Madhyamik ABTA Test paper 2025 English Page235 Answer, Class 10 ABTA Test paper 2025 English Page 235 Answer,English Page 235,ABTA PAGE 235 Class 10 ABTA Test paper English Page 235 Answer
Madhyamik ABTA Test paper 2025 English Page235
Class 10 ABTA Test paper 2025 English Page 235 Answer,English Page 235,ABTA PAGE 235
Class 10 ABTA Test paper English Page 235 Answer
SECTION-A: Reading Comprehension (Seen)
1. Passage-Based Questions
A. Choose the Correct Alternatives:
(a) (iii) had expired
(b) (iii) Aunt Esther
(c) (i) a tree
(d) (ii) letter
(e) (i) Dick and Mimi
B. Complete the Sentences:
(i) Aunt Esther lived hundreds of miles inland.
(ii) The person who sent the letter to the narrator's father was Aunt Esther.
(iii) Dick and Mimi were the narrator's cousins.
C. True or False with Supporting Statements (S.S.):
(i) False
S.S.: "Next day, Father went and brought Aunt Esther, Dick and Mimi with him."
(ii) False
S.S.: "But the best of it all is that we have relations now!"
2. Poem-Based Questions
A. Choose the Correct Alternatives:
(a) (i) determination
(b) (i) guide and control the ship
(c) (ii) personification
(d) (iv) fascinating
B. Answer the Questions:
(i) The poet wants to go down to the sea again because he is drawn to the beauty and adventure of the sea.
(ii) The poet asks for a tall ship and a star to guide it during his sea voyage.
SECTION-B: Reading Comprehension (Unseen)
3. Passage-Based Questions
A. Choose the Correct Alternatives:
(i) (a) one direction
(ii) (d) 40 years
(iii) (b) television signals
(iv) (c) weapon system in outer space
(v) (c) measure distance in making maps
(vi) (d) drill eyes in surgical needles
B. True or False with Supporting Statements (S.S.):
(i) False
S.S.: "The laser has a variety of uses."
(ii) False
S.S.: "Scientists are experimenting with lasers to separate isotopes of Uranium."
(iii) False
S.S.: "Current military research is attempting to develop high-energy lasers to destroy enemy aircraft and missiles."
C. Answer the Questions:
(i) Laser light is highly directional and travels in one direction, unlike other light sources that spread in all directions.
(ii) Industrial lasers are used to cut teeth in saws and drill eyes in surgical needles.
(iii) In scientific research, lasers are used to separate isotopes of Uranium.
(iv) Lasers can help catch criminals by disclosing fingerprints left on previously undetectable surfaces like leather or skin, even after 40 years.
SECTION-B: Grammar and Vocabulary
4. Fill in the Blanks:
(i) was injured(b)
(ii) hit(a)
(iii) was taken (b)
5. Do as Directed:
A. Fill in the Blanks:
(i) from/of
(ii) in
(iii) the
B. Rewrite the Sentences:
(i) Was it done by you?
(ii) Being over the school, the children rushed out.
The school being over , the children rushed out.
(iii) The police officer asked if I had met my brother that month.
C. Replace with Phrasal Verbs:
(i) put down
(ii) came across
(iii) got to
6. Word Meanings from the Passage:
(i) demolish - destroy
(ii) devices that send out signals - transmitters
(iii) formerly - previously
(iv) important features - characteristics
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