Mango Pickle

Use the following hints to describe how 'Mango Pickle' is prepared in about 100 words. 
Hints: Buying mangoes -- sorting and removing rotten ones -cleaning -- cutting into pieces--drying in the sun -- mixing salt, mustard oil and chilli powder -- keeping on a big pot -placing the pot in the sun- putting into jars.

Preparation of Mango Pickle

Mango pickle is a mouth-watering food item.It is a very interesting matter to know how mango pickle is prepared. It can be made at home easily.The preparation of mango pickle involves a few stages.The main ingredients of mango pickle are mango, salt,mustard oil and chilli powder.
To prepare mango pickle, first, ripe mangoes are bought from the market. Next, they are sorted  properly and  rotten ones are removed. Then, the mangoes are cleaned with fresh water and cut into small pieces.After that, these pieces are spread out and dried in the sun to remove excess moisture.Later,the mango pieces are mixed with salt, mustard oil, and chili powder in a large pot. The pot is then placed in the sun to allow the flavors to meld and intensify. Finally, the prepared pickle is transferred into jars for storage. Now,this traditional process ensures a delicious and flavorful mango pickle that can be enjoyed for months.
