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CLASS-XII এর সমস্ত প্রশ্ন,উত্তর এবং সাজেশন পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  বড়ো প্রশ্নের উত্তর
 পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করো 👉➡️Answers 
ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের  উত্তর পেতে 
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ABTA TEST পেপারের সমস্ত পেজের MCQ 👉 MCQ of ALL English Pages 2024  

(i) Who informed the narrator that the girl was blind?

Ans: The third passenger who got in the train at Saharanpur informed the narrator that the girl was blind.

 (ii) How did the narrator break the silence?

Ans: The narrator broke the silence by asking the girl if she was going all the way to Dehra.

 (iii) According to Kalam's father, what happens when one prays? 

Ans: According to Kalam's father, when one prays he transcends his body and becomes a part of the cosmos.

According to Kalam's father, when one prays, they transcend their body and become a part of the cosmos.

(iv) What did Kalam eat on?

Ans: Kalam ate rice ,aromatic sambar ,variety of sharp ,homemade pickle and a dollop of fresh coconut chutney.

 (v) Why did Mrs. Jones come home so late? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones came home so late because she worked in a hotel beauty shop which  remained open late.

(vi) "That will be fine" - What will be fine?

Ans:According to Roger, cocoa will be fine.

(Note :Mrs Jones informed Roger he was going to make cocoa out of canned milk.Then Roger said that would be fine )

(vii) What did the Tsar give the wounded man to drink?

Ans: The Tsar gave fresh water to the wounded man to drink. 

(viii) When did the Tsar give up digging?

Ans:The Tsar gave up digging when the sun began to sink behind the trees.

When the sun began to sink behind the trees,the Tsar gave up digging to ask his questions.


(ix) What has the tree absorbed during the years? 

Ans:The tree has absorbed sunlight, air and water during the years.

(x) How is the eath- cave formed? 

Ans: The eath-cave  is formed when the roots are pulled out.

(xi) Where did the sun pour its rays from?

Ans: The sun pours its rays from mountain top.

(xii) What does the poet ask humming insects? (Wrong Question❌️ )

Ans:According to the poet, humming insects don't disturb the soldier as the soldier is dead.

What does the poet ask Nature? 

(xiii) Why shall death not brag about the death of his friend?

Ans : Death shall not brag about the death of his friend because poet's eternal lines will make him immortal.

(xiv) What is implied by 'nature's changing course? 

Ans: This line implies that beauty in the world fades or disappears due to chance, misfortune, or natural decay, emphasizing the transient nature of beauty.

(xv) What makes all the birds tired and faint? 

Ans:Hot sun makes all the birds tired and faint.

(xvi) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem. 'The Poetry of Earth?

Ans: The rhyme scheme of the poem, 'The Poetry of Earth is abba abba cde cde.

4. (a) Do as directed:

 (i) What a misfortune I have had! - (Turn into an assertive sentence).

I have had a great misfortune

(ii) He is as ugly as a worm-out cab-horse. (Change into comparative Degree). 

A worn out cab horse is uglier than he.

(iii) Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? ( Change the voice). 

Will you be compared to a summer's day?

(iv) A soldier, very young, lies open mouthed. A pillow made of fern is beneath his head. (Join into a simple sentence). 

Ans: A very young soldier lies open-mouthed with a pillow made of fern beneath his head.

(v) He would have died without having made peace with you. (Rewrite using the noun form of 'died'). 

Ans: His death would have occurred without making peace with you.

(vi) "Goodnight! Behave yourself, boy!" She said, looking out into the street. (Change the mode of narration)

Ans:Looking out into the street, she wished the boy good night and advised him to behave himself.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :

I have endeavoured to understand.......the.......... fundamental truths revealed to me .........by.....my father, and feel convinced that there exists.........a.... divine power that can lift one...........up.   ............... confusion, misery, melancholy and failure, and guide one .........to..one's true place.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below :

I knew she wored slippers

 (weared, wear, wore)

I knew she wore slippers

6. (a) The students of your school had undertaken an afforestation drive in areas adjoining the school. Write a report, within 150 word, stating how the programme was conducted.


Or, (b) As the Secratary of the Students Council, draft a letter of complaint to the Head of the Institution complaining about the poor quality of midday meals served through the community Kitchen.

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title: A man hung himself upside down and swing to and fro like a monkey. A wise man passing by asks why he had assumed this strange position. The man replied that he was doing this to learn how to gain control of his mind. The wise man laughing, exclaimed that it was the mind that was directing him to hang himself upside down and the man was listening to his mind, so how on earth would he expect to control his mind to which he was enslaved?

When you walk, talk, eat, jump, laugh, cry, you are merely following what your mind is directing you to do. Whatever action you undertake, it is all being orchestrated by your mind. 'Mann madaari, tum bandar' - you are the monkey, dancing to the tune of the monkey trainer, the mind. To gain control over your action and thoughts. you need to become aware that the very mind you are trying to control is in fact controlling you, So, go beyond the monkey mind to be able to control it. What lies above and beyond the mind? It is buddhi, intellect, So, use your intellect to gain knowledge and understanding that will help you to step back and see the larger picture, to disassociate yourself with what is happening without becoming disinterested or indifferent, only then you can control your thoughts and action.
