Hs abta 311 page



(i) How did the narrator in 'The Eyes Have It' describe the voice of the blind girl?

Ans: According to the narrator ,the voice of the blind girl had the sparkle of a mountain stream.

(ii) What were the eyes of the narrator in "The Eyes Have it" sensitive to?

Ans: In "The Eyes Have it", the eyes of the narrator  were sensitive  only to light and darkness.

(iii) What did Abdul Kalam's father use to avoid?

Ans :Kalam's father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries.

(iv) Describe the ancestral house of Kalam.

Ans : Kalam's  ancestral house was built in the middle of 19th century. It was made of lime stone and brick.

(v) According to Mrs. Jones, how old was the boy?

Ans :According to Mrs. Jones, the boy was fourteen or fifteen years old.

(vi) What shoes and jeans was Roger wearing?

Ans: Roger was wearing tennis shoes and blue jeans.

(vii) What according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do?

Ans :According to the hermit, the most important thing is to do to the person with whom you are.

(viii) How did the Tsar meet the hermit?

Ans : Leaving his bodyguard behind and dismounting from his horse ,the Tsar put on simple clothes to  meet the hermit.


(ix) How does the stream look like in the poem 'Asleep in the valley'?

Ans; In the poem 'Asleep in the valley' the stream looks like silver.

(x) Why does the poet ask Nature to keep the soldier warm?

Ans:  The poet asks Nature to keep the soldier warm because he may catch cold.

(xi) What does the expression 'consuming the earth' mean?

Ans :The expression 'consuming the earth' means the act of absorbing nutrients from earth.

The expression 'consuming the earth' means the tree has grown absorbing nutrients from earth.

(xii) From where would the curled green twigs rise?

Ans :The curled green twigs  would rise from the bleeding bark close to the ground.

(xiii) "So long lives this"- What is referred to by the word 'this'?

Ans: Shakespeare's sonnet is referred to by the word 'this'.

(xiv) What shall death not brag about in Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18?

Ans: Death shall not brag poet's friend wand'rest in his shade in Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 18.

(xv) Where was the grasshopper seen in summer?

Ans: The grasshopper was seen in the hedges and  beneath some pleasant weeds summer.

(xvi) Where do all the birds hide in Keats 'The Poetry of Earth'?

Ans:  All the birds hide in cooling trees  Keats 'The Poetry of Earth'

4. (a) Do as directed:1×6=6

(i) My parents were widely regarded as an ideal couple. (Change the voice).

Ans : People widely regarded my parents as an ideal couple.

(ii) "Are you going all the way to Dehra?" I asked. (Turn into Indirect speech)

Ans : I asked if she was going all the way to Dehra

(iii) I was the most important man. [Rewrite the sentence using the positive degree of 'important'] 

Ans :No other man was as important as I.

(iv) As soon as she left the train, she would forget our brief encounter. [Turn into a negative sentence]

Ans: No sooner had she left the train than she would forget our brief encounter.

(v) The water was dripping from his face, the boy looked at her. [Split into two simple sentences]

Ans :The water was dripping from his face. The boy looked at her.

(vi) I wished to kill you. [Use the underlined word as a noun and rewrite]

Ans : I had the wish to kill you.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions:

The Tsar turned round and saw a  (i) bearded man come running out (ii) of (iii) the wood. The man held his hands pressed against(iv) his stomach and blood was flowing from(v) under(vi) them.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below:1×1=1

They seemed very anxiousness about her comfort.

[options: anxiety/ anxious/ anxiously]

They seemed very  anxious about her comfort.

6. (a) Recently your school organized a cleaning drive in the vicinity of the school. Write a report on the event in about 150 words. 2+8=10 Or, (b) Write a letter to the post master complaining about the delay in the delivery of a very urgent letter addressed to you, due to the negligence of the postman. [Word limit: 150 words] 2+8=10 Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage and add a suitable title. A student should prepare himself to face the problems that lie before him. He is not only an individual, but also a member of the community. He should try to prepare himself fully, so that in future he is able to perform his duties both as an individual and as a member of the community to which he belongs. So, if he wastes his time in other activities, his future life will be doomed. He should not allow himself to be blinded by agitational politics. He should realise that only by unbiased study of different political theories is it possible to be able to make important judgements. In our country, students are often utilised by political parties for going their ends. The students serve as a weapon in the political game. As a result, we often find mad excitement and indiscipline. All serious thinkers of the country suggest that the students should not take part in active politics. When they do, they mean that students should keep themselves away from being tools in the hands of interested people, to whom politics is a game. A student should not forget that so long as he is a student, his first and foremost duty is to study.
