Write a letter to the editor of an English daily about increasing road accidents .

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Write a letter  to the editor of an English daily  about increasing road accidents .



The Editor

The Times of India 

Kolkata-700 014

Sub:  Increasing Road Accidents .

Respected Sir,

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your esteemed daily to express my views about increasing road accidents .

Road accidents have become an almost regular incident in our day-to-day metro life. Keeping with the pace of modern life, the number of vehicles has increased considerably. During rush hours public vehicles like buses, minibuses and even government buses ply with excessive velocity (āĻ—āĻ¤ি)to compete and overtake each other for getting more passengers. As a result of such reckless driving, the drivers violate traffic rules. Not only the drivers, the pedestrians too often cross the road without caring the traffic rules. Therefore, inevitably death incidents have cropped up so much, collision between vehicles are also so frequent today.Public awareness and also strict enforcement of traffic rules are essential to minimise this urban problem.

Under the above circumstances I, therefore ,request you to write the leading article on the topic so that government or concerned authority should take appropriate steps as early as possible.

Yours Faithfully,

Bishnupur,Bankura ,

Road accidents have become almost a regular occurrence in our day-to-day life in the metro. With the rapid pace of modern life, the number of vehicles has significantly increased. During rush hours, public vehicles such as buses, minibuses, and even government buses operate at excessive speeds, competing and overtaking each other to attract more passengers. As a result of such reckless driving, drivers who favor the accelerator often violate traffic rules. Not only drivers, but pedestrians also frequently disregard traffic rules when crossing the road. Consequently, fatal incidents have become increasingly common, and collisions between vehicles occur frequently today
