Short Questions and Answers of Amarnath By Nibedita

 Short  Questions and Answers of Amarnath

1. Amarnath' is written by-Margaret Elizabeth Noble

2.Amarnath is taken from------The Master As I Saw Him

3. Amarnath is ________the chapter of The Master As I Saw Him. |Ans :Viii

4.The Master As I Saw Him  was first published in -1910

5. Nivedita was the disciple of- Swami Vivekananda

6. Amarnath was first published in-1906

7. Amarnath was published in-Prabuddha Bharata

8. Amarnath is a-biography

9. They were having meal in the-Mogul Gardens

10. Mogul Gardens is at-Achhabal

11. Swamiji suddenly made the announcement to go to Amarnath in the course of a/an-   open-air meal

12. Swamiji bathed in the:

- A. River

- B. Spring

- C. In succession

- D. Tank

- **E. Five streams**

13. Swamiji bathed in the five streams on the:

- A. First day

- **B. Second day**

- C. Third day

- D. Fourth day

14. The water of the five streams was:

- A. Crystal clear

- **B. Ice-cold**

- C. Dark

- D. Sandy

15. On entering the cave Swamiji felt he was seeing:

- A. Pigeons

- B. Throng of pilgrims

- **C. Lord Siva himself**

- D. Ice-lingam

16. In the Cave the swarming noise was made by the:

- A. Monks

- B. Bees

- **C. Crowd of pilgrims**

- D. Pigeons

17. Swamiji heard the fluttering of:

- A. Doves

- B. Crows

- C. Peacocks

- **D. Pigeons**

18. Swamiji knelt and prostrated for:

- **A. Two or three times**

- B. Four times

- C. Once

- D. Five times

19. Swamiji said that he received from Lord Siva the gift of:

- A. Wealth

- B. Being omniscient

- **C. Voluntary death**

- D. Being sacrificer

20. According to Swamiji, he received the gift of Amar from:

- A. Kali, the Mother

- **B. Siva**

- C. Lord Krishna

- D. Mahamaya

21. "He had received from Siva the gift of Amar" - The word "Amar" means:

- A. Lord Siva

- B. A Cave

- **C. Not to die, until he himself had willed it**

- D. Pilgrimage

22. The presentiment/anticipation that haunted Swamiji was that:

- A. He would meet Lord Siva

- B. He would meet death in mountain

- C. He would die before Lord Siva

- **D. He would meet death in a Siva temple amongst the mountains**

23. Swamiji was haunted by a presentiment from:

- A. College days

- **B. Childhood days**

- C. School days

- D. Beginning of monastic life

24. Swamiji thought that he would die:

- **A. In a Siva temple**

- B. In mountain

- C. In a gorge

- D. In a river

25. Swamiji suddenly announced that he would:

- A. Take the meal

- **B. Go to Amarnath**

- C. Go for preparations

- D. Go to Kashmir

26. Swami suddenly suggested to go to:

- A. Kanyakumari

- **B. Amarnath**

- C. Sabarmati Ashram

- D. Kashmir

27. Swamiji announced about his Amarnath visit in the course of:

- A. Lunch

- **B. Dinner**

- C. Tea

- D. Discussion

28. They were taking their meal in/at:

- A. Dinner table

- **B. Mogul Gardens at Achhabal**

- C. Dinner hall

- D. High boulder

29. Swamiji decided to visit the Amarnath with:

- A. His sister

- **B. The pilgrims**

- C. His disciples

- D. Only his European followers

30. Swamiji decided to take with him:

- **A. His daughter**

- B. His sister

- C. The monks

- D. The pilgrims

31. "His daughter" refers to:

- **A. Sister Nivedita**

- B. Mother Teresa

- C. Nayantara Sehgal

- D. Mother Kali

32. "Who is spoken about?"

