How blood donation camp is organised., How is the blood donation camp organized?Processing for class 9,Processing for class 10,blood donation camp processing


How blood  donation camp is organised., How is the blood donation camp organized?Processing for class 9,Processing for class 10,blood donation camp processing

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Camp set up- names of donors enlisted - -health of donor's checked-  -doctors invited-blood group tested- asked to lie on bed-veins compressed-cleaned with ether- needle inserted -blood collected in sterilised bottles or polythene bags- labelled properly-- kept in refrigerator → sent to blood bank


Donating blood is essential for saving lives (Blood donation saves precious life). Blood donation camps are often organised to collect blood from the voluntary  donors. It is very interesting matter to know how blood donation is organized.At first, names of the willing donors are enlisted by the organisers. Doctors are invited to conduct and supervise the health of the donors. Health of the donors are checked up to determine whether they are physically stable enough to donate. Then their blood groups are tested.Next the donors are  asked to lie on bed. Now veins are compressed with rubber garters. The veins become prominent. Thereafter, the spot is cleaned with ether and needle is inserted. Blood comes as a result of it. It is collected in sterilised bottles or polythene bags at the other end of the channel. The bottles or bags are labelled properly and kept in refrigerator. At last, the collected blood is sent to blood bank.


Donating blood is essential for saving lives, so blood donation camps are often organized to collect blood from voluntary donors. The process begins with enlisting the names of willing donors by the organizers, followed by inviting doctors to conduct and supervise the health checks of the donors. After determining their physical stability for donation, the donors' blood groups are tested. Then, they are asked to lie on a bed, and their veins are compressed with rubber garters to make them prominent. The spot is then cleaned with ether, and a needle is inserted to collect the blood, which is collected in sterilized bottles or polythene bags at the other end of the channel. These bottles or bags are properly labeled and refrigerated, and the collected blood is ultimately sent to the blood bank.
