Compulsory English suggestion 2024 with Answer ,Bankura University ,Important MCQ and Answers of Compulsory English,Bankura University,Bankura University Compulsory English ,Compulsory English suggestion 2024,Last Minute Suggestion and answer of Compulsory English 2024 Bankura University

 Compulsory English suggestion  2024 with Answer

Semester -1 English Compulsory paper 2024

 Important MCQ and Answers of Compulsory English 

Bankura University

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'Loving in Truth'

1.     Who wrote 'Loving in Truth'?

·         A) William Shakespeare

·         B) John Donne

·         C) Philip Sidney 

·         D) John Milton

2.     What is the meaning of 'Astrophil and Stella'?

·         A) Star-crossed lovers

·         B) Star and Moon

·         C) Star-lover and Star

·         D) Star's Journey                                                                                                                    

3.     What type of sonnet is 'Loving in Truth'?

·         A) Shakespearean

·         B) Spenserian

·         C) Petrarchan

·         D) Miltonic

4.     To whom is the Sonnet addressed?

·         A) Elizabeth I

·         B) Anne Hathaway

·         C) Penelope Devereux

·         D) Mary Wroth

5.     What is the meaning of the word 'fain'?

·         A) Sad

·         B) Happy

·         C) Desiring or willing

·         D) Angry

6.     What does the poet mean by 'fresh and fruitful showers'? What is the comparison suggested here?

·         A) Tears and sadness

·         B) Sunshine and happiness

·         C) Rains that make the land fruitful and fresh with productions

·         D) Storms and chaos

7.     What kind of love does the poet express in the poem?

·         A) Happy love

·         B) Disappointed love

·         C) Unrequited love

·         D) Eternal love

8.     Why does the poet want to show his love?

·         A) To boast about his love

·         B) To seek revenge

·         C) To get her pity and kindness for his disappointed love

·         D) To win a bet

9.     Name the sonnet sequence from which the sonnet 'Loving in Truth' is taken.

·         A) Amoretti

·         B) Shakespeare's Sonnets

·         C) Astrophel and Stella

·         D) Sonnets from the Portuguese

10. What is the meaning of 'inventions' here?

·         A) New gadgets

·         B) Imaginations

·         C) Discoveries

·         D) Machines    

Three Years She Grew


1.       1.Who is 'she' in the first line? Where and how long did she grow?

·         A) The poet's mother; in a garden, for three years

·         B) The poet's sister; in the forest, for five years

·         C) A child later named Lucy; in the lap of the sun and shower, for three years