- A. Gandhiji

- B. Sri Ramakrishna

- **C. Swami Vivekananda**

- D. None of these

33. Everybody in the little party was:

- A. Excited

- B. Sad

- C. Tensed

- **D. Delighted**

34. According to the authoress, the party was:

- **A. Little**

- B. Enormous

- C. Small

- D. Big

35. In the party there was too much feeling of:

- A. Despair

- **B. Delighted congratulations**

- C. Wonder

- D. Enthusiasm

36. "For any obstacles to be put in the way of the fortunate member." Here "fortunate member" refers to:

- A. The pilgrim

- B. The narrator

- **C. Swamiji**

- D. The state officer

37. The person who was in charge of the journey:

- **A. The state officer**

- B. Swamiji

- C. The narrator

- D. One of the members of the little party

38. Preparations went forward for a unique:

- **A. Journey**

- B. Congratulation

- C. Announcement

- D. Discussion

39. "Unique experience" refers to:

- A. Mother worship

- **B. Pilgrimage to Amarnath**

- C. Watching the sunrise

- D. Lecture at World's Parliament of Religion

40. In those days Kashmir was full of:

- A. Europeans

- **B. Pilgrims**

- C. Officers

- D. Followers

41. From Achhabal they went back to:

**A. Islamabad**

- B. Kalimpong

- C. Pawan

- D. Amarnath

42. They came to Islamabad from:

- **A. Achhabal**

- B. Kashmir

- C. Punjaub

- D. Aharbal

43. In Islamabad, Swamiji with his followers stayed in a:

- A. House

- B. Camp

- **C. Boat**

- D. Hotel

44. They returned to the boat to:

- A. Take rest

- B. Discuss problems

- **C. Arrange everything for their journey**

- D. See the pilgrims

45. On their way to Islamabad they saw:

- A. Beautiful scenes

- B. Flower gardens

- **C. The march of gathering hosts**

- D. The arrangement

46. The gathering of hosts was all very:

- A. Quiet

- **B. Orderly**

- C. Picturesque

- D. All of these

47. "Everywhere we saw the march of gathering Hosts." Here "hosts" mean:

- **A. Pilgrims**

- B. Officers

- C. Followers

- D. Boat men

48. "It was all very quiet and orderly and picturesque." Here "it" refers to:

- A. The tent

- **B. The march**

- C. The meeting

- D. The arrangement

49. The number of people gathered in a field was:

- A. Two thousand

- **B. Two or three thousand**

- C. Three thousand

- D. Four thousand

50. The people encamped in a:

- A. Boat

- B. Home

- **C. Field**

- D. Garden

51. The pilgrims left the camp:

- A. At midnight

- B. In the evening

- **C. Before dawn**

- D. At noon

52. The pilgrims left  traces of their:

A. Cooking-fires**

 B. Tents

C. Work

D. Dresses

53.The number of pilgrims finally moved towards Amarnath was-three thousand

54.The Cove of Amarnath was situated in-----a ravine full of scattered stones

55.The snow peaks were covered with---white veil

56.The phrase ''white veil'' suggests----layer of white snow

57.The phrase ''grassy knoll'' means---- a small round hill covered with grass

58. The final march for Amamath was started from---

59. They saw the last human dwellings in/at-

60.It was the scenery of Switzerland or Norway, at their gentlest and loveliest"- it refers to the scen

beauty of-

61. The scenery of Norway or Switzerland is both gentle and lovely--

62.The narrator compared the scenic beauty of Pahigam to-

63.The moon was visible over the mountain-

64.. The moon was visible at the time of sunset over the-

65.The slopes of the valley (Pahigam) was covered with-

66. The bottom of the valley of pahalgam was full of-

67.The team of pilgrims halted at Pahljam to observe

68."It was beautiful little ravine floored

69.The village of the shepherds in

70.The camp halted at Pahlgam for-

71. Pahlgam is known as-

72.At Pawan sister was charmed by the brilliance of the lights in the waters of the tank when-

73.The clear black water of the tank was beautified by

74. In the evening, at Pawan, the narrator was charmed by the reflection of the light on the-

75.The water of the tank was-

76.Swamijl along with his followers stayed at Pawan for-

77.. Leaving Islamabad they tamped st/in

78.The Tehsildar came to Swamiji to

79. In the bazaar one could buy-

80.Through the middle of one part of the camp would run a

81.Organisation appeared to be-

82.Pitching of tents and opening of shops, at every halting place took place-

83.The pilgrims pitched the tents and opened shops at or in-

84.The tasks that took place with incredible rapidity at every halting place were-

85.The hosts carried with them-

86.After the departure of the hosts there remained the trace of their

87. The monk talked with Swamiji about

88. The monks protested Swamiji when he-

89.The monks who swarmed about Swamiji were-

90.Swamij's tent was filled with marks throughout the-

91.The monks were of-3.

