Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the felling of trees at random in your locality.

Write a letter in about 120 words to the Editor of an English daily, expressing your concern about  the felling of trees at random in your locality.



The Editor

The Times of India 

Kolkata-700 014

Sub: Felling of trees at random in our locality

Respected sir,

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your esteemed daily to express my views about the felling of trees at random in our locality.

Our locality is blessed with open meadows and vast fields of crops. The trees not only enhance the beauty of our locality but also provide sweet fruits, fresh air, and a calm environment. We share a special bond with these trees.However, in recent times, woodcutters have been coming our area to cut down trees at an alarming rate. Every day, the sounds of trees falling fill the air, as large green spaces are turned into barren land. These friendly trees are victims of cruelty, and their loss threatens our environment.

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Under these circumstances, I therefore request you to write a leading article on this issue, so that the government or the concerned authorities can take appropriate steps as soon as possible

Yours Faithfully,


Bishnupur,Bankura ,


Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about the felling of trees at random in your locality.
