(i) I answered confidently" -What did the speaker answer confidently? 

Ans: The speaker answered confidently because he knew there were hardly any animal left in the forests near Dehra.

(ii) What made Rameswaram famous to pilgrims? 

Ans: The shiva temple made Rameswaram famous to pilgrims.

(iii) Why did Mrs. Jones offer Roger ten dollars? 

Ans: Mrs. Jones offered Roger ten dollars to buy some blue suede shoes.

(iv) "You have already been answered" - Who said this and to whom? 

Ans: The hermit said this to the Tsar.

(v) Who broke into the narrator's reverie? 

Ans: The third passenger who entered in the train compartment at Saharanpur broke into the narrator's reverie.

(vi) What did Kalam's austere father avoid? 

Ans: Kalam's austere father avoided all inessential comforts and luxuries.

(vii) Whom did Mrs Jones unveil the secret of her life? 

Ans: Mrs Jones unveiled the secret of her life to Roger.

(viii) In what appearance did the Tsar meet the hermit?

Ans:  Wearing simple clothes,the Tsar met the hermit.


(ix) What live hidden in earth's cave? 

Ans: The roots live hidden in earth's cave.

(x) Whom does the poet pray to keep the soldier warm?

Ans:The poet prays nature to keep the soldier warm.

 (xi) "And this gives life to thee" - Who is the person referred to as "thee"? 

Ans: Poet's young beloved friend is the person referred to as "thee".

(xii) Where from does the shrill voice of the cricket come? 

Ans: The shrill voice of the cricket comes from the stove.

(xiii) "It is to be roped, tide" - What does 'it' refer to here?

Ans: Here 'it' refers to the root of the tree.

(xiv) How does the young soldier lie in the valley? 

Ans: The young soldier lies in the valley open mouthed keeping his head on a pillow made of fern.He was sleeping in heavy undergrowth and his feet were among the flower.

(xv) What will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal? 

Ans: Poet's sonnet or poetry will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal.

Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18 will make the beauty of the poet's friend eternal.

(xvi) Who takes the charge to carry the music of summer?

Ans: The grasshopper takes the charge to carry the music of summer.

4.(a) Do as directed :1×6=6

(i) The source is the most sensitive part (Turn into Positive Degree).

Ans: No other part is as sensitive as the source.

(ii) My father, Jainulabdeen had not much formal education. He had not much wealth (Join into a compound Sentence). 

Ans: My father, Jainulabdeen had not much formal education and he had not much wealth.

(iii) I won't turn you loose. (Change the voice).

Ans: You won't be turned loose by me.

You will not be turned loose by me.

(iv) She would forget our brief encounter (Turn into a Negative Sentence). 

Ans: She would not remember our brief encounter.

(v) "Was I bothering you when I turned that corner?" Said Mrs. Jones to the boy (Change the Mode of Narration)

Ans: Mrs Jones asked the boy if she had been bothering him when she had turned that corner.

(vi) There is nothing to argue about (Use the Noun form of 'argue')

Ans : There is no argument.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :1/,×6=3

I was totally blind at the time,my eyes sensitive only to  light and darkness,I was unable to tell what the girl looked like but I knew she wore slippers from the way they slapped against her heels.

C) Ans :When trouble comes, try to understand the relevance of your suffering.

6. (a) Your school has observed the World Environment Day by planting trees inside the school campus and a chosen neighbouring area. You were present on the spot. Now write a report on the basis of the information collected by you. (Word Limit : 150 words) 2+8=10 Or, (b) Write a letter to the chairman of your Municipality complaining against the insanitary condition of roads and drains your locality. (Word Limit: 150 words)

Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title:


History is an account of the past. We read history because of the fact that we cannot understand the present without reference to the past. If we read history merely as an account of events or a catalogue of facts and. dates we only skip over the outer surface of history. The proper study of history consists in going deep into this inner meaning. It does not consists in knowing what took place in the past, but understanding how the past events took place and what lesson they have for the present. What took place in the past has a connection with what is happening to us now. We should learn from history how to avoid the evils that brought about misfortunes in the past. We should also learn from it the path that leads to progress and prosperity. This is the real purpose of the reading of history.
