Aims Question Bank, Page 398 Solved


**Reading Comprehension (Seen)*

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

A month later a letter came for Father. After he finished reading it, his eyes looked as if he had been crying. "Do you want to know what became of your kite?" He said. Then he sat down beside us and told us the whole story. Father had a brother and a sister. He had quarrelled with his brother and left home. Years afterward, he felt sorry and when he went back, he found his brother had died and he couldn't find his sister.

The letter Father had just received was from his sister, Aunt Esther, mother of Dick and Mimi. She was a widow who lived hundreds of miles inland. One day when Dick and Mimi were out in the woods, they discovered the kite on the top of a tree and carried it home. When their mother saw the kite patched with the letter, she turned pale. It was the very letter she had once written to her brother.

**A. Tick (✓) the correct alternative:**

(i) A letter came for father after a -

(a) day  

(b) week  

(c) fortnight  

(d) month

**Ans:** (d) month

(ii) Father left home after quarrelling with his-

(a) brother  

(b) sister  

(c) aunt  

(d) uncle

**Ans:** (a) brother

**B. Write "T" for True and "F" for False statements:**

(i) After Father finished reading it, he started laughing.

**Ans:** F

(ii) Aunt Esther's husband had died.

**Ans:** T

**C. Answer the following questions:**

(i) Why did Aunt Esther turn pale?

**Ans:** Answer Unit 3 Question No. 12

2. Read the poem and answer the questions:

Once I crept in an oakwood—I was looking for a stag. I met an old woman there—all knobly stick and rag. She said, "I have your secret here inside my little bag." Then she began to cackle and I began to quake. She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake—Surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake.

**A. Tick (✔) the correct alternative:**

(i) Creeping in an oakwood, the poet was looking for a-

(a) goat  

(b) rhinoceros  

(c) stag  

(d) buffalo

**Ans:** (c) stag

(ii) The phrase 'staring tribe' refers to-

(a) mango trees  

(b) oak trees  

(c) apple trees  

(d) banyan tree 

**Ans:** (b) oak trees

**B. Fill in the blanks with information from the above extract:**

(i) The secret of the poet is kept ________.

**Ans:** inside the old woman's little bag.

(ii) After coming twice awake, the poet found himself surrounded ________.

**Ans:** by a staring tribe and tied to a stake.

**Reading Comprehension (Unseen)**

3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

After conquering Bengal, the British exploited both the people and the land of Bengal. They forced the farmers to pay high taxes, that too in currency. Earlier, they had to give only a small portion of their production as tax. They now started growing commercial crops instead of food crops to pay the high taxes. The Britishers also forced the farmers to grow indigo in their fields which made their fields barren.

Thousands of farmers became poorer. Many died of starvation. Even this did not melt the heart of the Britishers. They kept charging high taxes. The farmers had to pay taxes even during natural calamities. Due to the industrial revolution, the British Industrialists in England demanded steady and large quantities of raw materials. These raw materials were exported from India to England at a very low cost. The cloth and other items that were made in England with the raw materials were sold in India at high prices. This way, British also destroyed the handloom industry of India.

**A. Choose the correct alternative and write the answer in the space given below:**

(i) After conquering Bengal, the British exploited-

(a) only the people  

(b) only the land  

(c) both the people and the land  

(d) none of these

**Ans:** (c) both the people and the land

(ii) The raw materials were exported from-

(a) India to England  

(b) England to India  

(c) India to France  

(d) France to India

**Ans:** (a) India to England

**B. Write "T" for true and "F" for false statements. Also provide supporting statement:**

(i) The Britishers remained unmoved despite farmers' death due to starvation.  

Supporting sentence: "Even this did not melt the heart of the Britishers."

**Ans:** T

(ii) For paying high taxes, the farmers had to grow commercial crops in place of food crops.  

Supporting sentence: "They now started growing commercial crops instead of food crops to pay the high taxes."

**Ans:** T

**C. Answer the following questions:**

(i) What made the fields barren?

**Ans:** The fields became barren because the British forced the farmers to grow indigo, which exhausted the soil's fertility.

(ii) How did the British destroy the handloom industry of India?

**Ans:** The British destroyed the handloom industry of India by exporting raw materials from India to England at very low costs. The cloth and other items made in England from these raw materials were then sold in India at high prices, outcompeting and crippling the local handloom industry.

**SECTION-B Grammar & Vocabulary**

4. **A. Do as directed:**

(i) He said to me, "Will you go to school today?" (Change the narration)

**Ans:** He asked me if I would go to school that day.

(ii) Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Turn into positive degree)

**Ans:**No other girl in her class runs as fast as Sangeeta

 No other girl in Sangeeta's class runs as fast as she does.

(iii) I went to school yesterday. (Turn into a simple question)

**Ans:**Did you go to school yesterday?

 Did I go to school yesterday?

(iv) What a sight! (Turn into an assertive sentence)

**Ans:** It is a great sight.

 It is a wonderful sight.

(v) The sun rose. The fog disappeared. (Turn into a simple sentence)

**Ans:** The sun having risen, the fog disappeared

With the rising of the sun, the fog disappeared.

(vi) The poet asks a white sail. (Use a suitable preposition)

**Ans:** The poet asks for a white sail.

**B. From the passage No. 3, find words which mean the following:**

(i) gaining by force: **conquering**

(ii) unproductive: **barren**
