldier is described as an infant's ,gentle and without guile.

(xii) How does the stream look like? 

Ans: The stream looks like  silver. The stream leaves long strand of silver on the bright grass.

(xiii) Whose complexion is often dimmed? 

Ans. The sun's complexion is often dimmed.

(xiv) Who has wrought the silence? 

Ans : The frost has  wrought the silence.

(xv) Where does the grasshopper move and run?

Ans :The grasshopper runs from hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead. Being tired out with fun ,he moves to take rest beneath some pleasant weed.

 (xvi) What is meant by 'eternal summer'?

Ans :The word 'eternal summer' means everlasting beauty of poet's friend.

4. (a) Do as directed :

(i) He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed (Rewrite using the adverb form of the under lined word). 

Ans: He rests easily beneath some pleasant weed 

(ii) The humming insects don't disturb his rest (Change the voice). 

Ans: His  rest is not disturbed by the humming insects.

(iii) I do not know and have nothing to forgive you for (Change into complex sentence). 

Ans: I  have nothing to forgive you because I do not know you.

While I do not know you ,I  have nothing to forgive you.

(iv) The woman said, "Why did you do it for?" (Turn into indirect speech). 

Ans: The woman asked Roger why he had done it for.

(v) The Shiva temple, which made Rameswaram so famous to pilgrims, was about ten-minute walk from our house (Split into two simple sentences). 

Ans : The Shiva temple made Rameswaram so famous to pilgrims. It was about ten-minute walk

(vi) You have an interesting face (Rewrite using an Adjective clause).

Ans :You have a face which is interesting .

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :

The hermit lived (i)......in.... a wood which he never quitted, and he received none but common folk. So the Tsar put (ii) .....on.......simple clothes,and before reaching (iii).....the........  hermit's cell dismounted (iv)........from....... his horse, and leaving his body-guard (v) .........behind......-,he went (vi)............on... alone. 

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below : 

She had a beauty eyes

 [Options: Beautify/Beautiful/Beautifully]

Ans: She had a beautiful eyes

6. (a) A teacher of your school retired recently after serving the school for 35 years. Your school thus arranged a farewell meeting for him. Prepare a report on this event for your school Magazine. (Word Limit: 150 words).

Or, (b) Write a letter to the Pollution Control Board drawing attention to the menace of fire crackers and indiscriminate use of microphones during various festivals. (Word Limit: 150 words)

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title:

The real heroes are those whom the world knows not of. They work among the poor, among the distressed. They cannot expect any reward and are not rewared for their works. They are moved by the suffering of others and their main object is the relieve those sufferings. Theirs is the work of love. They do not hanker after fame, nor do they get it. No medals glitter on their breast, no poets sing their praise. They work and die for other, but no stone are raised to mark their graves. Such heroes remain unknown and die unwept, unhonoured and unsung, but they are the real glory of a nation.
