Bankura University English Major 2 Suggestion 2024 ,2nd Semester English Major 2 Suggestion 2024 , Bankura University B.A 2nd Semester English Major 2 Suggestion with Answer
Bankura University B.A 2nd Semester English Major 2 Suggestion with Answer
Honours ,MAJOR,
Bankura University English Major 2 Suggestion 2024
Course Title (Discipline Specific Core): Indian Classical Literature
Course Code: A/ENG/201/MJC-2
Semester English Honours ,MAJOR,Bankura University
(a) Trace the development of love between Duhsanta and Sakuntala as found in the First Act of the drama "Abhijnanasākuntalam."
(b) Justify the title of the play Abhijnanasakuntalam?
c)Consider critically Kalidasa’s portrayal of Sakuntala in Abhijnanasakuntalam. 10
(d) Explain the dramatic significance of the curse of Durvasa in the fourth act of Abhijnanasakuntalam.
(e) Assess Kalidasa’s Abhijnanasakuntalam as an Indian comedy.
(f)Critically analyse the character of Duhsanta in Abhijnanasakuntalam.
(a) Discuss the distinguishing traits in the character of Karna with reference to the portion of the Mahabharata mentioned in your syllabus.
(b) Explain the term 'temptation' in "The Temptation of Karna". Comment on Krsna's attempt to tempt Karna in "The Temptation of Karna."
c)Write a note on the condition of women as found in “The Dicing”.
d)How did Kunti persuade Karna to join the side of the Pandavas in the ensuing battle in the “Udyoga Parva” of the Mahabharata? Answer with reference to the part prescribed in your syllabus.
(e)Write a note on Draupadi’s character as evidenced from her speeches in ‘The Dicing’.
(a) Following Bharata, briefly discuss the characteristics of the eight "rasa's.
(b) Write an essay on the Alamkara School of Indian Poetics with reference to Bhamaha.
c) Rasa is often described as the ‘soul of poetry’ in Indian aesthetics. Do you support this view? Answer with reference to the functions of different Rasas in literature. 10
(d) Write an essay on any one of the following short epic traditions of India: ‘Pandavani’, ‘Kirtana’, ‘Kuttu’.
(e) Assess the contribution of either Madhusudan Dutta or Sri Aurobindo to the Indian epic tradition.
(f) Write an essay on the development of the Alamkara School of Indian poetics and its major.
4. Answer any five of the following questions:
(1) How does King Duhsanta appear in the beginning of the play Abhijnānaṣākuntalam?
(2) "(A voice off-stage): O, a marvel, a marvel has occurred"- What incident is referred to here?
(3) What is a 'court-jester'? Name the jester in the play Abhijnanasakuntalam.
(4) "Very well, I shall ask you this: You tell me which is the greater and which is the lesser evil of the two?" What are the two 'evils' mentioned here by the speaker?
(5) With what prayer does the play Abhijnanasākuntalam end?
(6) Who is 'Radheya' and why is he so called?
7) State two reasons to justify the title of the book "Udyoga Parva" or "The Book of Efforts."
(8) Where and why did Kunti meet Karna?
(9) What is the source of "The Temptation of Karna"? With whose speech does it begin?
10) "Now I see no other course open but the fourth"- Name the speaker. What is the 'fourth course mentioned by the speaker here?
(11) How does Duhsanta describe the beauty of Sakuntala to Madhavya?
(12) Who found the signet ring in Kalidasa’s Abhijnanasakuntalam and where?
(13) How does the Ascetic dissuade King Duhsanta from hunting a deer in the opening scene of the play Abhijnanasakuntalam?
(14) ‘O heart, keep calm; Anasuya is asking what I wanted to know’ – What did Anasuya ask?
(15) Comment briefly on King Duhsanta’s last speech in Abhijnanasakuntalam.
(16) Why is “Udyoga Parva” so named?
(17 Who is Saubala and why is he so called?
18) ‘Choose a boon from me, Pancali, whatever you wish’ – What boon did Pancali ask for from the speaker?
(19) ‘You are carrying poisonous snakes on your head, their pouches full of venom!’ – Who is warned thus and when?
(20) Name the place where Kunti met Karna. What was the purpose of her meeting?
(21) What were the advices given by Kanva to Sakuntala on the eve of her departure for her husband’s house?
(22) How does ‘The Temptation of Karna’ end?
(23) “Ignoble man! You who are like a well covered with grass”. – Who is described thus and why?
(24) Why was Karna also known as Radheya?
(25) “It is my firm belief that by the Law she can rightly be a warrior’s bride”.– Which Law is referred to here? What does the Law say?
(26) Why did Karna refuse to leave Duryodhana when Vasudeva told him to change side?
(27) “My lord, something quite marvellous has just occurred”. – What “marvellous” incident does the speaker refer to here?
(28) What did Yudhisthira say when Sakuni asked him to stake Draupadi?
(29) Who is Misrakesi? What does she say about Sakuntala?
(30) How was Duryodhana tricked by the marvels in Yudhisthira’s palace?
Keyword :Bankura University English Major 2 Suggestion 2024 ,2nd Semester English Major 2 Suggestion 2024 , Bankura University B.A 2nd Semester English Major 2 Suggestion with Answer ,Bankura University
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