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AIMS Question Bank Page 435 


Full Marks: 90

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Most people think that the cat is an unintelligent animal, fond of ease and caring little for anything but mice and milk. But a cat has really more character than most human beings, and gets a great deal more satisfaction out of life.

He or she is an athlete, an acrobat and a grim fighter. All day long the cat loafs about the house, takes things easy and allows himself to be pestered by the attentions of the people in the house. To pass the time away he sometimes watches a mouse-hole for an hour or two-just to keep himself from dying of boredom. People get this idea that this sort of thing is all that holds life for a cat. But watch him as the shades of evening fall. You can see the cat as he really is.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:1x5=5

(a) Most people think that the cat is

(i) wise

(iii) intelligent

(ii) not intelligent

(iv) clever


(b) A cat is not a/an

(i) fighter

(ii) athlete

(iii) swimmer

(iv) acrobat


(c) The cat watches a mouse-hole to

(i) catch mice

(ii) keep himself or herself active

(iii) attract the attention of people

(iv) fight boredom


(d) The true nature of the cat can be seen

(i) when evening sets in

(ii) at dawn

(iii) in the afternoon

(iv) at noon


(e) The cat spends his time during the day

(i) working hard

(iii) fighting

(ii) in a careless and easy manner

(iv) doing acrobatics


B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:1x3=3

(i) Far from what people think, a cat derives a great deal of

(ii) All day long the cat allows himself to be

(iii) People think that the cat cares for only

C. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write "T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers: 2×2=4

(i) The writer considers the cat to have as much character as most human beings.

Supporting Sentence:

(ii) The cat does not like or enjoy the attention of the people of the house.

Supporting Sentence:

2.Read the stanza(s)/poem given below and answer the questions that follow:

To grass, or leaf, or fruit, or wall

The snail sticks close, nor fears to fall As if he grew there, house and all, Together.

Within that house secure he hides 

When danger imminent betides Of storm, or other harm besides Of Weather.

Give but his horns the slightest touch, 

His self-collecting pow'r is such, 

He shrinks into his house with much displeasure.

Where'er he dwells, he dwells alone, 

Except himself has chattels none,

Well satisfied to be his own whole treasure

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:

(a) With the slightest touch, the snails shrinks into his house with

(i) pleasure

(ii) pain

(iii) dissatisfaction

(iv) surprise


(b) "When danger imminent betides"-Here the word 'imminent' means

(i) eminent

(ii) permanent

(iii) evident

(iv) impending


(c) The snail assumes danger with his -

(i) intuition

(ii) sensitive horns

(iii) sense of smell

(iv) powerful eyes


(d) In time of danger the snail's house provides him with -

(i) security

(ii) insecurity

(iii) hospitality

(iv) vulnerability


B. Answer the following questions:2x2=4

(i) What do you mean by 'self-collecting pow'r'?


(ii) What makes the snail 'well satisfied'?


Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

Global warming is the process when the earth heats up and the temperature rises. This happens when there is an increase in the production of gases like carbon-di-oxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide and methane, which are known as greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere, and this, in turn, increases the temperature, and causes global warming. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the average temperature of the Earth has risen by 0.8 degree celcius.

Around the world, climate change is causing long-term changes to the environment. The sea levels are rising and Arctic sea ice is melting. More intense hurricanes are approaching our coast lines, and more glaciers are retreating from the mountain valleys they once filled. Warmer temperatures have led to more intense rainfall in some areas. This can cause flooding. Higher temperatures cause droughts in some areas of the world, causing a decline in crop productivity, which may lead to food shortage. Heat waves have become common, and more living species are becoming endangered.

A. Tick the right answer:1x6=6

(1)____is not a greenhouse gas

(a) oxygen

(b) carbon dioxide

(c) nitrous oxide

(d) methane

(ii) The average temperature of earth has risen since the beginning of

(a) 20th century

(b) 17th century

(c)15th century

(d) 12th century

(iii) The temperature of earth-

(a) remains same

(c)is decreasing

(v) Hurricans affect-

(b) is rising

(d) in going below the freezing point

(b) urban area

(a) hill area

(c)coastal area

(d) rural area

have led to intense rainfall in some areas.

(a) cooler temperatures

(b) warmer temperatures

(c) moderate temperatures

(d) temperatures below the freezing point

(vi) Heat waves have become -

(a) uncommon

(b) common

(d) very frequent

(c) rare

B. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write "T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers: (1+1)×3=6

(i) The increase in the production of greenhouse gases is not the cause of global warming.

Supporting Sentence:

(ii) Climate change is causing temporary changes to the environment.

Supporting Sentence:

(i) The green house gases do not allow the heat and light of the sun to return from the atmosphere. Supporting Sentence:

C. Answer the following questions:2x4=8

(i) What is global warming?

(ii) How do the green house gases increase the temperature of the earth?


(ii) How can higher temperature cause flood?

(iv) What can cause scarcity of food?



Grammar and Vocabulary

4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:


So far as I remember, it___(be/was/had been) a on Tuesday in last August. It__(begin/begins/began) to rain at around 10.10 a.m. and it continued till 4 p.m. thereby Kolkata plunged in knee-deep water (leave/leaving/left) the whole of South

5.A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :


Shakespeare's male heroes illuminate. different aspects of human nature. Their timeless struggles. love, power and fate resonate, showcasing Shakespeare's profound understanding the human condition.

