AIMS Question Bank Page -413 Solved Suggestion 2025,Madhyamik Test Suggestion 2025

AIMS Question Bank Page -413 Solved 

Suggestion 2025

Madhyamik -2025

**Reading Comprehension (Seen)**

**1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:**

**A.** Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) The cat soon tires of -  

**(i) the guest's affection**

(b) The cat rakes the guest in his -  

**(iii) leg**

(c) The guest pretends to -  

**(iv) be amused by the cat**

(d) The family stands by the side of -  

**(i) the cat**

(e) After getting the food, the cat thinks danger may come from -  

**(ii) the guest's boot**

**B.** Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(i) Being raked by the cat, the guest likes to **kick the cat out of the window**.

(ii) The cat retires to a safe distance from the guest's boot so as to **avoid any potential danger from it**.

(iii) Sometimes the guest does not give the cat any food but **stoops down and strokes the cat**.

**C.** Answer the following questions:

(i) What does the cat do when the family sits for tea?  

**Ans:** When the family sits for tea, the cat makes an appearance to get his share of the food. He purrs and rubs against the legs of the family members, especially being civil to the guest who is likely to have the best food.

(ii) Why does the cat behave with the guest in a civilized manner?  

**Ans:** The cat behaves with the guest in a civilized manner because the guest is likely to have the best of what is offered, (increasing the cat's chances of receiving good food.)


**2. Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow:**

**A.** Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) The writer of the poem is -  

**(ii) William Cowper**

(b) At the prospect of danger, the snail -  

**(iii) creeps into his house**

(c) The snail has no fear of -  

**(iii) falling**

(d) The snail is secured in -  

**(iv) his house**

**B. Answer the following questions:**

(i) How does the snail stick to its place? Which is the house of the snail?  

**Ans:** The snail sticks to its place by holding on closely to surfaces like grass, leaves, fruits, or walls. The house of the snail is the shell( on its back), where it hides when it senses danger.

(ii) What do you mean by "Self Collecting Power"?  

**Ans:** "Self Collecting Power" refers to the snail's ability to retreat into its shell quickly when it senses danger or when its horns are touched, effectively protecting itself.


****A. Tick (✔) the right answer:**

(i) Chandrayaan-3 executed the four phases of landing-

- (a) precisely ✔

- (b) aimlessly

- (c) errantly

- (d) in a vulnerable way

(ii) How many countries managed to land spacecraft on the moon before India?-

- (a) two

- (b) three ✔

- (c) four

- (d) five

(iii) Cost type for the Chandrayaan-3 is

- (a) very low

- (b) very high

- (c) relatively moderate ✔

- (d) none of these

(iv) The Chandrayaan-2 lander had crashed after failures during its -

- (a) Earth-bound phase

- (b) Lunar bound phase

- (c) Lunar transfer trajectory phase

- (d) final descent phase ✔

(v) The Chandrayaan-3 lander module touched down on the lunar surface on

- (a) Monday

- (b) Thursday

- (c) Wednesday ✔

- (d) Sunday

(vi) The Chandrayaan-3 mission cost about less than

- (a) 7 crore

- (b) 7.5 crore

- (c) 75 crore

- (d) 617 crore ✔

**B. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers:**

(i) The Aerospace Experts opine that the task of soft landing spacecraft is a walk in the park.

**Answer:** False

Supporting Sentence:** "Aerospace experts say the task of soft landing spacecraft is more challenging than launching one."

(ii) Sunlight will play a pivotal role in the mission.

- **Answer:** True

- **Supporting Sentence:** "The sunlight is needed for the solar panels that will power the lander and rover."

(iii) India becomes the first country to land a spacecraft on the moon.

- **Answer:** False

- **Supporting Sentence:** "India... the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the moon after Russia, the US and China."

**C. Answer the following questions:**

(i) What message did the Chairman of ISRO give to the Indian Prime Minister after the spacecraft touched down on the lunar surface?

- **Answer:** The Chairman of ISRO, S. Somnath, informed the Prime Minister that they had achieved soft-landing on the moon and India was on the moon."

(ii) What comments can be found on social media about the cost of the Chandrayaan-3?

- **Answer:** Some commentators on social media noted that the Chandrayaan-3 mission cost less than the budget of the 2014 Hollywood film *Interstellar*.

(iii) What was the endeavor taken by ISRO in 2019? What was the result?

Answer:In 2019, ISRO attempted to land the Chandrayaan-2 lander on the moon. However, the lander crashed after failures during its final descent phase.

(iv) Give a suitable title to the above passage.

**Answer:** "India's Historic Chandrayaan-3 Mission: A Successful Landing on the Moon's South Pole."


**Grammar and Vocabulary**

**4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:**

The 18th G20 Summit of 2023 recently was concluded in New Delhi, India, **marking** the first-ever G20 summit hosted by the country. The summit's theme, "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" or "One Earth, One Family, One Future", **is rooted** in ancient Sanskrit texts and the goal of sustainable development.


**5. Do as directed:**

**A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:**

India's Neeraj Chopra, once again, hauled himself **into** the history books by winning the gold medal **in** the men's javelin throw event **at** the World Athletics Championships 2023 in Budapest, Hungary, on Sunday.


**B. Do as directed:**

(i) What have you written, father? (Change the Voice)  

**Ans:** What has been written by you, father?

(ii) As soon as the boat touched the shore, he leaped into the water. (Turn into a negative sentence)  

**Ans:** No sooner did the boat touch the shore than he leaped into the water.

(iii) Romila said to Rahim, "Where were your ideas when we faced the troubles last week?" (Change the mode of narration)  

**Ans:** Romila asked Rahim where his ideas had been when they had faced the troubles the previous week.


**C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined:**

(i) The fire **was put out** in the afternoon.  

(ii) We **come by** oxygen from trees.  

(iii) The child **was brought up** by his stepmother.

[List: come by, bring up, put up, put out]


**6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:**

(i) now very large, expensive, important, etc.  

**Ans:** Ambitious

(ii) a piece of work that somebody has to do.  

**Ans:** Task

(iii) the money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time.  

**Ans:** Budget

(iv) gained something, usually by effort or skill.  

**Ans:** Achieved