·         D) A character from a fairy tale; on a mountain, for one year

2.       What is meant by 'A lovelier flower on earth was never sown'?

·         A) No flower was ever sown on earth

·         B) Lucy is as lovely as a flower that was never sown

·         C) Flowers are lovelier when sown on earth

·         D) There are no lovely flowers on earth

3.       Who decided to take care of the girl?

·         A) The poet's family

·         B) Lucy herself

·         C) Nature

·         D) The poet's friend

4.       What is meant by 'law and impulses' in line 8?

·         A) Rules and regulations

·         B) Natural laws and instincts

·         C) Legal documents

·         D) Orders and commands

5.       Where will Nature take the girl?

·         A) To the moon

·         B) To a distant land

·         C) To her maiden's form

·         D) To the mountains

6.       What is meant by 'overseeing power' in line 11? Who will feel it?

·         A) Supervisory authority; Lucy

·         B) Presence of Nature; the girl

·         C) Parental control; the poet

·         D) Divine intervention; the clouds

7.       What will the girl learn from the 'fawn'?

·         A) To be serious

·         B) To be sportive and jubilant

·         C) To be cautious

·         D) To be aggressive

8.       What will the floating cloud lend to her?

·         A) Darkness

·         B) Grace

·         C) Rain

·         D) Sadness

9.       Who did she learn grace from?

·         A) The poet

·         B) The animals

·         C) The floating cloud

·         D) Her parents

10.   What shall mould the Maiden's form? How?

·         A) Divine Grace; through silent sympathy

·         B) Nature; through loud commands

·         C) Human affection; through strict discipline

·         D) Society; through societal norms

 With the Photographer

1.     Why did the author go to the photo studio?

·         A) To buy a camera

·         B) To have his photograph taken

·         C) To meet a friend

·         D) To learn photography techniques

2.     Describe the photographer.

·         A) Young and energetic

·         B) Old and wrinkled

·         C) Drooping man with dim eyes, wearing a gray suit

·         D) Tall and muscular

3.     Bring out the significance of what Leacock was reading at the photographer’s.

·         A) He was reading serious literature

·         B) He was reading for fun

·         C) He was studying for an exam

·         D) He was researching photography techniques

4.     Why did Leacock assume that the photographer was praying?

·         A) Because the photographer asked him to pray

·         B) Because the photographer remained quiet for some time

·         C) Because the photographer had a religious symbol

·         D) Because the photographer was chanting prayers loudly

5.     How did the inner room get light?

·         A) From electric bulbs

·         B) Through a beam of sunlight filtered through a sheet of factory cotton against a frosted skylight

·         C) From candles

·         D) From a lantern

6.     What angered the author?

·         A) The photographer's compliments

·         B) The photographer's delays

·         C) The photographer's unpleasant comments about his face

·         D) The photographer's high fees

7.     Why did the photographer feel happy after taking the photograph?

·         A) Because Leacock smiled

·         B) Because Leacock agreed to pay extra

·         C) Because he caught Leacock's features in a moment of animation

·         D) Because the photograph was perfectly lit

8.     Why did Leacock visit the studio on Saturday?

·         A) To complain about the photograph

·         B) To have another photograph taken

·         C) To see a proof of his photograph

·         D) To confront the photographer

9.     How did the author react on seeing his photograph?

·         A) He was happy and satisfied

·         B) He was shocked into silence

·         C) He laughed out loud

·         D) He immediately accepted it

10. What changes had the photographer effected on Leacock’s face in the picture?

·         A) Added glasses

·         B) Removed eyebrows and adjusted mouth

·         C) Added a hat

·         D) Added a beard

 To His Coy Mistress

1.What does the title "To His Coy Mistress" suggest about the poet's mistress? 

a) She is bold and assertive 

b) She is shy and hesitates to respond quickly to her lover’s advances.

c) She is indifferent and aloof 

d) She is passionate and eager

2.       Where is the river Humber situated?

 a) South America 

b) North-East England 

c) Australia

 d) Africa

3.       Which flood does the poet refer to in the poem?

a) The Nile Flood

 b) The Amazon Flood 

c) The Great Flood from Genesis 

d) The Tsunami Flood

4.       How does the poet propose to appreciate different parts of his beloved's body? 

a) Spending a hundred years on each part 

b) Spending a thousand years on each part 

c) Spending a decade on each part

 d) Spending a lifetime on each part

5.       What sound does the poet always hear behind him?

 a) The ticking of a clock 

b) The chirping of birds 

c) The rumbling of Time's winged chariot 

d) The sound of footsteps

Answer: c) The rumbling of Time's winged chariot

6.       What does the poet say about the grave?

 a) It's a place of eternal happiness 

b) It's a fine and private place where love cannot intrude 

c) It's a place of endless sorrow 

d) It's a place where love thrives eternally

7.       According to the poet, when is the proper time for the enjoyment of life? 

a) In old age 

b) In youth

 c) In middle age 

d) In childhood

8.       How does the poet propose to enjoy the present moment?

 a) By reminiscing about the past 

b) By worrying about the future

c) By living in the moment and seizing the day

 d) By ignoring the present

9.       Why does the poet compare himself and his beloved to amorous birds of prey? 

a) To emphasize their gracefulness

 b) To highlight their innocence 

c) To convey their fierceness and passion

 d) To show their cowardice

10.     What does the phrase 'Time's winged chariot' signify?

a) The unstoppable march of time

 b) The beauty of nature 

c) The tranquility of life 

d) The eternal bliss

11.     What does the poet mean by the phrase 'Vegetable love'?

 a) Love that grows slowly like plants 

b) Love that is artificial 

c) Love that is fleeting 

d) Love that is passionate and intense

Answer: a) Love that grows slowly like plants

12.     What is hyperbole? a) A figure of speech that uses exaggeration b) A form of irony c) A type of rhyme scheme d) A poetic meter

