Short questions and answers of "A Day in the Zoo"., Textual Questions and Answers of A Day in the Zoo

Short questions and answers of "A Day in the Zoo".


 Textual Questions and Answers of 'A Day in the Zoo'

1. Who wrote "A Day in the Zoo"?

Ans: Gerald Durrell wrote "A Day in the Zoo".

2.Where from is  "A Day in the Zoo" taken ?

Ans: A Day in the Zoo is taken from Managerie Manor.

3.What is mentioned as one thing in the passage?

Ans.The passage mentions visiting a zoo as an ordinary member of the public as one thing.

4.: What is mentioned as quite another thing in the passage?

Ans : The passage mentions owning a zoo and living in it as quite another thing.

5.What advantage does owning a zoo provide, according to the passage?

Ans: According to the passage, owning a zoo enables you to rush out at any hour of the day or night to observe the animals.

6.: What is the responsibility associated with owning a zoo, as per the passage?

Ans: As per the passage, owning a zoo means being on duty twenty-four hours a day.

7.When does the average zoo day begin?

Ans: The average zoo day begins just before dawn.

8.Which bird is singing?

Ans: Robin is singing.

9.What signals the beginning of the day?

Ans: The birdsong, including the singing robin, the touracos' cries, and the joyful blackbird, signals the beginning of the day.

10.What is happening in the courtyard?

Ans: In the courtyard, a group of peahens is earnestly searching the dewy grass, and a male peahen is dancing with his burnished tail raised like a fountain in the sunlight.

11.When does the zoo staff arrive?
Ans: The zoo staff arrives at eight o'clock.

12.What can you hear from the zoo staff when they arrive?
A: You can hear them shout greetings to each other, and the sounds made by their buckets and brushes are heard.

13.What do you do in the cool fresh morning according to the passage?
Ans.In the cool fresh morning, you go out to see if all is right with the zoo.

14.Where do the monkeys and other mammals live?

Ans: The monkeys and other mammals live in the long, two storied granite house.

15.When have the gorillas been let out of their cages?

Ans:  The gorillas have been let out of their cages while the cages are cleaned.

16.Where do they gallop?

Ans: They gallop about on the floor with high spirits of the children just out of school.

17.What do the gorillas try to wrench?

Ans: The gorillas try to wrench the electric heaters from their sockets.

18.What do the gorillas try to break?

Ans: The  gorillas try to break fluorescent lights.

19.Who stands guard over the apes?

Ans: Stephen, broom in hand,stands guard over the apes.

20.Who is busy with Jeremy and where?

Ans:Mike is busy with Jeremy inside the gorilla's cages.

21. Who is Etam?

Ans: Etam is the black Celebes ape.

22.How do the parrots and parakeets salute one?

Ans: The parrots and parakeets salute one with a cacophony of sounds.

23.Who is  Suku?

Ans:Suku is a grey parrot.

24.What does Suku say?

Ans: Suku says that he is a very fine bird.

25.How does the hairy armadillo behave?

Ans: The hairy armadillo lies on its back, with paws and nose twitching.

26.What activity do the mongooses engage in?

A: A host of quick-footed, bright-eyed mongooses patter busily around their cages.

27.What happens upstairs in the house?

A: Upstairs in the house, the parrots and parakeets create a cacophony of sounds, and the grey parrot Suku cries, "I'm a very fine bird."

28.What does Etam, the black Celebes ape, do when you approach?

Ans: Etam, the black Celebes ape, clings to the wire and bares his teeth at you in greeting.

29.What are Mike and Jeremy doing inside the gorilla's cages?

Ans: Mike and Jeremy are busy sweeping up the mess on the floor and scattering fresh white sawdust.

30.What is happening with the gorillas in the granite house?

Ans: The gorillas have been let out of their cages while the cages are cleaned. They gallop about on the floor with high spirits, trying to interact with various objects.

31.Where do the touracos now live in the zoo?

Ans:The touracos now live in the big cage at the end of the house.

32.What is the name of the male touraco, and where was it reared?

Ans: The male touraco's name is Peety, and it was reared in West Africa.

33.How does Peety respond when called?

Ans: If you call to Peety, he will fly down and land on a perch nearest to you. Then he will throw back his head and give a husky cry, "Caroo...Caroo... caroo... coo....coo...coo..."

34. After leaving the birdhouse, where does the narrator go next?

Ans: After leaving the birdhouse, the narrator walks to the reptile house.

35: What is the temperature like in the reptile house?

Ans: In the reptile house, the temperature is a pleasant eighty degrees.

36.How do the reptiles behave in the reptile house?

Ans: The reptiles doze in the pleasant temperature. Snakes regard visitors calmly with lidless eyes, frogs make gulping sounds, and lizards lie draped over rocks and tree trunks.

37.When do the zoo gates open, and what happens then?

Ans: The zoo gates open at ten o'clock, and the first rush of visitors arrive. As they flood into the grounds, everyone has to be alert to ensure that people do not hurt the animals.

38.What is the reason for being alert when visitors arrive at the zoo?

Ans: The reason for being alert is not to ensure that the animals do not hurt the people but to make sure that the people do not hurt the animals.(Sometimes people disturb the sleeping animals by throwing stones, prodding with sticks, and giving the chimpanzees lighted cigarette and razor blade.)

39.What are some examples of uncivilized behavior mentioned in the zoo?

Ans: Some examples of uncivilized behavior include visitors trying to throw stones at sleeping animals or prod them with sticks to make them move. Additionally, visitors have been found trying to give chimpanzees lighted cigarettes and razor blades.

40. What happens towards evening with the visiting crowd in the zoo?

A: Towards evening the visiting crowd thins out in the zoo.

41. How is the cage of the crowned pigeons lit in the evening?

A: In the evening, the slanting rays of the sun light the cage where the crowned pigeons live.

42.What does the robin do as the light fades?

Ans: As the light fades, the robin ceases to sing and flies off to roost in the mimosa tree.

43.What do the white-faced owls do as the light fades?

Ans: The white-faced owls, which have spent all day pretending to be grey tree stumps, now open large golden eyes as the light fades.

44.What happens as shadows creep over the flower beds and rockery?

Ans:As shadows creep over the flower beds and rockery, there is a sudden chorus from the chimpanzee's bedroom, indicating they are quarreling over who should have the straw.

45.What do you watch through the window as you lie in bed?

Ans: As you lie in bed, you watch through the window the moon separating itself from the shadow of the trees.

46.What do you hear while lying in bed?

Ans:While lying in bed, you hear the lions cough.

