Suggestion of Strong Roots, HS ENGLISH SUGGESTION

Suggestion of Strong Roots



Descriptive type Question

1. "Why don't you say this to the people who come to you....?"-Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word 'this'? Why do the people come to the person spoken to?


2. What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam's father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father?3+3


3. "Our locality was predominantly Muslim"-Who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in this description?1+3+2


4. 'I normally ate with my mother."

Who ate with his mother? Name his mother. Where did he eat with his mother? What did he eat with his mother?


5. "His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm."

-Who is the speaker? Whose answer is being referred to here? What was the answer?

1+1+4 [H.S.-2019]

6. "People of different religions would be sitting outside waiting for him."Who is referred to as 'him'? Where did the people wait? Why did they wait there? What would happen thereafter? 1+1+2+2


7. "I normally ate with my mother."

Who ate with his mother? Name his mother. Where did he eat with his mother? What did he eat with his mother?2022

Short Answer Type Question

1. Who was the high priest of Rameswaram temple?

2. In whom did Abdul Kalam's father have an ideal helpmate?

3. In which town was Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam born?

4. What, according to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's father does adversity always present?

5. Who was the priest of the Shiva temple in 'Strong Roots'?

6. Who was bestowed the title of 'Bahadur' in 'Strong Roots'?

7. What does Kalam's father say about the relevance of prayer?

8. Describe the ancestral house of Kalam.

9. Whom did Kalam consider to be a very close friend of his father?

10. What did Abdul Kalam's father use to avoid?

11. How was Abdul Kalam's mother lineage different from his father's?

12. Who was a very close friend of Abdul Kalam's father?

13. Who was the priest of the Rameswaram temple?

14. What does Kalam's father say about the importance of prayer?

15. What did Abdul Kalam's father use to avoid?

Multiple Choice Question

1. One of the forebears of Kalam's mother was awarded by the British the title of-

(a) Bahadur

(b) Raibahadur

(c) Padmashree

(d) Bharat Ratna

2. Kalam's father would take him to the mosque for-

(a) pre-dawn prayers

(b) evening prayers

(c) mid-day prayers

(d) afternoon prayers

3. Abdul Kalam's ancestral house was built in-

(a) mid 19th century

(b) late 19th century

(c) early 20th century

(d) early 19th century

4. The coconut grove, where Abdul Kalam's father used to walk down every morning was about-

(a) one and a half miles

(b) three miles

(c) four miles

(d) four and a half miles

5. Abdul Kalam's father would convey complex spiritual concepts in simple, down-to-earth-

(a) Arabic

(b) Urdu

(c) Tamil

(d) Telugu

6. The words of Abdul Kalam's father filled him with a strange energy and-

(a) relief

(b) enthusiasm

(c) perseverance

(d) determination

7. Abdul Kalam's father would convey complex spiritual concepts in simple, down-to-earth-

(a) Arabic

(b) Urdu

(c) Tamil

(d) Telugu

