Textual Grammar of The Swami and Mother Worship

Textual Grammar of The Swami and Mother Worship

The Swami and Mother-Worship

1.The story of the glimpse which I caught of this part of the Swami's life would be singularly incomplete (I.C)

2.I have always felt that there were two elements in his consciousness (S.U)

3.Undoubtedly he was born a Brahmajnani, as Ramakrishna Paramahamsa so frequently insisted.(S.U)

4.When he was only eight years old, sitting at his play, he had developed the power of entering Samadhi.(S.U)

5.He had developed the power of entering Samadhi.(V.C)

6.He became a formal member of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.(I.N)

7.The realisation of Brahman was his only imperative, the Advaita philosophy his only system of doctrine (S.U)

8.It is also true that in India the word ''Mother'' was forever  on his lips.(S.U)

9.He was constantly preoccupied with Her.(I.N)

10.The right hand raised in blessing, the left holding the sword(S.U)

11.''I worship the Terrible!''(V.C)

12.He wasted few words on me(V.C)

13.''Fools!'' he exclaimed once(N.C)

14.They put a garland of flowers round(V.C)

15.One realised the infinitely greater boldness(V.C)
