Madhyamik Aims Question Bank 430 Page Solved


Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Of course, there was nobody for us to play with on the Big Half Moon. We just had to make the most of each other, and we did.

We live on the Big Half Moon island, 'We' are Father and Claude and I had Aunt Esther and Mimi and Dick. It used to be only Father and Claude and I. It is all on account of the kite that there are more of us. This is what I want to tell you about.

Father is the keeper of Big Half Moon lighthouse. I am eleven years old. Claude is twelve. In winter when the harbour is frozen over, we all move over to the mainland. As soon as spring comes, back we sail to our own dear island.

The funny part used to be that people always pitied its when the time came for us to return. They said we must be so lonesome over there, with no other children near us. Of course Claude and I would have liked to have someone to play with us. It is hard to run pirate caves and things like that with only two. But we used to quarrel a good deal with the mainland children in winter. So it was perhaps just as well that there were none of them on the Big Half Moon. Claude and I never quarrelled.

To be sure, Father didn't seem to have any relations except us. This used to puzzle Claude and me. Everybody on the mainland had relations. Why hadn't we? Was it because we lived on an island? We thought it would be so jolly to have an uncle and aunt and cousins. Once we asked father about it, but he looked so sorrowful that we wished we hadn't. He said it was all his fault. Claude and I didn't understand what he meant.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

(a) Big Half Moon is the name of a/an-

(1) island

(iii) watch tower

(ii) sea

(iv) water body

(b) The narrator shifted to the mainland in

(i) spring

(ii) summer

(iii) autumn

(iv) winter

(c) Claude and the narrator were puzzled as

(1) they lived in the island

(ii) they had no relations

(ii) they played pirate cave

(d) The relation between the narrator and her brother with the children of the mainland was

(iv) they had no friend in the island

(i) joyful

(ii) disgraceful

(iii) quarrelsome

(iv) friendly

(e) Here 'we' refers to (in second paragraph)-

(1) 6 persons

(ii) 3 persons

(iii) 4 persons

(iv) 2 persons

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

1.The narrator and her brother had to make the most of each other as

2.The narrator, Claude and her father moved to the mainland because

3.The narrator and her brother should not ask their father about relation as

C. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers: 2x2=4

(1) Claude and the narrator never fell out.

Supporting Sentence:

The narrator and Claude failed to understand their father's fault.

Supporting Sentence:

2. Read the stanza(s)/poem given below and answer the questions that follow:

To grass, or leaf, or fruit, or wall 

The snail sticks close, nor fears to fall 

As if he grew there, house an all,Together

Within that house secure he hides

When danger imminent betides Of storm, or other harm besides Of weather.

Give but his horns the slightest touch, 

His self-collecting pow'r is such,

 He shrinks into his house with much displeasure

Where'er he dwells, he dwells alone, Except himself has chattels none, Well satisfied to be his own  whole treasure

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

a) The snail enters into his shell-

(1) gladly


(ii) annoyingly

(iv) contendedly

(b) The word 'imminent' means

(i) impossible

(ii) illusory

(iii) imaginary

(iv) impending

(c) The snail lives with

(i) his belongings

(ii) his relatives.

(iii) his mates

(iv) none of these

(d) His chattels are

(i) fruits

(ii) he himself

(iii) his displeasures

(iv) his dangers


B. Answer the following questions:

(i) When does the snail hide within his house?


(i) What makes the snail well satisfied?


Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

New York: Firefighters in Central Chile on Sunday battled to quell fierce forest fires that have killed 112 people so far and razed entire neighbourhoods, while President Gabriel Boric warned the country faces a "tragedy of very great magnitude".

Hundreds of people are still missing, authorities say, stoking fears the death toll will keep climbing as more bodies are found on hillsides and and houses devastated by the wildfires.

The fires that gathered momentum on Friday now menaced the outer edges of Vina Del Mar and Valparaiso, two coastal cities popular with tourists. The urban sprawl of those cities accounts for more than a million residents west of the capital Santiago.