92.Swamiji's influence among the monks appeared very-

93.In the pilgrimage to Amarnath there were-

94.The tent of the Tehsildar was pitched in a spot where there was the advantage of

95.What, according to the monks, was drenched win the blood of those who died for faith?

96.The soil of Punjaub was flooded with the blood of the people who died for-

97.The worldliness prevented the simple souls from-

98.When Swainiji talked about the outer world, he faced protest from the-

99.Swamiji had a deep sympathy for-

100.Swami insisted the monks, casually on-


58. The final march for Amarnath was started from **Pahlgam**.

59. They saw the last human dwellings in/at **Pahlgam**.

60. "It was the scenery of Switzerland or Norway, at their gentlest and loveliest" refers to the scenic beauty of **Pahlgam**.

61. The scenery of Norway or Switzerland is both gentle and lovely.

62. The narrator compared the scenic beauty of Pahlgam to **Switzerland or Norway**.

63. The moon was visible over the mountain **at its head**.

64. The moon was visible at the time of sunset over the **mountain at its head**.

65. The slopes of the valley (Pahlgam) were covered with **pine-trees**.

66. The bottom of the valley of Pahlgam was full of **sandy islands in the pebble-worn bed of a mountain stream**.

67. The team of pilgrims halted at Pahlgam to observe **ekadasi**.

68. "It was a beautiful little ravine floored" with **sandy islands in the pebble-worn bed of a mountain stream**.

69. The village of the shepherds is **Pahlgam**.

70. The camp halted at Pahlgam for **a day**.

71. Pahlgam is known as **the village of the shepherds**.

72. At Pawan, the sister was charmed by the brilliance of the lights in the waters of the tank when **evening fell**.

73. The clear black water of the tank was beautified by **the brilliance of the lights reflected in it**.

74. In the evening, at Pawan, the narrator was charmed by the reflection of the light on the **clear black waters of the tank**.

75. The water of the tank was **clear and black**.

76. Swamiji along with his followers stayed at Pawan for **one night**.

77. Leaving Islamabad they camped **at Pawan**.

78. The Tehsildar came to Swamiji to **beg formal acceptance by the Swami as disciples**.

79. In the bazaar one could buy **dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice**.

80. Through the middle of one part of the camp would run a **broad street**.

81. Organisation appeared to be **instinctive**.

82. Pitching of tents and opening of shops, at every halting place, took place **with incredible rapidity**.

83. The pilgrims pitched the tents and opened shops at or in **each halting place**.

84. The tasks that took place with incredible rapidity at every halting place were **pitching of tents and opening of shops**.

85. The hosts carried with them **a bazaar**.

86. After the departure of the hosts there remained the trace of their **occupation, save the ashes of their cooking-fires**.

87. The monk talked with Swamiji about **Siva**.

88. The monks protested Swamiji when he **insisted, occasionally, on drawing their attention to the world about them**.

89. The monks who swarmed about Swamiji were **of all orders**.

90. Swamiji's tent was filled with monks throughout the **hours of daylight**.

91. The monks were of **all orders**.

92. Swamiji's influence among the monks appeared very **magnetic**.

93. In the pilgrimage to Amarnath there were **hundreds of monks, of all the orders**.

94. The tent of the Tehsildar was pitched in a spot where there was the advantage of **some advantageous spot for the lighting of the evening fire**.

95. According to the monks, **the soil of the Punjaub** was drenched with the blood of those who died for faith.

96. The soil of Punjab was flooded with the blood of the people who died for **the faith**.

97. The worldliness prevented the simple souls from **formally conceiving of a unity, in which Hindu and Mohammedan were but rival elements**.

98. When Swamiji talked about the outer world, he faced protest from the **monks**.

99. Swamiji had a deep sympathy for **Mohammedanism**.

100. Swami insisted the monks, casually on **drawing their attention to the world about them**.


Sure, here are multiple-choice questions created line by line from the passage provided:

