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CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

(i) "It was a safe remark"- What was the safe remark? 

Ans: The narrator remarked that the girl had an interesting face .According to him , that was the safe remark.

(ii) Why was Rameswaram famous? 

Ans: The Shiva temple made Rameswaram so famous to pilgrims.

(iii) How old was Roger?

Ans: Roger was fourteen of fifteen years old.

(iv) Whom did the hermit receive?

Ans: The hermit received only common folk.

(v) Who stammered an apology? 

Ans: The new fellow traveller who got in the train at Saharanpur stammered an apology.

(vi) How would Kalam's father do after the namaz? 

Ans: After the namaz ,Kalam’s father would go to the coconut grove to collect and bring some coconuts.Then he would have his breakfast.

(vii) Why did Roger want to snatch the pocketbook? 

Ans:Roger wanted to snatch the pocketbook of Mrs. Jones because he wanted to buy a pair of blue suede shoes.

(viii) What was the third question of the Tsar?

Ans: The third question of the Tsar was how he could know what was the most important thing to do.


(ix) What is described as 'gentle' and 'without guile'? 

Ans :The soldier's smile is described as 'gentle' and 'without guile'.

(x) Describe the root.

Ans: The root is the most sensitive of part of the tree .It is the source of the tree. It is wet and white.

 (xi) Whose voice is heard from a stove?

Ans:The grasshopper's voice is heard from a stove.

 (xii) What does 'thy eternal summer' stand for? 

Ans: 'thy eternal summer' stands for everlasting beauty of poet's friend.

(xiii) Describe the bed of the young soldier.

Ans;The bed of the young soldier is warm ,green and sun soaked.

(xiv) What shall death not brag of?

Ans: Death shall not brag poet's friend wand'rest in his shade.

 (xv) Who took shelter in cooling shades of trees? 

Ans: The birds who were faint with hot sun  took shelter in cooling shades of trees.

(xvi) Where does the strength of the tree lie?

Ans: The strength of the tree lies in its root.

4. (a) Do as directed:

(i) It takes much time to kill a tree. Not a simple jab of the knife will do it 

[ Join into complex sentence]. 

Ans:As it takes much time to kill a tree, a simple jab of the knife will not do it .

(ii) "Are you going all the way to Dehra?" I asked [Change the narration]. 

Ans;I asked if she was going all the way to Dehra.

(iii) My father had neither much formal education nor much wealth [Turn into a affirmative sentence].

Ans: My father had been  devoid of formal education and  much wealth .

 (iv) I normally ate with my mother [Use the adjective of underlined word and rewrite]. 

Ans: I ate with my mother in normal situation.

I ate with my mother under normal circumstances.

(v) I am the most unhappy of men. [Change the degree]. 

Ans:No other man is as unhappy as I

(vi) She was silent [Rewrite as negative sentence].

Ans  :She did not speak.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:1/2×6=3

It once occured.........    to ........... . certain Tsar that if he always knew.........the..... right time .....to.....begin everything, if the knew who were ......the....right people.......to..... listen

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below :

I don't want the Meadows, but I am acting with principle

 [Options: On/for/by]

Ans :I don't want the Meadows, but I am acting on principle.

6. (a) World Water Day is observed on March 22 every year. The theme of this year was 'Waste Not Water' and was aimed to increasing awareness about an imminent water crisis. Write a report on the ways in which water wastage can be reduced.

Or, (b) Write a letter to the Minister of Information and Culture on the quality of Television programmes telecast by different TV Channels. Or, 

.(c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title:

The student should learn to think and act for himself. No man has ever been great by imitation. One great reason is that it is much easier to copy the defects of a great man's character than to imitate his excellences. Alexander the great had a foolish tutor who used to call him the Achilles. He was taught to admire that character. But when he came to imitate Achilles, he imitated, one of the most cruel and hateful actions of that hero's life. He dragged the governor of a town through the streets after his chariot. This was because his foolish tutor had taught him to imitate as well as to admire. Indeed it is easy to imitate and borrow. But met it down, as no imitator reached anything like imminence. We cannot copy goodness or greatness by an effort. We must acquire it by our own patience and diligence.


The Pitfalls of Imitation in Achieving Greatness

The passage underscores the perils of imitation on the path to greatness, citing Alexander the Great's misguided emulation of Achilles. It contends that copying defects is easier than emulating virtues, advocating for individual thinking and effort in attaining true goodness and greatness.