Drone footage filmed by Reuters in Vina del Mar area showed whole neighbourhoods scorched, with residents rummaging through husks of burnt-out houses where corrugated iron roofs have collapased. On the streets, singed cars littered the roads."The wind was terrible, the heat scorching. There was no respite. People dispersed everywhere." said Pedro Quezada, a local builder in the Valpararaiso region, standing amid the charred debris of his destroyed home.

Videos shared on social media showed hillside fires burning close to appartments blocks in the Valparaiso area, spewing smoke into the air. Thich haze blanketed other urban zones, hobbling visibility.

Chilean authorities have introduced a 9 pm (local time) curfew in the hardest-hit areas and sent in the millitary to help firefighterss stem the spread of fires, while helicopters dumped water to try to douse the flames from the air. Chile's Legal Medical Service, the state coroner, said 112 people have died in the fires. The death toll stood at 51 on Saturday. Earlier Boric, announcing two days of national mourning starting on Monday, said Chile should prepare itself for more bad news.

Adopted from 'The Telegraph dated 6 Feb, 2024) 1x6=6A. Tick the right answer:

(i) The forest fire killed-

(a) more than 100 people

(c) less than 100 people

(ii) The death toll will-

(a) decrease

(c) increase

(b) exactly 100 people

(d) more than 1000 people

(b) keep in tact

(d) none of the above

The capital of Chile is

(a) New-York



(c) Santiago

(b) Valparaiso

(iv) The President of Chile is

(a) Gabriel Boric

d) Vira Del Mar

(c) Manuel Monslave

(b) Pedro Quezada

(d) None of the above

(v) National mourning was declared for

(a) 3 days

(b) 1 day

(c) 2 days

(d) 7 days

(vi) Curfew was introduced

(a) all over Chile

(b) in the hardest hit areas

(c) in the coastal towns


(d) in Santiago

B. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers: (1+1)x3=6

(1) Vira del Mar and Valparaiso are favourite destinations of the tourists.

Supporting Sentence:

Burnt cars littered the roads.

Supporting Sentence:

(Helicopters were used to extinguish the fire.

Supporting Sentence:

C. Answer the following questions:

(1) What did President Boric announce earlier?


(ii) What steps have been taken by the Chilean authorities to stop the spread of fire?

(ii) Who is Pedro Quezada? Where did he live?

iv) What did the drone footage show?


Grammar and Vocabulary

. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks: 


(hang/hanging/was hanging) about the gate at a moment when Mr. Sivasanker (stood/stands/is standing) in the front veranda of his house, (brooding/broods/was brooding) over the servant problem. 

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and preposition

Gandhiji's funeral was___take place __day after death. Hours__ advance, people lined the route....

B. Rewrite the sentences as directed:


(i) It was a very beautiful garden. (Turn into Exclamatory sentence)


(ii) I am sure of his success. (Make it complex)


(iii) Sir, do you want a servant? (Change the voice)

. Ans

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side, changing the form where necessary.

There is one extra phrasal verb in the list:


(i) The poet was in search of a stag.

(ii) He quarrelled with his brother and left home.

(iii) There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last.

[List: fall out, pass away, pick up, look for ]

6. Given below are the meaning of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write the words in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: 2x4=8

(i) extinguish

(ii) rest of relief from something difficult or unpleasant

(iii) to stop something unwanted from spreading

(iv) broken or torn pieces of something / rubbish


#### Reading Comprehension (Seen)

**1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:**

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

(a) Big Half Moon is the name of a:

(1) island  

**Answer: (1) island**

(b) The narrator shifted to the mainland in:

(iv) winter  

**Answer: (iv) winter**

(c) Claude and the narrator were puzzled as:

(ii) they had no relations  

**Answer: (ii) they had no relations**

(d) The relationship between the narrator and her brother with the children of the mainland was:

(iii) quarrelsome  

**Answer: (iii) quarrelsome**

(e) Here ‘we’ refers to (in second paragraph):

(i) 6 persons  

**Answer: (i) 6 persons**

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

1. The narrator and her brother had to make the most of each other as **there was nobody for them to play with on the Big Half Moon island**.

