Class Xi 1st Semester English Question Paper,Model Set -1, Solved,

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Class Xi 1st Semester English Question Paper,

Model Set -1, Solved



A. Choose the appropriate answer for each of the following questions from the options: 1x10=10

1.The astrologer's professional equipment refers to-

a) a bundle of palmyra writing

b) a notebook

c) a dozen cowrie shells and a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it

d) all of these

2.The astrologer used to set under-

a) a banyan tree

b) a mango tree

c) a tamarind tree

d) a coconut tree

3. What was the amount of the coins counted by the astrologer's wife?

a) Twelve and half annas

b) a half annas and ten

c) twelve annas and a half annas

d) twelve and a half annas

4.Who is the speaker of the sentence "You tried to kill!"?

a) the astrologer

b) the astrologer's wife

c) the other man

d) the child

5. Fill in the blank with correct alternative:

_______tent was filled with the learned monks

a) narrator's

b) Swami's

c) stranger's

d) Tehsildar's

6. Assertion: At Pahlgam, the village of the shepherds, the camp halted for a day.

Reason:- The pilgrims were sad.

a) Assertion is false but reason is true.

b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation for assertion.

c) Assertion is correct but reason is incorrect.

d) Both assertion and reason are correct but reason 

7. Select the false statements

(i) The Swami felt that he had never seen anything more beautiful.

(ii) The monks were orthodox.

(iii) The Tehsildar wanted to be a disciple of the Swami.

(iv) The Tehsildar was a Hindu pilgrimage.

8. Choose the correct alternative:

Sister Nivedita left for heavenly abode when she was-

(a) 44 years

(c) 43 years

(b) 46 years

(d) 39 years

9.Fill in the blank with correct alternative.

To Swamiji, Goddess Kali had made a _______ of him.

(a) disciple

(b) student

(c) worshipper

(d) slave

10. Match the column:

                 A                                 B

             Words                      Meanings


        (i)  contempt              (A) surpassed

        (ii) marvellous           (B) broken   

       (iii) fragment               (C) fabulous

        (iv) trancended           (D) disrespect

(a) (i)-D, (ii)-C, (iii)-B, (iv)-A

(b) (i)-B, (ii)-D, (iii)-A, (iv)-C

(c) (i)-C, (ii)-A, (iii)-D, (iv)-B

(d) (i)-A, (ii)-B, (iii)-C, (iv)-D


Instructions: Choose the appropriate answer for each of the following questions from the given alternative: 1×10=10

1 On which river is Westminster Bridge erected?

a) Thames

c) Hudsan

b) Ganges

d) Tigris

2. Name the natural objects personified in the poem Composed Upon Westminster Bridge?

a) moon and star

b) sun and river

c) valley and hill

d) fields and air

3/ The poem "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge was written in the begining of-

a) 20th century

b) 19th century

c) 18th century 

d) 17th century

4 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word used in the poem.

"Never did the sun more beautifully ____

a) stripe

c) sleep

b) steep

d) step

5. The poem 'The Bangle Sellers' is replaced with

a) Indian flavour

c) Lyrical beauty

b) Colour imagery

d) All of these

6. Match the columns-


i) maiden

(ii) tranquil

iii) desire

(iv) hue


(A) colour

(B) yearn

(C) quiet

(D) unmarried girl

(a) i)-a, ii)-d, iii)-c, iv)-b

(b) i)-b, ii)-a, iii)-d, iv)-c

(c) i)-c, ii)-b, iii)-a, iv)-d

(d) i)-d, ii)-c, iii)-b, iv)-a

7. In The Bangle Sellers"bangles symbolise- 

(a) quiet lives

(b) colourful lives

c) boring lives

(d) monotonous lives

8. Choose the correct alternative:-

What type of the poem is "The Second Coming"-

(a) blank verse

(b) allegory

(c) dramatic monologue

(d) ballad

9. What does the phrase 'desert birds' represent?

(a) dejection

(c) fears of sorrow

(b) life

d) Death

10. Pick out the false statements:

(i) Here an array is loosed upon the world.

(ii) An aged man is but a paltry going.

(iii) A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun

(iv) Surely some revelation is at hand

(a) (i)

(b) (ii)

(c) (iii)

(d) (iv)


Instructions:- Choose the appropriate answers

for each question.

