MCQ and Answer of "The Second Coming ", short questions and answer of The Second Coming

 MCQ and Answer of "The Second Coming "

MCQ and Answer of "The Second Coming ", short questions and answer of The Second Coming.

1.Who wrote the poem" The Second Coming"?

a)W.B. Yeats

2.The poem 'The Second Coming' is written on the background of- 

a) World War I

3. In Biblical view 'The Second Coming' refers to the coming of-

a)Jesus Christ.

4.The falcon cannot hear- a)the falconer

5.The title 'The Second Coming' got its reference from-a) Biblical theology.

6.Here 'gyre' symbolically presents-(a)progress of time

7.Turning and turning...... As a result of this-

a)the spiral is widening

(b)the centre cannot hold

(c)things fall apart

8.The atmosphere of the whole world after First World War became- a)tumultuous

9.As a result of the rapid motion, the things- a)fall apart.

10.What ceremony is drowned?

a)Ceremony of innocence 

11.What is loosed upon the world?

a)Mere anarchy 

12.Who lack all conviction?
a)the best / wise and good.

13.Who are full of passionate intensity?
a)the worst.

14.Here falcon is the symbol of  -a)order / control 

15.Which literary device is used in the line"the falcon cannot hear the falconer"-a) Metaphor
16.In "The Second Coming " some revelation is at -------a)hand 

17."Hardly are those words out "-What are referred to as 'those words'?
👉 Widening gyre

18.What is at hand?
👉the Second Coming 

19.What occurs as soon as the words' Second Coming ' are uttered  -

👉A vast image out of Spiritus Mundi troubles his sight

20.The vast image is seen ----👉in the sands of the desert 🤔.

21.What troubles his sight?
🤪A vast image out of Spiritus Mundi troubles his sight

22.The body of beast😡 like image is that of 👉lion 🦁

23.The head of the image is that of a 

24.'Reel shadows'👽➡️What are the shadows of -👉👉🐧🐦‍⬛🐦🐥🦜 desert birds

25. Twenty centuries of stony sleep were vexed to ---👉👉👉Nightmare 🫣

26.In 'The Second Coming ' the word 'rough beast ' refers to 👉👉👉 
a manticore or sphynx, (a mythical creature having a lion's body and a man's head.)

27.In 'The Second Coming ' the word 'rough beast ' symbolizes -  👉👉👉👉👹👺anti christ.

28.What is imminent according to the poet?🧑‍🎓

👉religious revelation 

29.In 'The Second Coming' The desert birds refer to  👉👉👉🦜🦜🦜vulture /falcon /hawk

30.The movement of the creature is   ---

31.The desert birds🐧🐧🐧 are --- indignant.

32.The rough beast slouches towards -Bethlehem.
