Ray and Martin Model Question Paper Page -417 Solved Volume 2

Ray and Martin Model Question Paper Page -417 Solved Volume 2


Section - A

Section A - Reading Comprehension (Seen)**

**1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:**

A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:**

(a) "I had not directly walked with Gandhiji." - here 'I' refers to -  

**(iii) Nayantara Sehgal**

(b) The ashes of Gandhiji were immersed in the -  

**(iii) Ganges**

(c) People on the train sang -  

**(i) bhajans**

(d) After Gandhiji's death, the narrator wanted to -  

**(ii) remain courageous**

(e) The word 'onlookers' means -  

**(ii) bystanders**

**B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:**

(i) The magic circle protecting the author was **the sense of safety and guidance provided by Bapu (Gandhiji).**

(ii) Even if Bapu was gone, **his values and spirit continued to live in his children.**

(iii) Flowers were used to decorate **the compartment carrying Gandhiji's ashes to Allahabad.**

**C. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also, provide sentences/phrases from the passage in support of your answers:**

(i) After the immersion of Gandhiji's ashes, the narrator alone returned to Delhi.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "Afterwards, we all went back to Delhi."

(ii) Gandhiji strengthened the ordinary folk of India.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "Millions of people would have been ordinary folk but for Bapu. He brought them out of indifference and awakened them to one another's suffering."


**2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow:**

**A. Tick the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:**

(a) The quarrel took place between the squirrel and the -  

**(iv) Mountain**

(b) The word 'spry' means -  

**(ii)active v)lively✔️

(c) The squirrel is unable to carry on its back -  

**(i) the forest**

(d) The squirrel was about his position in life-  

**(ii) optimistic**

**B. Answer the following questions:**

(i) How does the squirrel excel the mountain?  

**Answer:** The squirrel excels the mountain by being spry (active) and having the ability to crack a nut, something the mountain cannot do.

(ii) How does the squirrel justify the coexistence of different things in this universe?  

**Answer:** The squirrel justifies the coexistence of different things in this universe by pointing out that various talents and qualities, both big and small, are necessary to make up the world, and everything has its own unique place and value.

Section A 

- Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

**3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:**

**A. Tick the right answer:**

(i) Thirty families would host tourists in the first phase at-  

**(d) Mandarmani**

(ii) For the homestays the Government will subsidise -  

**(b) Rs 1.5 lakh**

(iii) Additional District Magistrate Prasanta Adhikari is in-charge of -  

**(b) tourism**

(iv) Anita Das works in a self-help group that makes -  

**(a) puffed rice**

(v) The families will be given training for -  

**(c) 30 days**

(vi) The money earned will go to the -  

**(d) homestay owners**

**B. Each of the following statements is either 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also, write suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers:**

(i) The State Government will give loans to the families to buy land and build new homes.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "The money would be used to refurbish portions of the houses to make them suitable for tourists from the cities."

(ii) The government has not finalised the tariff and other expenses that the tourists have to bear.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "The government is yet to decide on the tariff and other expenses tourists will have to incur."

(iii) Tania Basu seldom visits the beach resorts on the weekends.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "Tania Basu, a Calcutta resident who often visits the beach resorts on weekends..."

**C. Answer the following questions:**

(i) Why has Anita Das decided to transform her house into a homestay?  

**Answer:** Anita Das has decided to transform her house into a homestay because her husband's income from fishing was meager, and she wants to earn more to support her family.

(ii) What steps have the government taken to make the homestay suitable for tourists?  

Answer:The government has provided a soft loan of Rs 5 lakh to each of the 30 families, subsidized Rs 1.5 lakh, and given them training in hospitality management and various cuisines. The money is to be used to refurbish portions of their houses and install modern amenities.

(iii) Why has the government decided to introduce homestays in the beach towns?  

**Answer:** The government has decided to introduce homestays in the beach towns as part of a plan to develop Digha, Mandarmani, and Tajpur as modern tourist destinations and to provide local families with additional income sources.

(iv) What is the opinion of Tania Basu about the introduction of homestays along the beach?  

Answer: Tania Basu believes that the homestays will offer tourists a new experience of living in a rural atmosphere, which she finds appealing.


 **Section B - Grammar and Vocabulary

**4. Write the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks:**

It was around ten o'clock in the morning when the incident **(took)** place. We **(were eating)** at that time. But today, the situation is normal.

**5. Do as directed:**

**A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:**  

Vivekananda, a great educator and saint said, "Education is **the** manifestation **of** perfection already **in** man."

**B. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets:**

(i) She saw a butterfly. She tried to catch it.  

**Answer:** Seeing a butterfly, she tried to catch it. (Join into a simple sentence)

(ii) Father snatched the letter away from Swami.  

**Answer:** The letter was snatched away from Swami by Father. (Change the voice)

(iii) "Father, is it true?" said the boy.  

**Answer:** The boy asked his father if it was true. (Change the mode of narration)

**C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:**

(i) The plan **failed.**  

**Answer:** The plan **fell through.**

(ii) J.C. Bose **established** the Bose Institute.  

**Answer:** J.C. Bose **set up** the Bose Institute.

(iii) The little girl had none to **take care of** her.  

**Answer:** The little girl had none to **look after** her.

**6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:**

(i) too small in amount: **meager**  

(ii) to repair and make improvements: **refurbish**  

(iii) related to the village: **rural**  

(iv) means to approach or enter a place: **access**
