Suggestion of English Hons Bankura University SEC 2 2024 Suggestion of Sec-2 Bankura University

Suggestion of English Hons Bankura University SEC 2 2024

Suggestion of Sec-2 Bankura University 

SEC Paper Suggestion 2024 Bankura University

**(a) What do you mean by "business communication"?**

Business communication refers to the process of sharing information between people within and outside a company. It is essential for the smooth and efficient operation of an organization. Effective business communication helps in decision-making, problem-solving, and building strong relationships among employees, management, and external parties such as clients, suppliers, and investors.

**(b) Show your acquaintance with the terms "encoding" and "decoding".**

- **Encoding:** This is the process of converting thoughts, ideas, or information into a message, typically through language, symbols, or gestures, that can be transmitted to others. For example, when a manager writes an email to their team, they are encoding their message into written words.

- **Decoding:** This is the process of interpreting or understanding the encoded message received from the sender. For example, when team members read the manager's email and comprehend the instructions, they are decoding the message.

**(c) Point out two examples of physical barriers in communication.**

1. **Noise:** Background noise from machinery, traffic, or conversations can disrupt the transmission and reception of messages, making it difficult for individuals to communicate effectively.

2. **Distance:** Long distances between the sender and receiver can lead to delays or distortions in the message, especially if communication relies on non-verbal cues or requires immediate feedback.

**(d) Mention any two principles of "effective communication".**

1. **Clarity:** The message should be clear and easily understood. Avoiding jargon, ambiguity, and complex language helps ensure that the receiver accurately interprets the intended message.

2. **Conciseness:** The message should be brief and to the point. Avoiding unnecessary details helps maintain the receiver's attention and ensures that the main points are communicated effectively.

**(e) Mention two demerits of informal communication in business.**

1. **Lack of Accountability:** Informal communication often lacks proper documentation and traceability, making it difficult to hold individuals accountable for the information shared.

2. **Distortion of Information:** As informal communication relies on word-of-mouth, there is a higher risk of information getting distorted or misinterpreted as it passes from person to person.

**(d) How does "creative criticism" help "creative writing"?**

Creative criticism helps creative writing by providing constructive feedback that encourages writers to refine their work. It offers new perspectives and insights, helping writers identify weaknesses in their writing and improve their skills. Constructive criticism fosters growth and development, allowing writers to produce higher-quality and more polished work.

**(g) How far does "creative reading" contribute to "creative writing"?**

Creative reading significantly contributes to creative writing by exposing writers to diverse styles, techniques, and genres. Reading widely inspires writers, expands their vocabulary, and helps them understand different narrative structures and character development. It also enhances their ability to analyze and critique writing, leading to improved storytelling and creativity in their own work.

**(h) Can creative writing be taught and learnt as a discipline?**

Yes, creative writing can be taught and learnt as a discipline. Through structured courses and workshops, students can learn the fundamental principles of writing, such as plot development, character creation, and stylistic techniques. Writing exercises, feedback from peers and instructors, and studying established works all contribute to developing creative writing skills.

**(i) How can creative writing help cure anxiety and tension?**

Creative writing can help cure anxiety and tension by providing an outlet for self-expression and emotional release. Writing about one's thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic, helping individuals process their emotions and gain clarity. Engaging in creative writing can also serve as a distraction from stressors, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

**(j) Do creative writers need to focus equally on publishing and editing, apart from writing?**

Yes, creative writers need to focus equally on publishing and editing, apart from writing. Editing ensures that their work is polished and free of errors, enhancing its quality and readability. Understanding the publishing process is crucial for getting their work into the hands of readers, whether through traditional publishing, self-publishing, or digital platforms. Effective editing and publishing strategies can significantly impact a writer's success and reach.


 Answering More Questions

**(a) When and where did creative writing start as a separate course of study?**

Creative writing began as a separate course of study in the early 20th century, with one of the first formal programs established at the University of Iowa in 1936. The Iowa Writers' Workshop became a pioneering institution in the field, influencing the development of creative writing programs worldwide.

**(b) Define the personal essay.**

A personal essay is a form of nonfiction writing that explores the author's personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It is often reflective and introspective, using narrative techniques to tell a story while conveying deeper insights and emotions. Personal essays can vary in tone from humorous to serious and aim to connect with readers on a personal level.

