HS ABTA PAGE 196 solved, ABTA 2025 PAGE 196 SOLVED


HS ABTA PAGE 196 solved, ABTA 2025 PAGE 196 SOLVED 


1. (a) Complete cach of the sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided:

PROSE 1×12=12

(i) The narrator wanted to prevent the girl from discovering his (a) destination (b) religion (c) visual impairment (d) identity. (ii) Kalam's father said that for the distressed people, he acted as a (a) men mentor (b) father said meditator (d) mediator.

Ans: mere meditator

 (iii) Roger looked as if he were-(a) Il or 12 (b) 12 or 13 (c) 13 or 14 (d) 14 or 15. 

(iv) The hermit was - (a)frail and weak (b) frail and strong (c) tall and weak (d) short and weak.


(v) The killing of a tree is described as a/ an - (a) healthy exercise (b) useful act (c) ceremonial act (d) innocent act.

 (vi) The soldier lies open mouthed because he - (a) wants air (b) wants sunlight (c) wants to say something (d) is killed suddenly. 

(vii) According to William Shakespeare, fair is (a) opposite of unfair (b) always unchanged (c) subject to change (d) always fixed. 

(viii) "... he takes the lead." Here 'he' is (a) cricket (b) grasshopper (c) The poet (d) Sumake l


(x). I must have my mind made up." Here the speaker is - (a) Natalya (b) Lomov (c) Chubukov (d) Chekhov.

 (x) Natalya is in her- (a) teens (b) mid twenties (c) mid thirties (d) mid forties.

 (xi) The format of the play "The Proposal" is (a) tragedy (b) comedy (c) elegy (d) one- act-play.

 (xii) The word 'milksop' is used to describe - (a) Lomov (b) Chubukov (c) Natalya (d) Chekhov.

2. Answer any four from 'Prose' and four from 'Poetry', of the following questions, each in a complete sentence. 1×8-8


(4) What seemed to be tantalizing to the narrator in "The Eyes Have It'? 

Ans: The perfume of girl's hair seemed to be tantalizing to the narrator in "The Eyes Have It'.

(ii) "... but it was a safe remark." What was a safe remark?

Ans : The narrator remarked that the girl had an interesting face. This was the safe remark.

 (iii) What do, according to Kalam's father, people look for when they reach an impasse? 

Ans: According to Kalam's father, people look for someone to get help them when they reach an impasse. 

(iv) What was the regular menu of Dr. Kalam's meal at home when he was a child?

Ans: The regular menu of Dr. Kalam's meal was rice,aromatic sambar, variety of sharp, home made pickle and a dollop of fresh coconut chutney at home when he was a child

 (v) What is the full name of Mrs Jones in the story 'Thank You Ma'am? 

Ans: The full name of Mrs Jones is Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones.

(vi) Where did Mrs Jones work? 

Ans: Mrs Jones worked in hotel beauty shop.

(vii) What, according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do? 

Ans: According to the hermit, the most important thing to do good to the person with whom you are.

(viii) Why did the bearded man want to take revenge on the Tsar?

Ans: The bearded man wanted to take revenge on the Tsar because Tsar killed his brother and seized his property.


(ix) What does the phrase 'leprous hide' mean in 'On Killing a Tree'?

Ans: The phrase 'leprous hide' means rough bark of a tree in 'On Killing a Tree'

 (x) Which is the most sensitive part of a tree? 

Ans: Root is the most sensitive part of a tree.

(xi) What is the theme of the poem 'Asleep in the Valley'? 

Ans: Futility of war is the theme of the poem 'Asleep in the Valley'.

(xii) How is the smile of the soldier lying asleep in the valley?

Ans: The smile of the soldier lying asleep in the valley is like an infant's- gentle without guile.

(xiii) What is meant by the phrase 'summer's lease' in Sonnet No. 18? 

Ans: In Sonnet No. 18,the phrase 'summer's lease' means Summer 's duration which is very brief.

(xiv) What figure of speech is used in the phrase "his gold complexion'?

Ans: The figure of  speech,personification is used in the phrase "his gold complexion'.

(xv) What may one hear on a cold, silent winter evening?

Ans: One may hear cricket's shrill on a cold, silent winter evening.

 (xvi) Where do the birds hide being faint?

Ans: The birds hide in cooling trees being faint.

3. Answer any two from 'PROSE', two from 'POETRY' and one from 'DRAMA', of the following questions, each in about 100 words:

(i) "I didn't know anyone else was here." Who said this and to whom?

When did the speaker make the quoted remark? What did the addressee contemplate just after hearing this? (ii) "I would say mine was a very secure childhood." Whose childhood is referred to here? In what respect was his childhood secure? What picture of his childhood does the speaker give in this context? (iii) "Shoes come by devilish like that will burn

your feet." Who said this and to whom? When did the What did the speaker mean to say by this? (iv) Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? speaker say this?


