Story of An English soldier.Story of An English sailor

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Story of An English soldier.

Story of An English sailor 

Write a story with the following sentences. Add a title at the top of your story (in about 100 words):

[Outlines: An English soldier /sailor - a prisoner-of-war in France - release- returned-after a treaty-bought the cages full of birds - set them free - the bird-sellor surprised - the soldier/sailor explained the reason.]


In the midst of a war between England and France, an English sailor/soldier faced captivity as a prisoner in a foreign land.(Once there was a war between England and France. An English sailor/soldier became a prisoner).Years passed within the cold walls of the prison.(The sailor /soldier was kept confined in a prison for several years.). When the war came to an end, a treaty secured his release.He returned to his homeland, England and felt very happy.He felt the taste of freedom.But the soldier/soldier was still haunted by the shadows of confinement.One day he was returning from market, he saw a bird seller selling caged birds. Seeing their conditions, he remembered the shadows of his confinement.He felt pity for them.He bought all the cages full of birds. Opening all the cages one after another,  he set all the birds free.The bird-seller was surprised at the strange behavior of the man. He wanted to know the reason. The sailor/soldier said to the bird-seller, "I was imprisoned for several years. So, I know the pain of captivity."


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