B.A. 6th Semester (English Honours Suggestion ) Examination, 2024 ,Bankura University 3rd Year English Hons Suggestion 2024 ,DSE 4

Travel Writing

Answer the following questions. 

B.A. 6th Semester (Honours) Examination, 2022

   B.A. 6th Semester (English Honours  Suggestion ) Examination, 2024 

Bankura University


Course ID: 60317 Course Code: AH/ENG/604/DSE-4

Unit I

1. (a) Describe the Court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq as recorded by Ibn Batuta. 1x10=10


 (b) Summarize Al Biruni’s account of the pilgrimages and sacred places in India.


 (C) Following Battuta describe the City of Delhi as represented in The Court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq. 10


(D) Consider critically Al Biruni’s depiction of the four classes in the society with reference to ‘India’.


1. a) Describe the city of Delhi as represented by Battuta in The Court of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq.


b) Critically comment on the representation of the Brahmins in Al Biruni's India.


(a) Comment on Twain’s humour with reference to the chapters from The Innocents Abroad as prescribed in your syllabus. 1x10=10


 (b) Discuss Twain’s account of their trip to Gibraltar and Tangier as a representation of culture as also the practices of writing history.


 (C) Comment on Mark Twain’s writing style in The Innocent Abroad with reference to the chapters prescribed in your syllabus. 10


(D) Critically analyse Twain’s depiction of the Moors with reference to Chapter IX of Twain’s The Innocent Abroad.


2. a) Consider Mark Twain's The Innocent Abroad as a travelogue with reference to the chapters prescribed in your syllabus. 10

b) Moors with reference to the chapters from The Critically comment on Twain's portrayal of the

Innocent Abroad as prescribed in your syllabus.

3.(a) Discuss how Dalrymple connects his narrative with the various historical events of contemporary political and social life of Delhi with reference to the first two chapters of City of  Djinns .

(b) Dalrymple’s City of Djinnsis “a portrait of a city disjointed in time…”. — Discuss with reference

to the chapters prescribed in your syllabus.


. (C) Write a note on the Prologue to Dalrymple’s City of Djinns. 10


(D) City of Djinns is categorised as a travelogue with a tinge of history. — Discuss.


 a) Why does Dalrymple define Delhi as a "City of Djinns"? Comment on the appropriateness of the title.

b) "Delhi was nervertheless changing, and changing fast" How does Dalrymple portray the crumbling of the old orders in a fast-changing Delhi in City of Djinns? Discuss with reference to the chapters prescribed in your syllabus.


4. Answer any five of the following questions: 5x2=10

(a) Describe after Battuta the cathedral mosque of Delhi.

(b) What was Al Biruni’s view on the equality of men?

(c) Why did Battuta say that Muhammad bin Tughlaq was fond of “making gifts and ofshedding


(d) What does Al Biruni observe on the construction of the holy ponds in India?

(e) Bring out the allusion in the subtitle of the book The Innocents Abroad .

(f) Mention briefly how the clock in the tower of the mosque was repaired.

(g) What was yajnopavita as mentioned by Biruni?

(h) How did Twain justify the presence of the skeletons and fossils of animals in Gibraltar,

strangely absent in any other corner of Spain?

(i) What does Twain observe about the Negroes held in slavery by the Moors?

(j) Comment briefly on the myth of “the Queen of Spain’s Chair”.

4. Answer any five of the following questions: 2x5=10

(a) Who was Ibn Battuta and when did he come to India?

(b) Why did Muhammad bin Tughlaq order the inhabitants of Delhi to leave the town?

(c) Name the four neighbouring and contiguous towns mentioned in Ibn Battuta’s text.

(d) Mention the vegetables forbidden to Brahmans by the religious code.

(e) What is asvamedha?

(f) Which places are referred to as ‘holy places’ by Al Biruni?


Answer the following questions.


4. Answer any five of the following questions: 2×5=10

a) How does Twain describe the 'Rock of Gibralter'?

b) What, according to Battuta, was "one of the gravest charges against the sultan"?

c) How does Twain define "the Oracle" in The Innocent Abroad?

d) What is haft jush? In which context does Battuta mention it in The Court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq?

e) "They have three Sundays a week in Tangier."

Comment briefly.

f) "This king is of all men the fondest of making gifts and of shedding blood." Who is the king?

Why does Battuta comment so?

g) What is the "infernal old legend" that Twain humorously speaks about in The Innocent Abroad?

h) Why do the Hindus highly venerate the fire according to Al Biruni?

i) "This is royal!" What did Twain refer to "royal"?


j) What according to Al Biruni does a Hindu do during pilgrimage?

   B.A. 6th Semester (English Honours  Suggestion ) Examination, 2024  ,Bankura University 3rd Year English Hons Suggestion 2024 ,DSE 4