1. Macduff took revenge on Macbeth-

(a) for the death of his wife and children by Macbeth

(b) as he was renownded by the king

(c) as he was the assassinator of Duncan

(d) as he wanted to be the succession of Duncan

2. Macbeth killed Duncan because

(a) the witches told him to do so

(b) Duncan was his enemy

(c) He wanted to be king

(d) He wanted to take revenge on Duncan

3. When Macbeth is in conflict within, Lady Macbeth accused him of-

(a) boastful

(b) being dishonest and cruel

(c) fickle mindedness and cowardice

(d) None

4. Orlando grew up to be a fineman-

(a) with the care of his brother

(c) with the care of Adams

(d) without the care and help of his brother

5. Who advised Orlando not to take part in the wrestling competition with charles?

(a) Rosalind

(b) Celia

(c) Rosalind and Celia

(d) Duke Senior

6. According to the lawful Duke the chilling windings in winter are-

(a) false counsellors

(b) true counsellors

(c) well wishers

(d) flatterers

7. In the Senate Othello narrated the story of his love with-

(a) high sounding words

(b) artless eloquence

(c) much repetition

(d) much sorrow

8 . Othello punished Cassio by-

(a) putting him into the prison

(b) taking away rank of lieutenant from cassio 

(c) rebuking him

(d) none

9 . lago did the mischief by giving cassio-

(a) no wine

(c) a blow

(b) poison

(d) much wine

10 . The murderers killed Banquo-

(a) on his way to banquet

(b) on his way to the palace

(c) in his palace

(d) in a forest


Instructions:- Choose the appropriate answer for each of the following questions from the options: 1×5=5

1. "Let us worship the Terror __its own sake." Fill in the blank with preposition from the options given below:

(a) by

(b) for

(c) to

(d) from

2. Which option best represents the passive form of the sentence in active voice?

Active Voice: He made preparations to bundle up.

(a) Preparations was made to bundle up by him

( b) He made preparations to be bundled up

(c) Preparations were made to bundle up by him

(d) To bundle up preparations was made

3. Which sentence is the example of Past Indefinite


(a) This pact had accepted after a little further argument

(b) This pact was accepted after a little further argument

(c) This pact had been accepted after a little further argument

(d) This pact would be accepted after a little further argument

4. Which option best represents the indirect speech of the following sentence in direct speech?

Direct speech: "I don't want all that," said the other.

(a) The other said if he didn't want all that

(b) The other said that he didn't want all that

(c) The other said that he didn't wanted all that

(d) The other says that he did not want all that

5. Which option correctly identifieres the sub-ordinate clause in the sentence. "In England and America he was never known to preach anything that depended on a special form.

(a) In England and America he was never known to preach anything

(b) that depended on a special form

(c) In England and America he was never known to preach anything that

(d) In England and America he was never known



Instructions: Read the passage below and choose the appropriate answer for each of the Following questions from the given options:


Mrs. Hallett enjoyed watching people from her window. She herself sat there at her tea table pouring tea from a beautiful silver tea-pot. She looked out of the window and enjoyed people watching her pour tea

from it. It gave her an opportunity to display all of her possessions. Mrs. Hallett was quite a friendly person in her neighbourhood. Her husband had died years ago leaving her this little house, a very small income and one son

Robert. Mrs. Hallett never said to anyone that Robert

had been rather a disapointment. She had gone without many things to send him to a good school and had given him everything she could. And then, on his eighteenth birthday, he came and announced that he was going away to Canada. For some reason, he looked a little frightened, Mrs. Hallett thought.

"When will you go?" she asked, concealing her disappointment.

"Almost at once, please don't ask me why," Mrs. Hallett never liked to interfere with what her son wanted to do.

1. On eighteenth birthday Robert announced he was going away to-

(a) Canada

(b) Russia

(c) India

(d) America

2. She looked out of the window and enjoyed people watching her pour tea from silver tea pot because:-

(a) She wanted to show herself

(b) She wanted to show all her possessions

(c) She wanted to show her tea pot only

(d) She wanted to show her house

3. Mrs. Hallet never said to anyone that-

(a) She was poor

(b) Robert had been a disappointment

(c) She had everything in her son

(d) Robert was an ideal son

4. "Almost at once please don't ask me why"- whe said to whom?

(a) Robert to neighbour(b) Robert to Mother

(c) Mother to Robert (d) Mother to neighbour

5. Mrs. Hallet's husband left to her wife before his death-

(a) house, loud and daughter

(b) small income, house and car

(c) house, small income and Robert

(d) house, land and gold

Answer Key
