AIMS Question Bank Page 439, Madhyamik Aims Question Bank / wbbse / WB AIMS Question Bank Page 439

AIMS Question Bank Page 439, Madhyamik Aims Question Bank / wbbse / WB AIMS Question Bank Page 439

  Section A 

 Reading Comprehension (Seen) 

1.  A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 

(a) The cat makes his entry to get his share of food when the table is set for:

 (iii) tea 

(b) At the table, the cat is particularly polite to the guest because:

 (ii) he expects a part of the best food served to him 

(c) When the cat scratches the guest, the family feels:

 (i) delighted 

(d) The cat receives the food from the guest:

 (iv) carefully and silently 

(e) The thing from which the cat stays at a safe distance is:

 (iii) the guest's boot 

 B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text: 

(i) The cat purrs noisily and rubs himself against  the legs of the family members. 

(ii) The cat feels tired when  the guest only strokes him instead of feeding him by saying poor pussy

(iii) Before relishing his food, the cat goes  to a safe distance from the guest’s boot. 

 C. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Write 'T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes on the right-hand side. Provide sentences/phrases/words from the passage in support of your answers: 

(i) The family members are critical of the cat's demeanor.


 Supporting Sentence:  "The delighted family remarks, 'Isn't it sweet of him? Isn't he intelligent?'"

(ii) The guest tries his best to restrain his emotions.


Supporting Sentence:  "With tears of rage and pain in his eyes, he affects to be very much amused."

 2. A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 

(a) The snail sticks close to:

 (iv) grass, leaf, fruit, or wall 

(b) The snail securely hides:

 (i) in his house 

(c) With the slightest touch, the snail shrinks into his house with much:

 (iii) displeasure 

(d) In the house, the snail loves to dwell:

 (i) alone 

 B. Answer the following questions: 

(i) What does the snail do when he faces danger?

 Ans:  When the snail faces danger, he securely hides within his house to protect himself.

(ii) What makes the snail well-satisfied?

 Ans:  The snail is well-satisfied because he is content to be on his own and does not need any possessions or companions.

 Reading Comprehension (Unseen) 

3.  A. Tick the right answer: 

(i) According to recent data, the number of people who died of cancer worldwide in 2023 was about:

 (d) 96 lakh-1 crore 

(ii) The state with the highest number of new cancer cases in India is:

 (c) Uttar Pradesh 

(iii) The type of cancer that poses a great threat to Bengal, including its capital city, is:

 (a) lung cancer 

(iv) The percentage of cancer detection cases all over India in 2023 is:

 (b) 29% 

(v) According to a 2023 report, one in every nine people in our country runs the risk of developing cancer at:

 (c) any stage of their lives 

(vi) The recent reveals that the annual growth rate of cancer patients will be 12.8% by:

 (b) 2025 

 B. State whether the following statements are 'True' or 'False'. Provide supporting sentences: 

(i) The alarming rise in cancer cases poses a great challenge to the healthcare system of our country.


 Supporting Sentence:  "The rise in cancer cases is a matter of great concern, emphasizing the need for early detection, preventive measures, and improved access to quality healthcare."

(ii) Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in West Bengal.


 Supporting Sentence:  "Notably, breast cancer has become the most frequent malignancy among females in the state."

(iii) Most of the cancer patients undergo diagnosis and treatment in the preliminary stages of their disease.


 Supporting Sentence:  "75-80 percent of cancer patients seek diagnosis and treatment only at advanced stages."

 C. Answer the following questions: 

(i) How many new cancer cases were registered in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and West Bengal?

 Ans:  Uttar Pradesh registered 2.10 lakh new cancer cases, Maharashtra 1.21 lakh, and West Bengal 1.13 lakh cases.

(ii) Who is Dr. Suman Mallik? What, according to him, should be done to combat the alarming rise in cancer patients?

 Ans:  Dr. Suman Mallik is the Clinical Director and Head of Radiation Oncology at Narayana Hospital, Howrah. He suggests that early detection, preventive measures, and improved access to healthcare are crucial in combating the rising number of cancer patients.

(iii) What are the probable causes of gastrointestinal cancer?

 Ans:  The probable causes of gastrointestinal cancer are lifestyle changes, inactivity, and the consumption of high-calorie foods.

(iv) What sort of proposals have hospitals made to bring the alarming cancer stages under control?

 Ans:  Hospitals propose raising awareness, promoting proactive practices, emphasizing early detection, and ensuring accessible screening resources for all.


 Section B: Grammar and Vocabulary 

4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks:

Long before mechanical clocks  were invented , men had discovered means of measuring the passage of time. The position of the sun  told  early man what time of the day it  was .


5.  A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: 

The internet, with its vast array  of  websites and social media platforms, has become  a  breeding ground  for  misinformation and propaganda.

 B. Rewrite the sentences as directed: 

(i) Everest is the highest peak in the world. (Change the degree of comparison)

Ans:  Everest is higher than any other peak in the world.

(ii) He told us the whole story. (Change the voice)

 Ans:  The whole story was told to us by him.

(iii) Father said to him, "Have you no school today?" (Change into indirect speech)

Ans:  Father asked him if he had no school that day.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs: 

(i) She could not  put up with  this insult.

(ii) The man  turned down  her proposal.

(iii) The enemy  set in  early in winter.


6. Vocabulary (Meanings): 

(i) trying hard to deal with:  grappling 

(ii) a sudden increase in number:  surge 

(iii) very small in quantity:  meager 

(iv) done together by more than one person, government, country, etc.:  concerted 
