Suggestion of MCQ : "Upon Westminster Bridge",Suggestion of MCQ : "Upon Westminster Bridge" Class XI English Suggestion

Suggestion of MCQ : "Upon Westminster Bridge"

Class XI English Suggestion New Syllabus 2024

1. 'Upon Westminster Bridge' is written by - (a) William Davies, (b) Octavio Paz, (c) William Wordsworth, (d) William Blake.

2. The poet sees London as -a) part of nature, (b) the nerve centre of commerce, (c) alienated from nature, (d) isolated.

3. The mood in the poem is - (a) tragic, (b) nostalgic, (c) tranquil, (d)comic.

4. The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the London morning is - (a) dull, (b) innovative, (c) imaginative, (d) busy. 

5. The sight that Wordsworth saw appeared to him as -a) mysterious, (b) magical, (c) menacing, (d) majestic. 

6. In 'Upon Westminster Bridge', the city wears  -a) the beauty of the morning.

7. "The river glideth at his own sweet will" - the expression "at his own sweet will" means - (c) in a leisurely way.

8. 'Upon Westminster Bridge' is a/an - (a) sonnet, (b) ballad, (c) ode, (d) lyric. (Petrarchan / Italian Sonnet.)

9. The poem is composed on -(a) September 3, 1902, (b) October 3, 1802, (c) September 3, 1802, (d) September 13, 1802. 

10. The river mentioned in the poem is - (a) The Ganges, (b) The Thames, (c) The Nile, (d) The Yamuna.

11. The word 'glideth' means - (a) flows gently, (b) blows, (c) walk quickly, (d) moves naturally. 

12. The poet never saw or felt - (a) a calm so deep, (b) deep feelings, (c) clear and fresh, (d) none of these.

13. "A sight so touching" - the poet means to say that the sight - (a) can be touched easily, (b) cannot touch anyone, (c) can easily touch one's heart, (d) is a touch of different colours.

14.A sonnet is a poem of ________lines . Ans : 14 lines 

15.  “Dull would he be of soul”   the word ‘dull’ means -----insensitive.

16. "The river glideth at his own sweet will"-The figure of speech used here is -------- personification.

17. “The beauty of the morning ; silent and bare"-The figure of speech used here is--- enjambment .

18.The first eight lines of a sonnet are called ----octave .

19. The last six lines of a sonnet are called ----sestet.

20.At what time of the day did Wordsworth observe the beauty of the city of London ?   ------At dawn / in the morning.

21. “Ships ,towers ,domes ,theatres ,and temples lie”- The figure of speech used here is -----alliteration.

22. “Never did sun more beautifully steep”-- The figure of speech used here is--- hyperbole & personification .

23.  “ Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!”—hyperbole

24. The beauty of the morning was ---silent & bare

25. What is the object of poet’s celebration? – London 

26. What is the object of poet’s celebration (except London)?---Nature 

27. Dear God! the very houses seem--------- asleep.

28. The heart ,which is lying still, is ---London (Roaring giant /monster)

29.The rhyme scheme of Composed Upon Westminster Bridge is ---- abba abba cd cd cd.

30.“All bright and glittering in the smokeless air”- The air is smokeless because ----activity/work of the day is not started.