B. Rewrite the sentences as directed:

(i) Who sang this song? (Change the voice)



(ii) What a shocking sight! (Change into an assertive sentence)


(iii) His silence proves his innocence. (Rewrite using the adjective form of 'innocence')


C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side, changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list: 1x3=3

(i) The fox failed to reach the grapes.

(ii) My attention was diverted by the noise.

(iii) How did you get this prize?

[List: draw away, tune up, get at, come by ]

6. Given below are the meaning of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write the words in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: 2x4=8

(i) receeding

(ii) large mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains

(iii) dearth or lack of rain for a prolonged period

(iv) affecting or covering the whole world


#### Reading Comprehension (Seen)

**A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:**

(a) Most people think that the cat is  

(ii) not intelligent

(b) A cat is not a/an  

(iii) swimmer

(c) The cat watches a mouse-hole to  

(iv) fight boredom

(d) The true nature of the cat can be seen  

(i) when evening sets in

(e) The cat spends his time during the day  

(ii) in a careless and easy manner

**B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:**

(i) Far from what people think, a cat derives a great deal of **satisfaction out of life.**  

(ii) All day long the cat allows himself to be **pestered by the attentions of the people in the house.**  

(iii) People think that the cat cares for only **mice and milk.**

**C. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write "T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers:**

(i) The writer considers the cat to have as much character as most human beings.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "But a cat has really more character than most human beings."

(ii) The cat does not like or enjoy the attention of the people of the house.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "All day long the cat... allows himself to be pestered by the attentions of the people in the house."


#### Poetry Comprehension

**A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences:**

(a) With the slightest touch, the snail shrinks into his house with  

(iii) dissatisfaction

(b) "When danger imminent betides"-Here the word 'imminent' means  

(iv) impending

(c) The snail assumes danger with his  

(ii) sensitive horns

(d) In time of danger the snail's house provides him with  

(i) security

**B. Answer the following questions:**

(i) What do you mean by 'self-collecting pow'r'?  

**Ans:** 'Self-collecting pow'r' refers to the snail’s ability to retreat into its shell quickly when it senses danger.


Self-collecting pow'r' refers to the snail’s  self controlling power.

(ii) What makes the snail 'well satisfied'?  

**Ans:** The snail is 'well satisfied' because it lives independently and needs nothing but its own shell for security and comfort.

### Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

**A. Tick the right answer:**

(i)____ is not a greenhouse gas  

(a) oxygen

(ii) The average temperature of earth has risen since the beginning of  

(a) 20th century

(iii) The temperature of earth-  

(b) is rising

(iv) Hurricanes affect  

(c) coastal area

(v) Warmer temperatures have led to intense rainfall in some areas.  

(b) warmer temperatures

(vi) Heat waves have become -  

(b) common

**B. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write "T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers:**

(i) The increase in the production of greenhouse gases is not the cause of global warming.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "This happens when there is an increase in the production of gases like carbon-di-oxide, water vapour... which are known as greenhouse gases."

(ii) Climate change is causing temporary changes to the environment.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "Around the world, climate change is causing long-term changes to the environment."

(iii) The greenhouse gases do not allow the heat and light of the sun to return from the atmosphere.  


**Supporting Sentence:** "These greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the Earth's atmosphere."

**C. Answer the following questions:**

(i) What is global warming?  

**Ans:** Global warming is the process when the Earth's temperature rises due to the increase in greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere.

(ii) How do the greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the Earth?  

**Ans:** Greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun, preventing it from escaping the Earth's atmosphere, thus increasing the planet's temperature.

(iii) How can higher temperature cause floods?  

**Ans:** Higher temperatures cause more intense rainfall in certain areas, which can lead to flooding.

(iv) What can cause scarcity of food?  

**Ans:** Droughts caused by higher temperatures can reduce crop productivity, leading to food shortages.


#### Grammar and Vocabulary

**4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:**

So far as I remember, it **was** a Tuesday in last August. It **began** to rain at around 10.10 a.m., and it continued till 4 p.m., thereby leaving the whole of South Kolkata plunged in knee-deep water.


**5. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:**

Shakespeare's male heroes illuminate __the _different aspects** of human nature. Their timeless struggles **with** love, power, and fate resonate, showcasing Shakespeare's profound understanding **of** the human condition.


**B. Rewrite the sentences as directed:**

(i) Who sang this song? (Change the voice)  

**Ans:** By whom was this song sung?

(ii) What a shocking sight! (Change into an assertive sentence)  

**Ans:** It is a very shocking sight.

(iii) His silence proves his innocence. (Rewrite using the adjective form of 'innocence')  

**Ans:** His silence proves that he is innocent.


**C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined:**

(i) The fox failed to **reach** the grapes.  

**Ans:** get at

(ii) My attention was **diverted** by the noise.  

**Ans:** drawn away

(iii) How did you **get** this prize?  

**Ans:** come by

**6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write the words in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side:**

(i) receding  

**Ans:** retreating

(ii) large mass of ice, formed by snow on mountains  

**Ans:** glacier

(iii) dearth or lack of rain for a prolonged period  

**Ans:** drought

(iv) affecting or covering the whole world  

**Ans:** global
