Textual Grammar of Amarnath, of Amarnath, Important Textual Grammar of Amarnath

Textual Grammar of Amarnath, Grammar of Amarnath, Important Textual Grammar of Amarnath 

1.Swami suddenly announced that he would go to Amarnath  with the pilgrims.(S.U)

2.We saw the march of gathering hosts.(V.C)

3.Two or three thousand people would encamp in a field, and leave it before dawn.(S.U/S.M)

4.They carried a bazaar with them.(V.C)

5.One could buy dried fruits, milk,dahls,and rice.(V.C)

6.He told us afterwards.(V.C)

7.Let him practise a narrow orthodoxy.(V.C)

8.The Swami made those practical concessions of the moment.(V.C)

9.He told the tale of his warm discussions.(V.C/I.N)

10.Here we saw the last of human dwellings.(V.C)

11.We left the rest of our party.(V.C)

12.The servant had to wander many miles.(V.C)

13.The Swami has observed every rite of the pilgrimage.(V.C)

14.He knelt and prostrated two or three times.(S.S)

15.He felt that he never been to anything so beautiful.(S.U)

16.Then he said dreamily, "I can well imagine how this Cave was first discovered.(N.C)