(v) The poem 'On killing a Tree' exposes man's cruelty and violence Discuss, (vi) What are the two contrasting images

powarded in the poem "Asleep in the Valley and hat does the poet wam nature presophasize here? (vii) "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee," What does the poet mean by this? Who is 'thee" being referred to How does the poet think that this will give life to thee? (viii) Justify the title of the poem 'The Poetry of Earth'.


(ix) We've had the land for nearly three hundred years". Who is the Speaker here? Who is the person spoken to? What is referred to as 'the land'? What do you come to know of the land from their conversation? (x) Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play 'The Proposal". (xi) "I'm the most unhappy of men!" Who said this? Why did he say so? How did the speaker get rid of his unhappiness?

4. (a) Do as directed:


(i) One of the most vivid memories of my early childhood is of the two men. (Use comparative degree).

Memories of two men are more vivid than most other memories of my early childhood.

 (ii) It was her eyes I noticed. (Change the voice) 

Her eyes were noticed by me.  

(iii) "If I turn you loose, will you run?" asked the woman. (Change into indirect speech

The woman asked if she turned him loose, whether he would run.  

(iv) The hermit listened to the Tsar, but answered nothing. (Make it complex) 

Though the hermit listened to the Tsar, he did not answer anything.  

(v) This alone won't do it. (Turn into an affirmative sentence) 

. This alone will not be sufficient.  

(vi) His smile is like an infant's. (Use verb

form of the underlined word). 

He smiles like an infant

1 × 6 = 6  

(i) **One of the most vivid memories of my early childhood is of the two men.**  

→ One of the more vivid memories of my early childhood is of the two men.  

Very few memories of my early childhood are as vivid as of the two men.

Memories of two men are more vivid than most other memories of my early childhood.

(ii) **It was her eyes I noticed.**  


(iii) **"If I turn you loose, will you run?" asked the woman.**  


(iv) **The hermit listened to the Tsar, but answered nothing.**  


(v) **This alone won't do it.**  


(vi) **His smile is like an infant's.**  


(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions:


Mrs. Jones got (upi) and went (behind ) the screen. The woman did not watch (thei boy to see if he was going (to) run now, nor did she watch her purse which she left (on)_ her () the day bed.

(c) Correct the error in the following sentence by replacing the underlined word with the right one from the options given below: Often is his gold complexion dimming. [Options: deem/dim/dimmed].5. Read the following med age and answer the questions that follow: Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as government of the people. for the people, by the people. Let us consider the three article people definition. Number one: Government of the people: that, evidently, is necessary: a human community can no more exist without a government than a human being can exist without a co-ordinated control of breathing and blood circulation. Number two: Government for the people, is most important. Dean Inge put it perfectly for us when he called Democracy a form of society which means equal consideration for all. He added that it is a Christian Principle, and that, as a Christian, he believes in it. So do 1. That is why I insist on equality of income. Equal consideration for a person with a hundred a year and one with a hundred thousand is impossible. But Number Three: Government by the people, is quite a different matter. We repudiate Number Three on the ground that the people cannot govern. The thing is a physical impossibility. Every citizen cannot be a ruler any more than every boy can be an engine driver or a pirate king.

George Bernard Show

(a) State whether the following statements are True or False. Write Tfor True and 'F' for False statements: (You may not write the sentenses, write 'T' or 'F' only.

(1) The author agreed with all the articles of the definition of democracy.

(ii) Government of the people is as necessary to a human community as a co-ordinate control of breathing and blood circulation is to a human being. (iii) According to the author, every citizen can be a ruler.

(iv) The author believes in equality of income.

(b) Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words. 2×3=6

(1) What are the three articles of the definition of democracy mentioned in the passage? (ii) What is Dean Inge's view about Government for the people? (iii) What is the author's view about the third article of the definition of democracy?

6. (a) Suppose your school organised a seminar on 'Save water, Save life' as a part of an awareness campaign. Write a report on it in about 150 words to be published in your school magazine mentioning details of date, time, place, speaker, audience, message delivered and its reaction. 2+8-10

Or, (b) Write a letter to L.G. Electronics, Kolkata, requesting for repair or replacement of the L.G. T.V. set which you had bought from them only 2 months ago as it has developed certain defects. (Word limit: 150 words). Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title: 2+8=10 

We can locate a man from a beast by his quality of virtue. It is something which distinguishes him from all other creatures. It is his nature. It is his character. It is wonderful to think that a man all other creatures by is distinguished from of conduct we call his higher and greater standard virtue - the things worthy of man. He goes to the rescue of someone her has never seen - a woman in a burning house, a child in a dark sea. Why? Because he is a man. What do we say when we read of some cruel creature who has beaten a child or struck a woman? We say, 'He is no man. What do we say of the traitor who sells his country to the foe? We say, 'He is no man'. Something tells us that a man who could do such things as this is 'no-man'.