13.     What is the 'Carpe Diem Theme'?

 a) The theme of seizing the day and enjoying the present moment

 b) The theme of regret and missed opportunities

 c) The theme of eternal love 

d) The theme of betrayal

14.     Why is the grave not a proper place for making love? 

a) Because it's too noisy

 b) Because it's too crowded

 c) Because the dead have no sensation or feeling

 d) Because it's too dark

15.     What is the 'Carpe-Diem Theory'? In which poem do you find it? 

a) It's a theory about enjoying the present moment; found in "To His Coy Mistress" 

b) It's a theory about procrastination; found in "The Waste Land" 

c) It's a theory about eternal love; found in "Sonnet 18" 

d) It's a theory about loss and longing; found in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"

16.     How is the lady committing a crime in "To His Coy Mistress"?

 a) By being too eager to respond to her lover's advances 

b) By being too passionate 

c) By wasting time and approaching senility and death gradually

 d) By being too reserved

17.     Why does Marvell call his beloved a "coy mistress"?

a) Because she is bold and assertive

 b) Because she is shy and hesitant 

c) Because she is indifferent and aloof 

d) Because she is passionate and eager

18.     According to the poem, how many years should be spent praising the eyes and forehead of the beloved? 

a) Fifty years 

b) A hundred years 

c) Two hundred years

 d) Thirty thousand years

19.     How many years does the poet suggest should be spent adoring each breast?

 a) One hundred years

 b) Two hundred years 

c) Thirty thousand years

 d) Five hundred years

20.     How many years are proposed to be spent on the rest of the beloved's body? 

a) Fifty years

 b) A hundred years

 c) Thirty thousand years 

d) Two hundred years

22.     Where does the speaker suggest his beloved could find rubies? 

a) By the Indian Ganges’ side 

b) By the Nile River 

c) By the Amazon River 

d) By the Humber River

23.     How long does the speaker claim he would love his beloved before the conversion of the Jews? 

a) Ten years

 b) Twenty years

 c) Fifty years 

d) One hundred years

24.     What river does the speaker mention being near while he complains?

 a) The Indian Ganges

 b) The Humber 

c) The Nile 

d) The Amazon

25.Until when does the speaker suggest his beloved could refuse his love, if she pleases? 

a) Until the end of time

 b) Until the flood

 c) Until the conversion of the Jews 

d) Until the stars align

26.     What type of lady is the "Coy Mistress"? 

a) Assertive and confident b) Conservative and hesitant 

c) Bold and adventurous d) Indifferent and aloof

27.     Why does Marvell call his beloved a coy mistress?

 a) Because she is eager to have a physical relationship

 b) Because she is shy and reluctant 

c) Because she is passionate and bold

 d) Because she is indifferent and aloof

28.     What does the word 'coy' mean in the poem 'To His Coy Mistress"? 

a) Boldness 

b) Shyness 

c) Indifference 

d) Passion

29.In what sense is the lady committing a crime? 

a) By being too eager to engage in physical intimacy 

b) By being too passionate

c) By wasting time and not responding to her lover's advances

 d) By being too reserved and aloof

30.What do you mean by "vegetable love"? 

a) Love that is artificial

 b) Love that is fleeting 

c) Love that grows naturally without constraint 

d) Love that is indifferent

31.Where is Humber situated? 

a) South America

 b) North-East England

 c) Asia 

d) Africa

32.What flood does the poet refer to in the poem “To His Coy Mistress”?

 a) The Biblical flood associated with Noah 

b) A local flood in England 

c) A fictional flood 

d) A historical flood in Europe

33.How many years will the poet take to describe the eyes and forehead of his beloved? 

a) 50 years

 b) 100 years

 c) 200 years 

d) 500 years

34.     What does Andrew Marvel say about the grave? 

a) It's a place of eternal happiness

 b) It's a fine and private place for love-making

 c) It's a place where love thrives eternally 

d) None can enjoy the pleasure of love-making there

35.What is a fine and secret place for making love?

 a) A garden

 b) A castle 

c) The sea 

d) The grave

36.     Why is the grave not a private place for making love? 

a) Because it's too noisy

 b) Because it's too crowded 

c) Because the dead have no sensation or feeling

 d) Because it's too dark

37.     What, according to Marvell, is the proper time for enjoyment in life?

 a) Childhood 

b) Middle age 

c) Old age 

d) Youth

Answer: d) Youth

38.     What does the poet always hear at his back?

 a) The ticking of a clock

 b) The chirping of birds

 c) The rumbling of "time's winged chariot" 

d) The sound of footsteps

39.     What does “Time’s winged chariot” signify?

 a) The unstoppable march of time 

b) The beauty of nature

 c) The tranquility of life

d) The eternal bliss

40.What does Marvell mean by 'the iron gates of life' in “To His Coy Mistress”?

