Story of The Farmer and His Sons,Story of A Farmer and His Sons

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Story of A Farmer and His Sons

Story of The Farmer and His Sons:

Write a story in about 120 words from the following outline and add a suitable title:

(A farmer's sons- quarrel among themselves-father worried- asks to bring some sticks- sons break each single stick -the reason- sons cannot break the sticks when tied in a bundle -father explains.)


Wise Teaching/

The Farmer and His Sons

Once upon a time there lived a farmer in a village.(Once upon a time a wealthy farmer lived in a village)
He had a large amount of movable and immovable property. He also had stupid sons. The sons were incapable of generating more wealth but most of the time were involved in quarrelling among themselves regarding the share of their father's property. The old farmer was very much worried to think about the future of his sons. Suddenly a plan hit upon in his mind. He called in his sons and asked them to bring some sticks. They fetched the sticks. According to the given instructions each of them tried to break those together at a time But they failed miserably. But each of them could easily broke the single stick. The old farmer explained the incident to them. They could realise their fault and promised to be united. 

Moral: United we stand, divided we fall./ Unity is strength.


Once upon a time a wealthy farmer lived in a village.The farmer faced a daunting concern—his sons, more invested in squabbling than in the family's prosperity. Despite the abundance of movable and immovable property, the sons proved incapable of generating wealth. Distressed about their future, the old farmer made a plan. Gathering his sons, he instructed them to fetch sticks. As they attempted to break the bundled sticks simultaneously, failure ensued. Yet, individually, each stick snapped easily. The farmer seized the moment, explaining the lesson: unity is strength. Realizing their folly, the sons resolved to mend their ways and embrace solidarity. From that day on, the once-fractured family found strength in togetherness, securing not just their father's legacy but also a harmonious future.
