Reading Comprehension (Seen)
1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
A. Choose the right alternative to complete the following sentences:
(i) The Cat rakes the guest in- (c) leg
(ii) The Cat is particularly civil to- (a) guest
(iii) The Cat gingerly receives it- (b) bit of fish
(iv) The guest wants to kick the Cat out of the- (d) window
(v) The family member sits down together when it is time for- (d) tea
B. State whether the following statements are True and False. Write "T" for True and "F" for False statements with supporting statement/phrase(s):
(i) The Cat is particularly uncivil to the guest at the table - F (The Cat is particularly civil to the guest.)
(ii) The Cat gingerly receives the bit of fish from the guest - T ("The Cat gingerly receives it with a look in his eyes.")
C. Complete the following sentences:
(i) Stroking the cat makes the Cat feel tired.
(ii) The cat rakes the guest in the leg.
(iii) That the cat wants the guest to give him something to eat.
2. Read the poem and answer the questions given below:
A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
(i) The Poet hears the call of (d) the running tide.
(ii) "The white clouds flying" indicates (a) the sky will be clear.
(iii) The Poet wants to live a life of (b) a gypsy.
(iv) The wind on the Sea is like a whetted-(c) knife.
B. Answer the following questions:
(i) Title for the poem: "A Sea Voyage"
(ii) What does the poet ask for during his sea voyage?
The poet asks for a windy day, a star to steer the ship, a merry yarn from a fellow-rover, and a quiet sleep after the voyage.
Reading Comprehension (Unseen)
3. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
A. Tick the right answer:
(i) Kanadpriya is an alumnus of- (b) Presidency College
(ii) Treena Basu is professor of- (c) Mathematics
(iii) The number of children supported financially by the couple is (b) 120
(iv) Occidental College is located at- (c) USA
(v) KanadPriya is a Professor of- (c) Artificial Intelligence
(vi) Khanpur is in the district of- (d) Hooghly
B. State whether the following statements are True or False. Write "T" for True and "F" for False statements with supporting phrases or statement:
(i) Vivekananda Siksha Prakalpa is a formal learning assistance programme - F (It is a non-formal learning assistance programme.)
(ii) The Mira Basu Educational and Charitable Trust was started to support the privileged section of the society - F (It was started to support underprivileged children.)
C. Answer the following questions:
(i) Who is Mira Basu?
Mira Basu was the mother of Kanadpriya Basu, and the foundation named after her supports underprivileged children.
(ii) What does the Programme aim at?
The Programme aims to develop underprivileged children holistically and prevent school drop-outs.
(iii) How does Kanadpriya want to immortalise his mother?
Kanadpriya wants to immortalise his mother by supporting the education of underprivileged children in her name.
(iv) Which stands as an obstacle to meeting education goals?
Poverty stands as an obstacle to meeting education goals.
Section-B Grammar and Vocabulary
4. Fill up the blanks with the correct alternative:
Amit Roy, who is a brilliant student, has been suffering from fever for a month. Her family has no money to consult with a doctor. A kind-hearted man came forward to help her with medical treatment.
5. Do as directed:
A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate article or preposition:
Smoking is injurious to health; it takes away the lives of thousands of people every year who die of respiratory problems. The production of smoking materials must be stopped immediately.
B. (i) Sujata is the best dancer in the school. (Change into comparative degree).
Sujata is better than any other dancer in the school.
(ii) They will have finished the work by the time. (Change the Voice)
The work will have been finished by them by the time.
(iii) The teacher says, "Obey your parents." (Change the mode of narration)
The teacher advises us to obey our parents.
C. Replace the underlined words with appropriate form of phrasal verbs:
(i) Netaji could not put up with the rudeness of the British.
(ii) We must lay by something for the future.
(iii) We should not look down on the poor.
6. Read the questions No. 3 and find from the text, the meanings of the words which mean the following:
(i) a former student of a particular educational institute - Alumnus
(ii) relating to the countries of the West - Occidental
(iii) Difficulty that must be overcome - Hurdle
(iv) a set of related activities with a particular long-term aim - Programme
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