You are almost at the end of your school life. Write a letter (in about 120 words) describing your experiences of the life you spent in school. Mention good and sad memories, some words about your friends and teachers and other details you think necessary. 10

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You are almost at the end of your school life. Write a letter (in about 120 words) describing your experiences of the life you spent in school. Mention good and sad memories, some words about your friends and teachers and other details you think necessary. 10

(Your Address)

Dear _____,

At the beginning of the letter you take my cordial love .For long we are away from each other. I hope you and your family members are fine by the grace of God .I am also fine by the grace of God. I'm almost done with school, and I want to share what it's been like. School is like a knowledge temple, where you discover the world and, more importantly, yourself. My school days are a bag full of memories I hold close to my heart. It's not just about the fun, friends, and all the cool stuff; it's where I find my interests. I owe a lot to my school – it's the reason I am who I am today .I made awesome friends, and we had so much fun together. We laughed a lot and helped each other when things got tough. Teachers were like guides, not just teaching but also helping me understand things better. I'll always remember the fun times, like our debates and sharing lunch. I'll miss the familiar places and faces.

School life gave me so many experiences. I got to develop my brainy side, but also tried my hand at art and sports. It backed me up in sports and introduced me to all kinds of people. This helped me learn how to act in social situations and build the personality I carry now.

Thanks to everyone who made my school days awesome. I'm excited about what's next but a bit sad to say goodbye to school.

No more today. I shall tell you in detail when we meet. Take care of yourself. Lots of love to you.

Your loving friend 

(Your first name)

Friend’s Address
