Important Short Questions and Answers of Of Studies by Francis Bacon

 Important Short Questions and Answers of  Of Studies by Francis Bacon

Short Questions & Answers)

Q1. What do studies serve for?

Ans. Studies serve for delight, ornament and ability.

Q2. What is the result if one is spending too much time in studies?

Ans. Spending too much time in studies results in 'sloth' (idleness).

Q 3. What is the meaning of 'Nature' in the essay of studies? How is nature perfected?

Ans. Nature means inborn qualities. Nature is perfected by studies.

Q 4. What is the role of experience?

Ans. Experience perfects studies.

Q5. What do wise men do with their studies?

Ans. Wise men make practical use of their studies.

Q6. What should be the real purpose of study?

Ans. The real purpose of study should be to think rationally, to consider and to develop independent thinking and judgement.

Q7. What type of men admire studies?

Ans. Simple men admire studies.

Q8. What is "Natural philosophy"?

Ans. Natural philosophy is an old name for physics.

Q9. Who condemn studies?

Ans. Crafty men or cunning men condemn studies.

Q 10. Which discipline (subject) according to Bacon can make man subtle?

Ans. According to Bacon 'Mathematics' can make man subtle.

Q 11. Why does Bacon advise the study of Law?

Ans. The study of Law makes men able to remember things and discuss matters logically.

Q 12. What should a man study if his mind wanders?

Ans. A man should study 'Mathematics' if his mind wanders.

Q13. What is the 'humour' of a scholar?

Ans. The 'humour' of a scholar is to make judgement wholly by the rules found in the books.

Q14. What is the meaning of 'Abeunt studia in Mores'?

Ans. In Latin, phrase means "studies pass into one's character"./studies pass into and influence manners.

Q15. How can every defect of mind be remedied?

Ans. Every defect of mind can be remedied with the help of appropriate study.

Q 16. What are the uses of the study of different subjects?

Ans. History makes men wise, poetry makes men witty, mathematics makes subtle, Natural philosophy deep, Moral philosophy grave, Logic and Rhetoric make man able to argue.

Q 17. In which sense are Natural abilities like Natural plants?

Ans. Natural plants will grow wildly unless they are trimmed. In the same way, natural abilities will grow without any fixed direction if they are not developed by studies.

Q 18. What happens if study is not bounded by experience?

Ans. Studies are perfected by experience. Studies which are not bounded by experience give forth directions which are vague and general.

Q 19. How can studies make man exact and accurate in knowledge?

Ans. Bacon suggests that reading must be followed by writing and discussion. Reading makes a full man, writing an exact man and discussion makes knowledge accurate.

Q 20. How does Bacon recommend the reading of books?

Ans. Bacon suggests that all books need not be studied with attention. Only serious and important books are to be studied with deligence and attention. 2

Q 21. How does Bacon point out the manner of studies by comparison?

Ans. Bacon points out that some books are to be tested, some books to be swallowed and some books to be chewed and digested. Bacon takes the comparison from eating different items comparison

Q 22. Who were the School men? What do they teach?

Ans. The School men were philosophers or theologians of the middle ages. They used to teach the ability to make fine distinction.

Q 23. What is the meaning of 'Cymini sectors'?

Ans. Cymini sector literally means the splitters (deviders) of, small seeds. The school men were called Cymini sectors or subtle logician.

Q 24. What are the physical exercises recommended for curing physical diseases?

Ans. Bowling is good for the stone in kidney, shooting is good for lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach and riding for the head.

Q 25. What are the subjects that can cure some of the defects of mind?

Ans. If a man's mind wanders, he should study Mathematics, if a man's mind cannot distinguish or find difference, he should read the medieval school men. If a man cannot properly discuss and remember things he should study Law.
