Examination :2024,Suggestion of Thank You Ma'am,

Suggestion of Thank You Ma'am

Examination :2024-2025



Part-A 1x12=12

1. What were there behind the screen in Mrs. Jones' room?

2. Why did Roger want to snatch the large purse of Mrs. Jones?

3. Where did Roger fall on losing his balance?

4. Where did Mrs. Jones work?                                                                                                

5. What was the full name of Mrs. Jones?

6. According to Mrs. Jones, how old was the boy?

7. What did Mrs. Luella Jones ask the boy to pick up?

8. What advice did Mrs. Jones give to Roger at the end of the story?

9. When and where did Roger and Mrs. Luella SAQ

es Washington Jones meet?

10. What shoes and jeans was Roger wearing?

11. Why did Mrs. Jones call the boy a liar?

 12. What lesson of his life did Roger learn at the end of the story from Mrs. Jones?

MCQ Part-B 1x6 =6

1. The lady picked up the boy from the street by holding his-

(a) trousers

(b) shirt front

(c) wrist

(d) arm


2. Mrs. Jones gave the boy-

(a) five cents

(b) five dollars

(c) ten cents

(d) ten dollars


3. The boy wanted to buy-

(a) blue suit shoes

(b) black suede shoes

(c) blue suede shoes

(d) black suit shoes


4. Bending over the sink the boy, Roger asked Mrs. Jones whether she-

(a) was going to take him to jail

(c) was going to reward him

(d) was going to take care of him

5. On entering her room Mrs. Jones asked Roger to-


(a) eat dinner

(b) comb his hair

(c) wash his face

(d) take rest for a while


6. Mrs. Jones wanted to teach Roger-

(a) right from wrong

(b) what was right

(b) was going to punish him

(c) what was wrong

(d) what he should be



1. "Eat some, more son."-Who is the speaker? What is offered by the speaker to the listener? What picture of the speaker's character is revealed in this line? 1+1+4

2. "I would teach you right from wrong"-Who said this, to whom and when? How did the speaker transform the person spoken to here?

3. "You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong-Who speaks to whom? Did the speaker manage to teach what he/she claimed to teach? Give reasons for your answer. 2+4

4. "Do you need somebody to go to the store ...?"

Who is the speaker? To whom did the speaker say this? Why did the speaker want to go to the store? What did they have in supper?

5. "You gonna take me to jail?"-Who asked this question and to whom? When did the speaker ask this question? What reply did the speaker get?

6. What had Mrs. Jones guessed to be the real reason behind Roger's action? What was the real reason? What did Mrs. Jones do so that Roger could fulfil his wish? What did she tell him then?
