Suppose your friend wastes study hours by using android phone. Now write a letter to him/her giving advice as a friend. (Within 100 words).

Suppose your friend wastes study hours by using android phone. Now write a letter to him/her giving advice as a friend. (Within 100 words).

Write a letter to your younger brother warning him against the harmfulness of growing mobile addiction among the teenaged school goers.

Your Address 

Dear __(Name of friend /brother)__,

At the beginning of the letter you take my cordial love. For a Long time we are away from each other. I hope you all are well by the grace of God. I am also fine by the grace of God.I've noticed that you've been spending a considerable amount of study time on your Android phone.(I've noticed that you've been wasting study hours by using android phone.)As your friend/ (/younger brother), I genuinely care about your academic success, and I'd like to offer a friendly piece of advice.I understand the allure of technology, but I also want to see you succeed academically.You know the proverb "Time and tide wait for none".So you must use your time properly.If you waste  your valuable times by using mobile phones, you will be unable to complete your lessons.

(There are many demerits of this cell-phone. It is dangerous to use mobile while crossing a road or driving a car. Any fatal accident may occur in a moment. The electro-magnetic radiation in the microwave range is harmful to health. Recent statistics show that mobile phone users have increased risk of brain tumour and cancer. The teenagers are getting addicted to its abuse. Mobile phone kills  the times and makes one rather crazy. The tower that sends signal to mobile badly affects animals and plant life.)So you must stop the use of android phone.Distractions can hinder your progress. This small adjustment might significantly enhance your focus and productivity. Remember, achieving your goals requires disciplined efforts. Let's support each other in staying focused on our studies.(I warned you that this could affect your studies, and it's happening now. It's disappointing for all of us. I care about you, and I'm worried, especially after hearing about my friend who had an accident while using the phone. Please, for your safety, cut down on mobile use. If it continues, I might have to take it away. )

No more today, I shall tell you in detail when we meet.

Lots of love to you..

Yours ever

Your Name

Your friend's /brother's address