 a) The barriers that hinder love 

b) The gateway to heaven 

c) The challenges of life 

d) The inevitability of death

Answer: a) The barriers that hinder love

41.What does 'Deserts of vast eternity' mean?

 a) Endless barren lands

b) Infinite silence or time after death

 c) Large expanses of sand dunes 

d) Eternal bliss

42.What is 'Carpe Diem theory'? In which poem do you find it?

 a) The theory of enjoying the present without worrying about the future; found in "To His Coy Mistress" 

b) The theory of procrastination; found in "The Waste Land"

 c) The theory of eternal love; found in "Sonnet 18"

 d) The theory of betrayal; found in "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"

42.     What is hyperbole? 

a) A figure of speech that uses exaggeration 

b) A form of irony 

c) A type of rhyme scheme

 d) A poetic meter



1.            What is communication?

 a) The exchange of goods between individuals  

b) The process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, or feelings between individuals or groups

 c) The act of physical touch between two people

 d) The process of storing data

2.            Which of the following is not a mode of communication?

 a) Verbal Communication

 b) Non-verbal Communication

c) Emotional Communication

 d) Visual Communication

3.            What does verbal communication involve?

a) Using images or visuals to convey information

b) Conveying messages without words, through gestures

 c) Using spoken or written words

d) Communication through electronic devices

4.            Which mode of communication involves body language and gestures?

a) Verbal Communication

b) Non-verbal Communication

 c) Visual Communication

d) Digital Communication

5.            What is mass communication?

a) Direct communication between individuals

b) Communication through electronic devices

c) Broadcasting information to a large audience through media channels

d) Structured and official communication within organizations

6.            What is feedback in the communication process?

a) The medium through which the message is transmitted

b) The response or reaction provided by the receiver

c) The circumstances or situation in which the communication occurs

d) The person initiating the communication

7.            Which stage of communication involves converting thoughts or ideas into a message? 

a) Sender 

b) Encoding

 c) Receiver 

d) Decoding

Answer: b) Encoding

8.            What does noise refer to in the communication process?

 a) Any interference or distortion affecting the clarity of the message

b) The medium through which the message is transmitted

c) The response or reaction provided by the receiver

d) The circumstances or situation in which the communication occurs

9.            What is formal communication?

a) Casual and unofficial communication in personal or social settings

b) Structured and official communication within organizations

c) Direct communication between individuals

 d) Communication through electronic devices

10.          What does the channel refer to in the communication process?

a) The person initiating the communication

b) The medium through which the message is transmitted

c) The response or reaction provided by the receiver

d) The circumstances or situation in which the communication occurs

11.          What is interpersonal communication?

 a) Communication through electronic devices

b) Broadcasting information to a large audience through media channels

 c) Direct communication between individuals

d) Structured and official communication within organizations

12.          Which stage of communication involves interpreting and understanding the message?

a) Sender

b) Encoding

c) Receiver

d) Decoding

13.          What is informal communication?

a) Casual and unofficial communication in personal or social settings

b) Structured and official communication within organizations

c) Direct communication between individuals d) Communication through electronic devices

14.          What is the context in the communication process?

a) The person initiating the communication

 b) The medium through which the message is transmitted

c) The circumstances or situation in which the communication occurs

d) The response or reaction provided by the receiver

15.          What does digital communication involve?

a) Using spoken or written words

 b) Conveying messages without words, through gestures

c) Communication through electronic devices

d) Broadcasting information to a large audience through media channels

16.          In communication, what does the message refer to?

 a) The person initiating the communication

b) The actual information or idea being conveyed

c) The medium through which the message is transmitted

d) The response or reaction provided by the receiver

17.          What is the role of the receiver in the communication process?

 a) Initiating the communication

b) Encoding the message

 c) Decoding the message

d) Providing feedback

18.          What does the term "channel" represent in communication?

a) The sender of the message

 b) The medium through which the message is transmitted

 c) The recipient of the message

 d) The response or feedback received

Important MCQ and Answers of Compulsory English, Bankura University,Bankura University Compulsory English ,Compulsory English suggestion 2024, Last Minute Suggestion and answer of Compulsory English 2024 Bankura University


