Write a letter of complaint to the police officer of a local police station about the loss of mobile phone.

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Write a letter of complaint to the police officer of a local police station about the loss of Mobile Phone.


The Officer-in-Charge
Bishnupur Police Station
Bishnupur -722122

Sub: Complaint about the loss of mobile phone./Application for lost mobile phone.

Respected Sir,

With due respect I,(Your Name),wish to inform you about the loss of  mobile phone at around 4 in the afternoon yesterday. I had kept  (Vivo V9) mobile phone  in  my  bag  when I was going to  Bishnupur Hospital by bus .I was unable to understand when  my bag had been stolen.
I had gone to see my grandfather. I was utterly dismayed on finding the bag  missing when I reached Bishnupur Hospital. I searched desperately but was unable to find it. The number of my  mobile phone  is 700195153X.The IMEI number of my mobile is 2581245123561235.

I shall be grateful to you if you kindly look into the matter and take proper steps immediately to recover  mobile phone. I hope for your prompt action.

Yours sincerely,
(Your Name)
(Your Address)