**(c) What is the difference between image and symbol?**

- **Image:** An image is a descriptive representation of a sensory experience, such as a visual, auditory, tactile, or olfactory detail. It creates a vivid picture in the reader's mind.

- **Symbol:** A symbol is an object, character, or event that represents a deeper meaning or abstract concept. Symbols convey complex ideas and themes, adding layers of significance to the narrative.

**(d) How far could creative writing act as therapy?**

Creative writing can act as therapy by providing individuals with a safe and constructive way to express their emotions and experiences. Writing about personal challenges and traumas can help individuals process and understand their feelings, leading to emotional healing and growth. Therapeutic writing exercises are often used in counseling and mental health settings to promote self-awareness and resilience.

**(e) Which aspects of poetry may be taught in a classroom?**

Aspects of poetry that may be taught in a classroom include:

1. **Form and Structure:** Teaching different poetic forms (e.g., sonnets, haikus, free verse) and their structural elements (e.g., rhyme schemes, meter).

2. **Imagery and Figurative Language:** Exploring the use of imagery, metaphors, similes, and other figurative language to enhance meaning and evoke emotions.

3. **Sound Devices:** Studying the effects of alliteration, assonance, consonance, and onomatopoeia in creating musicality and emphasis in poetry.

4. **Themes and Symbolism:** Analyzing the themes and symbols in poems to understand deeper meanings and messages conveyed by the poet.

5. **Tone and Mood:** Discussing how poets use word choice and stylistic techniques to create tone and mood.

6. **Poetic Devices:** Identifying and interpreting poetic devices such as enjambment, caesura, and anaphora.

### Answering More Questions

**(f) What is code-mixing?**

Code-mixing is the practice of blending words, phrases, or sentences from two or more languages within a single conversation or text. It often occurs in multilingual communities and reflects the speaker's proficiency in multiple languages. Code-mixing can be used for emphasis, clarification, or to express cultural identity.

**(g) What constitutes horizontal communication?**

Horizontal communication refers to the flow of information between individuals or departments at the same organizational level. It facilitates coordination, collaboration, and problem-solving among peers or colleagues working on similar tasks or projects. This type of communication helps in sharing information, resolving conflicts, and fostering a cooperative work environment.

**(h) Mention two merits of written communication.**

1. **Documentation:** Written communication provides a permanent record of information, decisions, and transactions, which can be referred to later for verification and accountability.

2. **Clarity and Precision:** Written communication allows for careful crafting of messages, ensuring clarity, precision, and the ability to convey complex information accurately.

**(i) What is the most important aspect of business communication?**

The most important aspect of business communication is **clarity**. Clear communication ensures that the message is understood as intended, minimizing misunderstandings and errors. It enhances efficiency, decision-making, and collaboration within the organization.

**(j) Mention any two principles of effective communication.**

1. **Active Listening:** Effective communication requires actively listening to the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully. This ensures mutual understanding and respect.

2. **Empathy:** Demonstrating empathy by considering the perspectives and emotions of others helps build rapport and trust, leading to more meaningful and productive interactions.

### Answering More Questions

**(a) What do you mean by ‘communication cycle’?**

The communication cycle refers to the process by which information is transmitted and understood between a sender and a receiver. It involves several steps: the sender encodes a message, transmits it through a chosen medium, the receiver decodes the message, and provides feedback to the sender. This cycle ensures that communication is continuous and effective.

**(b) What is horizontal communication?**

Horizontal communication is the exchange of information between individuals or departments at the same hierarchical level within an organization. It helps in coordinating tasks, sharing information, and fostering teamwork among peers, ensuring that different parts of the organization work harmoniously towards common goals.

**(c) Mention two limitations of oral communication in business.**

1. **Lack of Permanence:** Oral communication does not provide a permanent record of the conversation, making it difficult to refer back to for future reference or accountability.

2. **Misinterpretation:** Oral communication is more susceptible to misunderstandings and misinterpretations due to differences in tone, accents, and verbal nuances.

**(d) What do you mean by non-verbal communication?**

Non-verbal communication refers to the transmission of messages without using words. It includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture, eye contact, and other physical cues. Non-verbal communication can complement, reinforce, or contradict verbal messages, playing a crucial role in conveying emotions and attitudes.

**(e) Show your acquaintance with the terms ‘intranet’ and ‘internet’ in business communication.**

- **Intranet:** An intranet is a private, internal network used by organizations to share information, resources, and communication among employees. It is secure and accessible only to authorized users within the organization, facilitating efficient internal communication and collaboration.