1. Where did the Swami suddenly announce his decision to go to Amarnath with the pilgrims?

   - a) In the course of a boat ride

   - b) During an open-air meal

   - c) At a temple

   - d) In the city center

   **Answer: b) During an open-air meal**

2. In which gardens did the Swami make his announcement?

   - a) Shalimar Gardens

   - b) Nishat Gardens

   - c) Mogul Gardens

   - d) Chashme Shahi Gardens

   **Answer: c) Mogul Gardens**

3. At which location did the open-air meal take place?

   - a) Gulmarg

   - b) Pahalgam

   - c) Achhabal

   - d) Sonamarg

   **Answer: c) Achhabal**

4. Who did the Swami announce he would take with him to Amarnath?

   - a) His son

   - b) His daughter

   - c) His wife

   - d) His brother

   **Answer: b) His daughter**

5. How did the Swami's party feel about the fortunate member going to Amarnath?

   - a) Jealous

   - b) Annoyed

   - c) Delighted

   - d) Indifferent

   **Answer: c) Delighted**

6. Who aided the preparations for this unique experience?

   - a) The village elders

   - b) The State officer in charge of the journey

   - c) The local merchants

   - d) The temple priest

   **Answer: b) The State officer in charge of the journey**

7. What did Kashmir seem to be full of in those weeks?

   - a) Tourists

   - b) Merchants

   - c) Pilgrims

   - d) Soldiers

   **Answer: c) Pilgrims**

8. Where did the party return to after leaving Achhabal?

   - a) Srinagar

   - b) Pahalgam

   - c) Islamabad

   - d) Gulmarg

   **Answer: c) Islamabad**

9. For what purpose did the party return to Islamabad?

   - a) To start the journey

   - b) For sightseeing

   - c) To make final arrangements

   - d) To visit relatives

   **Answer: c) To make final arrangements**

10. What was observed everywhere during their journey back to Islamabad?

    - a) Harvesting of crops

    - b) Construction of roads

    - c) The march of gathering hosts

    - d) Festivities and celebrations

    **Answer: c) The march of gathering hosts**


1. How was the atmosphere described in the passage?

   - a) Noisy and chaotic

   - b) Quiet, orderly, and picturesque

   - c) Dark and gloomy

   - d) Busy and crowded

   **Answer: b) Quiet, orderly, and picturesque**

2. How many people would encamp in a field?

   - a) One or two thousand

   - b) Five or six hundred

   - c) Two or three thousand

   - d) A few hundred

   **Answer: c) Two or three thousand**

3. When would the encampment leave the field?

   - a) At noon

   - b) At sunset

   - c) Before dawn

   - d) In the afternoon

   **Answer: c) Before dawn**

4. What trace of their occupation would the encampment leave behind?

   - a) Tents

   - b) Litter

   - c) Ashes of their cooking-fires

   - d) Footprints

   **Answer: c) Ashes of their cooking-fires**

5. What did the pilgrims carry with them?

   - a) Cooking utensils

   - b) A bazaar

   - c) Religious idols

   - d) Clothing

   **Answer: b) A bazaar**

6. How quickly did the pitching of tents and opening of shops take place at each halting place?

   - a) Slowly and carefully

   - b) With incredible rapidity

   - c) With considerable delays

   - d) In a haphazard manner

   **Answer: b) With incredible rapidity**

7. How did the organization of the encampment appear?

   - a) Chaotic

   - b) Random

   - c) Instinctive

   - d) Planned

   **Answer: c) Instinctive**

8. What would run through the middle of one part of the camp?

   - a) A river

   - b) A broad street

   - c) A dirt path

   - d) A marketplace

   **Answer: b) A broad street**

9. What could one buy on the broad street in the camp?

   - a) Vegetables

   - b) Fresh fish

   - c) Dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice

   - d) Meat and poultry

   **Answer: c) Dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice**

10. Where was the tent of the Tehsildar generally placed?

    - a) In the center of the camp

    - b) Near the river

    - c) Near some advantageous spot for lighting the evening fire

    - d) At the edge of the camp

    **Answer: c) Near some advantageous spot for lighting the evening fire**

11. Who were the neighbors of the Tehsildar’s tent?

    - a) The local merchants

    - b) The Swami and the narrator

    - c) The pilgrims

    - d) The army soldiers

    **Answer: b) The Swami and the narrator**

12. What color were the tents of the monks?

    - a) Blue

    - b) Yellow

    - c) Gerrua (saffron)