2. The narrator, Claude, and her father moved to the mainland because **the harbor was frozen over in winter**.

3. The narrator and her brother should not ask their father about relations as **he looked sorrowful, and it seemed to be his fault**.


C. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write ‘T’ for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers:  


1. Claude and the narrator never fell out.  


Supporting Sentence: *Claude and I never quarrelled.*

2. The narrator and Claude failed to understand their father’s fault.  


Supporting Sentence: *Claude and I didn’t understand what he meant.*


**2. Read the stanza(s)/poem given below and answer the questions that follow:**

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

(a) The snail enters into his shell:  

(ii) annoyingly 

**Answer: (ii) annoyingly

(b) The word ‘imminent’ means:  

(iv) impending  

**Answer: (iv) impending**

(c) The snail lives with:  

(iv) none of these  

**Answer: (iv) none of these**

(d) His chattels are:  

(ii) he himself  

**Answer: (ii) he himself**


B. Answer the following questions:

(i) When does the snail hide within his house?  

**Answer:** The snail hides within his house when there is danger, such as a storm or any harm.

(ii) What makes the snail well satisfied?  

**Answer:** The snail is well satisfied because he is content being alone and has no need for possessions other than himself.


#### Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

**3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:**

A. Tick the right answer:

(i) The forest fire killed-  

(a) more than 100 people  

**Answer: (a) more than 100 people**

(ii) The death toll will-  

(c) increase  

**Answer: (c) increase**

(iii) The capital of Chile is:  

(c) Santiago  

**Answer: (c) Santiago**

(iv) The President of Chile is:  

(a) Gabriel Boric  

**Answer: (a) Gabriel Boric**

(v) National mourning was declared for:  

(c) 2 days  

**Answer: (c) 2 days**

(vi) Curfew was introduced:  

(b) in the hardest hit areas  

**Answer: (b) in the hardest hit areas**


B. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write ‘T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers:

1. Vina del Mar and Valparaiso are favourite destinations of the tourists.  


Supporting Sentence: *Vina Del Mar and Valparaiso, two coastal cities popular with tourists.*

2. Burnt cars littered the roads.  


Supporting Sentence: *Singed cars littered the roads.*

3. Helicopters were used to extinguish the fire.  


Supporting Sentence: *Helicopters dumped water to try to douse the flames from the air.*


C. Answer the following questions:

(i) What did President Boric announce earlier?  

**Answer:** President Boric announced two days of national mourning starting on Monday and warned that more bad news could come.

(ii) What steps have been taken by the Chilean authorities to stop the spread of fire?  

**Answer:** Chilean authorities introduced a curfew in the hardest-hit areas, sent in the military to assist firefighters, and used helicopters to dump water on the flames.

(iii) Who is Pedro Quezada? Where did he live?  

**Answer:** Pedro Quezada is a local builder who lived in the Valparaiso region, and his home was destroyed by the fire.

(iv) What did the drone footage show?  

**Answer:** The drone footage showed entire neighborhoods scorched, with burnt-out houses and collapsed corrugated iron roofs, and singed cars on the streets.



**4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:**

Sidda was hanging about the gate at a moment when Mr Sivasanker was standing in the front veranda of his house , brooding over the servant problem .

**A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:**

Gandhiji’s funeral was **to** take place **the** day after **his** death. Hours **in** advance, people lined the route.


**B. Rewrite the sentences as directed:**

(i) It was a very beautiful garden. (Turn into an Exclamatory sentence)  

**Answer:** What a beautiful garden it was!

(ii) I am sure of his success. (Make it complex)  

**Answer:** I am sure that he will succeed.

(iii) Sir, do you want a servant? (Change the voice)  

**Answer:** Sir, is a servant wanted by you?

**C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side, changing the form where necessary.**

(i) The poet was **looking for** a stag.  

(ii) He **fell out** with his brother and left home.  

(iii) There was silence in the room as Gandhiji **passed away**.  

**6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:**

(i) extinguish - **douse**  

(ii) rest of relief from something difficult or unpleasant - **respite**  

(iii) to stop something unwanted from spreading - **stem**  

(iv) broken or torn pieces of something/rubbish - **debris**  
