Preparation of Cake., Making of Cake Processing for All Classes

Write the flow-chart and describe the process of making cake.10

[ Flour + baking powder → eggs added to the mixture → sugar + butter mixed → stirring for some time → baked in certain temperature - chocolate syrup poured → cashew raisins mixed → cooled for sometime- packed and sent to market.


Preparation of Cake 

Cake is a versatile and delightful dessert.Cake is kind of much delicious food.It is a very interesting matter to know how a cake is prepared.The preparation of cake involves various stages. It can be prepared at home easily.At first, flour and baking powder are combined in a mixing bowl to form the base of the cake.Next,eggs are added to the mixture (to bind the ingredients and provide moisture.)After that sugar and butter are mixed properly to it.Then the mixture is stirred well for some time.Now, the mixture is baked in certain temperature.(The batter is placed in a preheated oven and baked at a specific temperature until it is fully cooked, with a golden-brown top.)After baking, chocolate syrup is poured over the cake, adding a rich, decadent flavor.Cashews and raisins are added to enhance the cake’s flavor.Next the cake is allowed to cool down for some time.After that , the cake is carefully packed.Finally the packed cake is  sent to the market.

versatile : বহুমুখী, বহু বিষয়ে পণ্ডিত, বহুমুখ কর্মশক্তিসম্পন্ন 

delightful : আনন্দদায়ক, মনোহর, আমোদজনক, রম্য, রমণীয়, আনন্দময়, আনন্দিত, খোশ, তৃপ্তিকর, নন্দন, আনন্দজনক, পরমানন্দদায়ক, মধুর, অভিরাম

dessert : ডেজার্ট, মিষ্টান্ন, ভোজের শেষে পরিবেশিত মিষ্টি, ফলমূল, আইসক্রিম ইত্যাদি

raisins : কিশমিশ

Cashews : হিজলি বাদাম, অকাজু বাদামের গাছ