- **Internet:** The internet is a global network of interconnected computers that enables the sharing of information and communication across the world. In business communication, the internet is used for email, video conferencing, social media, and accessing a vast array of information and services.

**(f) What is creativity quotient?**

Creativity quotient (CQ) measures an individual's creative potential and ability to generate novel and useful ideas. It assesses skills such as originality, flexibility, and problem-solving, indicating a person's capacity to think creatively and innovate.

**(g) Identify any two major requisites of creative writing.**

1. **Imagination:** The ability to create original ideas, characters, and scenarios is fundamental to creative writing. Imagination fuels the creative process and allows writers to explore new concepts and perspectives.

2. **Language Proficiency:** A strong command of language, including vocabulary, grammar, and stylistic techniques, is essential for effectively conveying ideas and emotions in creative writing.

**(h) What is the importance of clarity in communication?**

Clarity in communication is crucial because it ensures that the message is easily understood and interpreted correctly by the receiver. Clear communication minimizes misunderstandings, errors, and confusion, leading to more efficient and effective interactions. It enhances productivity, collaboration, and decision-making within an organization.

**(i) What is code-switching?**

Code-switching is the practice of alternating between two or more languages or dialects within a conversation, often depending on the context, audience, or social setting. It reflects a speaker's linguistic adaptability and is commonly observed in multilingual communities.

**(j) What is grapevine communication?**

Grapevine communication refers to informal, unofficial channels through which information spreads within an organization. It often involves rumors, gossip, and unofficial news. While it can disseminate information quickly, grapevine communication can also lead to the spread of misinformation and lacks the reliability and accountability of formal communication channels.

### More Questions Answered

**(a) What is paralanguage in non-verbal communication?**

Paralanguage refers to the non-verbal elements of communication that accompany spoken language, such as tone, pitch, volume, speech rate, and intonation. These vocal characteristics help convey emotions, attitudes, and emphasis, adding depth and meaning to verbal messages.

**(b) What do you mean by "encoding" and "decoding"?**

- **Encoding:** Converting thoughts, ideas, or information into a message using language, symbols, or gestures.

- **Decoding:** Interpreting or understanding the encoded message received from the sender.

**(c) How far is feedback essential in effective communication?**

Feedback is essential in effective communication as it ensures that the message has been understood correctly. It allows the sender to gauge the effectiveness of their communication and make necessary adjustments. Feedback also promotes engagement, clarity, and continuous improvement in the communication process.

**(d) Mention two limitations of "oral communication" in business.**

1. **Lack of Documentation:** Oral communication does not provide a permanent record, making it difficult to refer back to the details of the conversation.

2. **Prone to Distortion:** Oral messages can be easily distorted or misunderstood due to differences in speech, accents, and listening skills.

**(e) What do you mean by "external communication" in business?**

External communication in business refers to the exchange of information between an organization and external entities such as customers, suppliers, investors, regulatory bodies, and the general public. It includes activities like marketing, public relations, customer service, and corporate communication.

**(f) Define writer's block.**

Writer's block is a condition where a writer is unable to produce new work or experiences a significant slowdown in their writing process. It can be caused by various factors such as stress, lack of inspiration, self-doubt, or pressure to perform.

**(g) What is creativity quotient?**

Creativity quotient (CQ) measures an individual's creative potential and ability to generate novel and useful ideas. It assesses skills such as originality, flexibility, and problem-solving, indicating a person's capacity to think creatively and innovate.

**(h) Mention any four writing skills.**

1. **Grammar and Syntax:** Understanding and applying the rules of language to construct clear and correct sentences.

2. **Vocabulary:** Having a rich and varied vocabulary to express ideas precisely and vividly.

3. **Organization:** Structuring content logically with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

4. **Editing and Proofreading:** Revising and refining writing to improve clarity, coherence, and correctness.

**(i) Briefly discuss the difference between plot and story.**

- **Plot:** The plot is the sequence of events that make up the narrative, including the actions, conflicts, and resolutions. It is the structure and framework of the story.

- **Story:** The story is the overarching narrative that includes the characters, setting, and the unfolding of events. It is the content and the message conveyed by the narrative.

**(j) What is bilingualism?**

Bilingualism is the ability to speak and understand two languages fluently. Bilingual individuals can switch between languages and often have cultural insights and communication skills from both linguistic backgrounds.