    - d) Green

    **Answer: c) Gerrua (saffron)**

13. How did the Swami’s influence appear among the monks?

    - a) Negligible

    - b) Weak

    - c) Ordinary

    - d) Magnetic

    **Answer: d) Magnetic**

14. Who swarmed around the Swami at every halting place?

    - a) Tourists

    - b) The Tehsildar

    - c) The more learned monks

    - d) Local villagers

    **Answer: c) The more learned monks**

15. What would the monks do when they filled the Swami's tent?

    - a) Prepare meals

    - b) Perform rituals

    - c) Remain absorbed in conversation

    - d) Sleep

    **Answer: c) Remain absorbed in conversation**

16. When would the conversations take place?

    - a) During the night

    - b) Throughout the hours of daylight

    - c) Only during meal times

    - d) At dusk

    **Answer: b) Throughout the hours of daylight**

Here are multiple-choice questions based on the provided passage, created line by line:

1. What was the main topic of conversation among the group?

   - a) The weather

   - b) Siva

   - c) Travel plans

   - d) Local cuisine

   **Answer: b) Siva**

2. How did the group respond when he tried to draw their attention to the world around them?

   - a) They ignored him

   - b) They were indifferent

   - c) They remonstrated with him seriously

   - d) They agreed with him

   **Answer: c) They remonstrated with him seriously**

3. What argument did they use to support their stance on conversation?

   - a) They believed it was disrespectful

   - b) They insisted that even foreigners were men

   - c) They thought it was a waste of time

   - d) They preferred discussing religious texts

   **Answer: b) They insisted that even foreigners were men**

4. What distinction did they question?

   - a) The distinction between rich and poor

   - b) The distinction between local and foreign (Swadesk and bidesh)

   - c) The distinction between men and women

   - d) The distinction between different religions

   **Answer: b) The distinction between local and foreign (Swadesk and bidesh)**

5. How did many of them feel about his love and sympathy for Mohammedanism?

   - a) They fully understood it

   - b) They found it puzzling

   - c) They shared the same feelings

   - d) They criticized him for it

   **Answer: b) They found it puzzling**


1. What did the same other-worldliness prevent the simple souls from conceiving?

   - a) A division between rich and poor

   - b) A unity in which Hindu and Mohammedan were rival elements

   - c) The importance of tradition

   - d) The need for modernization

   **Answer: b) A unity in which Hindu and Mohammedan were rival elements**

2. What argument did they use regarding the soil of the Punjab?

   - a) It was fertile and productive

   - b) It was drenched with the blood of those who had died for the faith

   - c) It was unsuitable for agriculture

   - d) It was a peaceful land

   **Answer: b) It was drenched with the blood of those who had died for the faith**

3. How did the Swami respond to their arguments?

   - a) He ignored them completely

   - b) He made practical concessions expressive of his love for them

   - c) He argued against their beliefs

   - d) He left the conversation

   **Answer: b) He made practical concessions expressive of his love for them**

4. What amused the foreign mind about the Tehsildar and the officers of the pilgrimage?

   - a) They were all from the same background

   - b) They were Mussulmans who had no objections to entering the Cave with Hindu worshippers

   - c) They were opposed to the idea of a pilgrimage

   - d) They were unfamiliar with the customs

   **Answer: b) They were Mussulmans who had no objections to entering the Cave with Hindu worshippers**

5. What did the Tehsildar and his friends later ask of the Swami?

   - a) For food and shelter

   - b) To guide them on the pilgrimage

   - c) For formal acceptance as disciples

   - d) To teach them about Hinduism

   **Answer: c) For formal acceptance as disciples**

6. Where did the group camp after leaving Islamabad?

   - a) At Achhabal

   - b) At Pawan, famous for its holy springs

   - c) At Islamabad

   - d) At Pahlgam, the village of the shepherds

   **Answer: b) At Pawan, famous for its holy springs**

7. What did the pilgrims do at Pahlgam?

   - a) They held a festival

   - b) They kept ekadasi

   - c) They rested for a week

   - d) They built new shelters

   **Answer: b) They kept ekadasi**

Here are additional multiple-choice questions based on the passage:

8. What characterized the camp where the pilgrims stayed?

   - a) It was noisy and chaotic

   - b) It was quiet, orderly, and picturesque

   - c) It had no organization

   - d) It was filled with luxury tents

   **Answer: b) It was quiet, orderly, and picturesque**

9. What would happen before dawn in the encampments?

   - a) The pilgrims would prepare a feast

   - b) They would leave without a trace of their occupation

   - c) They would hold a morning prayer

   - d) They would gather to discuss their journey

   **Answer: b) They would leave without a trace of their occupation**

10. What items could be purchased at the bazaar in the camp?

    - a) Clothing and jewelry

    - b) Dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice

    - c) Spices and perfumes

    - d) Tools and equipment

   **Answer: b) Dried fruits, milk, dahls, and rice**

11. What role did the Tehsildar's tent play in the camp?

    - a) It was used for medical purposes

    - b) It served as a social center for discussions

    - c) It was the main cooking area

    - d) It was a storage space

   **Answer: b) It served as a social center for discussions**

12. How did the Swami's presence influence the monks at the pilgrimage?

    - a) They avoided him

    - b) His influence appeared to be magnetic

    - c) They were indifferent to his teachings

    - d) They challenged him frequently

   **Answer: b) His influence appeared to be magnetic**

13. What was the focus of the discussions among the monks?

    - a) The local politics of the region

    - b) Their personal lives

    - c) Siva and spiritual matters

    - d) The geography of the pilgrimage route

   **Answer: c) Siva and spiritual matters**

14. What was the reaction of the monks to the Swami's love for Mohammedanism?

    - a) They were supportive and understanding

    - b) They were critical and remonstrated with him

    - c) They were confused and indifferent

    - d) They were angry and confrontational

   **Answer: b) They were critical and remonstrated with him**

15. What did the pilgrims do after camping at Pawan?

    - a) They continued directly to Amarnath

    - b) They returned to Islamabad

    - c) They kept ekadasi at Pahlgam

    - d) They dispersed and went home

   **Answer: c) They kept ekadasi at Pahlgam**

Here are more multiple-choice questions based on the passage:

16. How did the Swami feel about the unity of Hindu and Mohammedan beliefs?

    - a) He thought it was impossible

    - b) He saw it as a harmonious relationship

    - c) He believed it should be avoided

    - d) He wanted to prioritize Hinduism only

   **Answer: b) He saw it as a harmonious relationship**

17. What was the Swami's response to the monks' insistence on a narrow orthodoxy?

    - a) He rejected their views outright

    - b) He made practical concessions

    - c) He left the discussions entirely

    - d) He ignored their concerns

   **Answer: b) He made practical concessions**

18. What paradox did the foreign observer notice regarding the Tehsildar and the pilgrimage?

    - a) The Tehsildar was more religious than the pilgrims

    - b) The Tehsildar and Muslim officials participated without objection

    - c) The Tehsildar was opposed to the pilgrimage

    - d) The Tehsildar was not respected by the pilgrims

   **Answer: b) The Tehsildar and Muslim officials participated without objection**

19. What did the Tehsildar later request from the Swami?

    - a) To lead a prayer

    - b) To accept him and his friends as disciples

    - c) To provide financial support

    - d) To leave the pilgrimage

   **Answer: b) To accept him and his friends as disciples**

20. Where did the pilgrims camp after leaving Islamabad?

    - a) At a different town

    - b) At Pawan

    - c) At the base of Amarnath

    - d) In a nearby city

   **Answer: b) At Pawan**

21. What is significant about the location Pawan mentioned in the passage?

    - a) It was known for its markets

    - b) It was famous for its holy springs

    - c) It had historical ruins

    - d) It was a major pilgrimage site

   **Answer: b) It was famous for its holy springs**

22. What was the atmosphere at Pawan during the evening?

    - a) Chaotic and bustling

    - b) Dull and uneventful

    - c) Brilliance of lights reflected in clear black waters

    - d) Quiet and somber

   **Answer: c) Brilliance of lights reflected in clear black waters**

23. What cultural practice did the pilgrims observe at Pahlgam?

    - a) A feast

    - b) A festival

    - c) Ekadasi

    - d) A market day

   **Answer: c) Ekadasi**

24. How did the monks react to the Swami’s engagement with worldly matters?

    - a) They encouraged him

    - b) They were disinterested

    - c) They remonstrated with him

    - d) They joined him in discussions

   **Answer: c) They remonstrated with him** 

25. How did the Swami view the bloodshed in the Punjab soil?

    - a) As a reason to abandon all faiths

    - b) As a necessary part of history

    - c) As a factor complicating the unity of faiths

    - d) As an unimportant detail

   **Answer: c) As a factor complicating the unity of faiths**
